EXTRA 100 Questions interview with Jinbao and Que Siming
**One Hundred Husband Questions – The Loveliest of All!**EXMFFEGvjpUiZYZDlaFEeWIEyXyXth
nwvQUutLLbONpgq**Interviewer: Lao Qian**GQpQwhmyVqoAwvUatKYRafFcjglElS
EPNtseJeBcqGNbv**1. What’s your name?**cudEumTHXHISBUFskTVQbuCmKtAPWP
TXVwZtBXcldlyWzQue Siming: Yue Siming.EkBrMKzpWXYNiBZvKXKmYujcHSrPVi
WnLotXPhFNSapaTJinbao: My name is Wang Erhu.qJajBAgiqtLfOwPbCBaFAvtqhjaypp
mEwMxSreqUgdWBMLao Qian: Wait, that doesn’t seem right. What is it exactly?gnyOxjnRsouYZsSdbzlpPXANLatoGF
DpsPJoDIYVNPfzKQue Siming: I’ve taken my master’s surname, Que, now. Originally, I changed it to sound similar but use different characters to avoid being hunted by the court.DfyqqfgjzNrbtjLCAfJpQowgKUilud
usobNLEjmUchTqLJinbao: My birth name really is Wang Erhu. Jinbao was a name given to me when I was sold to the Jin household by the master.zSTPptkZaIUpFxviMBbcuLOuKvniuR
IWmpWHAXXRhYhuj**2. Your gender?**KITSIxsbcefRHmIqnMYKqKRHivVyjz
KLwQEkmzryLKhQyQue Siming glances sideways.pRwWXiFhLJifHJKJKGVyKbpKlVcWgd
TTaOZJnQfgIDvRWJinbao: Can’t you see for yourself?HmTLbgWpepTJmZgHuBobFfByPWNFiB
wqvokEcaFyCYbPN**3. What’s your personality like?**JZbJCoQzrkbRXOqQYZlWyRoaiFCkBV
VsQwYjeGQWzqjooQue Siming: Handsome, dashing, a perfect gentleman, and a master of both literature and martial arts.BfejOXGwzzNLTTzVjmNSbcEQnibarp
XFQXOGGQwaiDIxpLao Qian: == I meant personality.ykXcXmASNxFNJzsSRuKJHTTtGRZTOK
xUtlKOGDZZqCdWFJinbao: I think a person should be honest, trustworthy, and kind at heart.nQiCGszCzcQpnkEeHpRQiOUefDIIfN
xASrIJANxNpYPQJ**4. How would you describe the other person’s personality?**ndRszHqcHIEgUCJyzwCXhqvmAyxIzn
VAXFssGFIhQCzmLQue Siming: Dumb as a rock.CtTTIkIFWweIYICpPpwnUehaRspjpH
wRxQpVTqqwXDqurJinbao: What did you just say?! You may be clever, but sometimes you’re morally crooked…KHJXeWkDYWsiPKUvDMMLgaduIOItyZ
WqgetojfFmzOltWQue Siming: How am I crooked? Is your butt itching for trouble?BauaArfVQbZNRQzJyvpNjTozxfUUMH
OGllgKKwsCYfLLrLao Qian: We’re still a long way from the explicit questions, so calm down.KaXCIvTmUhTgVOkcCqWVMygQDaTQrq
WwjZoTTNBMkhEvs**5. When and where did you two first meet?**wXGslcNQLHxhyoCnErLpiGkoixSeSr
HBjMZToAQWaQmXhQue Siming: I was five years old, back at my family home in Huaixi. He crawled into my estate through a dog hole.bkHFHOkAxHFvuueqEgxflSUfzVzMpv
wVUwRZKUEecJOWmJinbao: Yeah, as soon as I poked my head through, he was waiting there to knock me out cold.VveQZCHyudkCsKNPPTcwQpKLfrHhdh
FaELzBhGadqliOFQue Siming, surprised: You still remember that?gAmaBkslmMHCPnCTEyhandqGvyEtap
CWvSERoDbCdrqkjJinbao: How could I forget you hitting me with a stick?ftbKFGlkHPeTGatfIYmLURereqeyox
WTkVEZlvTKzpkki**6. How did you get to know each other?**fIdHOscJgCVdDpmWDeMYroIqOlDODq
GvMBGcNFsfZRalXQue Siming: I was bored, so I kept him around to play with me.ixLpIRUcrVgMvbrgNWEbBOlavJMOPM
pZQTYFsZezuDcOLJinbao: Well, that’s how we got to know each other…dAgFBBzMyGgJHBGayQyBtLBDTnnpcg
GgFbOIZQtIyVOJx**7. What was your first impression of each other?**JyPhcTtbNNhVWgihJHzDeKaicYrzPz
rEsCVIusXZHPtwdQue Siming: Filthy.lFPqOGIkJalCdzCTLuoVlgvNvhovAp
sGEuNJQWznsbmIjJinbao: … Like a little fairy.GyGtSwgxRjQMcEoAflauLOnulWxeaJ
qtACdnbMYuWeNft**8. What do you like most about the other person?**kMFNyxcWvazysbIvnfoUwGphrewavX
iJAcvgnhMnfnNjIQue Siming: Tasty.eFSeYvgKMQjwelsPUDpYPOXwdpYRzz
srgdYJbUkkvgaPDJinbao blushes: It’s hard to say…KnRZaSchBIkziZJvwUcLwwnHdLKzEs
HFFCfzhvIquptCAQue Siming: What’s so hard about it? I’ve got so many praiseworthy qualities—just pick a few!nIMgGBmTMgOKWqhNrpcvmkcjHqRCap
bVKDacVbBPNtsvQJinbao continues blushing: R-really, it’s hard to put into words…DpBvDRpZBILphPmKwGgTFcRYjBMRvU
FRWPZfCamnHYgTPQue Siming smirks: Let me answer for him—he likes my nightly enthusiasm and my gallant prowess in bed…lEMjVyxebtlBnRXawXbZLJRfuQwkZE
ZsyfBvTKEVheEWpJinbao glares: Get lost!BciMUaqmAwCXAyHlvPkFUWhBSJpSeN
mVssxlLiAVILDly**9. What do you dislike most about the other person?**JCebVPngEGRJawIvCBMSCcrycysoLD
qKpaOFjEUyrnPrHQue Siming: He’s a bit too stubborn.uBIzrkPMUiVtkjRGXzbvIjIwhURtnX
MsrkhBPSlHSyYXbJinbao: He’s unreasonable, or when he is right, he won’t let it go. Sharp-tongued and hard to get along with.SjcSeIaAKFcUyZOuPlTAaiyysWuAbZ
ngzyAVkHugtyqZEQue Siming: Oh, you’re really pushing it now.FuVxoHtuVzIBOimueQOrBpIZBZsMJw
AkZvYpIAaQZcftkJinbao: I’m just telling the truth.rYTaNuzHDGPUHlIDwZYvBsStQYyNxl
uMeeyNGAkgCtyzy**10. Do you think you two are compatible?**HuZXDHpgtldcsNgWlQtWJzVZSQLkfU
BBTnDwoswwXjFdSQue Siming: Hell no. He never compliments me.gRKCFGzgIUNmtHyhmWvvKXsmdnjTFT
aTcnGggXbHcHRavJinbao: Well… we manage.oaCecKEvVoKHdOgYcmLxuXHYBmdHIL
vTHKKdPCQOOwlBY**11. What do you call each other?**dLUSMfCYZYfmtsMFdMbxYpcQXqaZeO
iaRqLdbloAoBSRCQue Siming: Little Tiger.czwzVrJKHMvXqqxeYevOAsbvMHQYxW
adWRzljvdMYwVvSJinbao: Que Siming.XKDXhODaJxVyzNDZEoSDrlcabdkVsJ
tVjkhcvPAWUBJjXLao Qian: That’s not very passionate, is it?MdbrcWExhdFxSHBgUoKpnAukKvRjOu
DmwncHUkhqKFKik**12. What do you wish the other would call you?**iVkQagUWdOdAnoHDvzuhSGjYQNvmVQ
EOfrOYLKZzisxmcQue Siming: Husband, sweetheart, darling.uvzrBGobKIBUskmeWSrCOTiOvrnWZa
PWtpsEQsCKpQAnMJinbao: Just call me Little Tiger.GKzonnHGKPMEKTiWgeWYrkASKpGBWh
CRrIbNRLOexyTnq**13. If the other person were an animal, what kind of animal would they be?**XHpasuShWRppPBmJoamSwvTaidvgNM
PJFirPWMTFSJxLLQue Siming: A little dog—dumb, clumsy, and easy to please.ruZrMqgmRYPeJisCEigXhtwiPKzRCx
erbmWzSGXmbtROEJinbao: A vicious, sinister beast, like a wolf.jzWTkkddIsgNYWHFZkSGxgVhUFHPLL
sfsJAiPzYckiEHs**14. What would you give the other person as a gift?**gEMbIUMsgvLmHNotUefgiaraYLgYfh
nFThMkYbnvIvnSQQue Siming: I wouldn’t bother—keeping him well-fed down there is better than any gift.bzGKcuTrMvPPmMxcUCcWGNOXvnmPCb
xKjrBIcdSEgtTaBLao Qian: Ahem, let’s stay civil.dnnvFgmbWdDpFgJlICoDdzQVTQERTP
QWyzATrNOtBNEbTJinbao: He doesn’t need any gifts. Dealing with his endless demands every day is already enough work.awmUjtEqNLPLarpRKWytakVLygNERj
PwvNGbfGRcwawCm**15. What would you like to receive as a gift from the other person?**qMKmuNZKjXXvKVtPhACgcqtSTmLQJl
JybVEMJKKzjINkuQue Siming: It’d be nice if he could be a little wilder.RjNzCRNuMdjcekdqCEKssJgrERRyFf
xjBaGGCJHjapJGXJinbao: Just let me rest for a few days.idDqLOCywxdSYWidtRAWcBxudJmeQS
UkSjKuzDNHCAMBS**16. Are you dissatisfied with the other person? How so?**RQasGBdKUHeLnKYzSYfLLfltmwHajT
npqueaUflBhLVYJQue Siming: He’s becoming more disobedient.ZHbEWdZjapRPbRXBIXUSospNJTiMfM
ZtKvTnQyxIzCKGHJinbao: He’s a bit clingy, which can be annoying.OOdQqptJsTKxzImRsLvPlaZPWLUqMJ
tFdPQJjwyocQxde**17. What’s your hobby?**vSQZKEppyOuigXConMbTAIjSULdWHe
hoeqbpNqFDxfQuRQue Siming: Him.TnrCaCEEtWAHyLGDwbqgstJcvxLCAu
UGbEIPmrwuIoUkHJinbao: Recently, I’ve found fishing to be quite fun.cQuEHUMxFXZgOqaPdbNFnexPqvbtbk
QEGqgulzTslEhCm**18. What’s the other person’s hobby?**fPfDTMBmJFLfFJVyjibvDiLbIZeUVP
EcpckcEbFLKdRLEQue Siming: He likes to buy cheap, useless stuff. Small-minded and meddlesome.UjjOXbqwlPnZJezMwyWOfYqCWuEqAi
bmAtSCHMDhnxAQSJinbao: His hobby is tormenting others.yoKSBuDUDvlFnsIAmVBrLXLprJhNVc
bokzSjJAembMtOZ**19. What’s your biggest flaw?**LVDbwRDOOrnmguNbzajCFCpRtqEyUF
bnjKAAuvTSdwTdVQue Siming: I’m just strict with myself and others.SQDJIqMFNIVrovBpGXFTmHUuBibZrs
CdQgOqRdwfJuLtlJinbao: … I wish I were smarter.xDEVhtXYaqHBmvTzBdUxLDyULMyMnY
XjeLaUBbtXYhrYE**20. What do you hate most about what the other person does?**TLgScAmwUrkxXlVhBFLTygZcMqEvCg
BsimaYRJJxTOAavQue Siming: Saying “no”—“no,” “I can’t,” “I won’t,” “I don’t want to.” It gets on my nerves.NEwPYlOxNzCyibLDtsBcGotHcPovWi
pxFWpFkbacBlTZNJinbao: When he just won’t stop once he starts.GmcaXPyslbEeRAtQehwUXqiEDsdoSw
JYCnVuWvUOpxKaC**21. What would make the other person angry?**OUeUMpibrMQpFcaQNulPvtPqiLwxgj
ZYixMAvlYqMfirLQue Siming: The usual stuff married couples do. Why get mad over that? Seriously.wyWVAzVutLSOMSHZJalYRuSiHRMicv
BZLMFUkwploJpXQJinbao: I just want to sleep, but he won’t let me.HbrOwPyBTjEZVnUMyXrJlbHCWksFlU
jdLHeHiqtstwypH**22. What’s the current status of your relationship?**AdrWlKfPuXtZTFufQVSIKUmjrenIdM
YjiBrllkbkVPNwfQue Siming: We’ve had a wedding. What do you think?kyjuPhMZDSantVNruayMYJKmIIzIVw
ailVMacgeOYWmogJinbao: Yeah, we… we’re married.CHiqXKtYABAmZbYHhmRWTmKxMbEDpw
jcXEODzZWDdCJIV**23. Where was your first date?**vQbvRZWhhGmwmHlPnblSrRJFmxpZWI
ibdPQkHqbOjwwxhQue Siming & Jinbao: A date? What’s that?FjIALgSKSUspmfwgVbqJRhEmAoNBeG
WjgAGVUZLiCjgocLao Qian: (crying internally) Yet another non-starter question…
**24. What was the atmosphere like at the time?**JJASEYZfuxyZFisvCtBWmDDpyLjplY
Que Siming: There’s always tension between us.xDMhBeveuCLPvmQDwpLnenuYegsigC
nhKHdrAaAJToFvnJinbao: I agree with that.SeiqZjgRCxWizKjuHmrABRTImfveoc
IFZkBvIFqjCGxDX**25. How far had things progressed at that point?**gFGuzoKTxpQetavScUceDSYTYmrLHx
fORAAKodnATgEzhQue Siming frowns: What kind of question is this? Skip it.TIZcGDwUIKysLImUuohODtuZGQLhJA
IPFySEkxwfSFWaMJinbao, looking confused: I don’t get it either.ZMyTqktamMFpCKPTfrVQGmecMLATRn
KKuQlDzKoyNuKPN**26. Where do you usually go on dates?**jcrZexYqqUkISfnBSmqIlbjaBFiBkW
lpNKwIPchBgYhdJQue Siming looks like he’s about to explode.FdNPKMXCFkhEQhGVKUdPMyBQQOKnmm
vXBokGwKJaDuLuvJinbao grabs his sleeve: Don’t get angry over everything.VTfFMDIsctXVJKIvfFOqfoWfQqqMfK
zsgnYyfgZNYmhRB**27. What do you do for the other person’s birthday?**udbpTmeXbzXrLUwIdSAnOotRAYYcwd
xpxyCQKQMMHYvqdQue Siming: I don’t even know when your birthday is. What do you want to do?GTIopaYGMRFfSIdDWnzmSwAHpiZmxA
YtcWZJAEnAaRvbCJinbao: I don’t know either… Maybe just cook a few extra dishes?fbwQRJbgUsQybMURiqMiDnUDOrnaFe
offBxtdeUjGnaGxQue Siming: How boring. Why don’t we do it on the roof?sNgTvpiYVjINcWzosmFGIuzVWzbWnB
KDkZmAZQjIcaNHLJinbao: Go to hell.LiIcEpMGOrlhuHvVTrlQrDbuEdZVAv
WeDvkqxvJptucmHQue Siming: How about on my birthday then?juzTIaLBZBpPfIRjbRuEIHBMiByEqf
poocAEruwCLnjjMJinbao: Screw off!zwVIZPWCMrBPjTUkBOFVVtmRpgWqKM
oyoSUPbRoRkUOaV**28. Who confessed their love first?**xWkbZWdKgxrXCQMphfuoIgEDiyWSIa
gDtgUeOgajnreKqQue Siming: He did.jwogAwGrstRlXURqEqhHkwHIKmAIch
LOSJNUgIgfloTwyJinbao blushes: When we were kids, I think I was the first to say it.JswkrLBKsiCDiPJihvmrHtjtbvOWZN
DWkIFKHTyWvrLmP**29. How much do you like the other person?**LhiZlrGDAkTlRQKWhBqzqFfYHWgROw
VCDEzMKLakBCcNDQue Siming glares: Who do you think you are, asking me this? Lao Qian starts sobbing again.qIfzgLYxBAIfpdyeOUuatlGBJOkPMu
ChNGwPIsaVPAeYfJinbao’s face turns redder.gDYgmhLkCJcXEfjbNuGgoAyDDwIfjo
iGyAtrQXSHzWsbZ**30. Do you deeply love the other person?**TxzpDdXdtLYCCqczKSNDugkcDLmmCh
RFDdVQRhFwPSoGBQue Siming snorts, turns his head away arrogantly.LLXlmObPJgUfQPXsjOQkYDQUeKCbND
OkKyEpRFOwXOPLjJinbao’s face could drip blood as he lowers his head in embarrassment.nfebkOQHMbDGbVjdXwaIEvwtYZjIsq
IYkYIIKyYXRGlBU**31. What are you most afraid of the other person saying?**geMEYLndpWBGTlJSfOHEMQCmbTkMCL
qwwLlBcXItrUyOeQue Siming: I’m not afraid of anything he says.uwZCccRwMRVxWBFfoaXhEtLyvgdSrs
SKDZsZpbsVgqJuVJinbao: Not… enough…nuMYwTtOSsXFswGzHITHaBHvGSpOIk
LCPGThhTXhXFNeR**32. What would you do if you suspected the other person of cheating?**VbcERtaENtqVAMDXWoceRorIrWcOUE
ovWlJJNpdYtgeaSQue Siming’s eyes widen: He wouldn’t dare. I’d castrate him.diZawdtbSaoGWfrxRBnKahDtKRfHww
pFVowPcAprTeVcYJinbao: I wouldn’t let it go either. I’d beat him to death.BsITcCnLLmKUdNXVqSHMMIMGwXvgVv
aYVBVYavBpGRkQK**33. Could you forgive the other person for cheating?**tqfjMQWDenShBibACtpTckcbzXgLkb
mkWvIwjNaXLCsgTQue Siming: I’d castrate him.cAfVnxSgOFspCwekzpwvnRvucATpMR
rGSvyWlDHGavUBlJinbao: No way.uKDTjPrYHDSUKAdcLmKOayuQLzheaC
JvZbJUgxTZTUQTN**34. If the other person was an hour late for a date, what would you do?**MHfxFFIEizuoGBmzEKBMmngydMbRXr
nTdrdQcfyNlnXIa**35. What’s your favorite part of the other person’s body?**SWKmTphzTsMAdgyEhanIetEbilKbeP
ItGpkQrldJoYTUZQue Siming: Everywhere, but especially down there…ThQxKcyIjulhQzsDPxzxVAFpIMMLqe
qVzCiLnSqHHqcNpJinbao covers his mouth: His eyes, his eyes!NzoHHzIISVszLttlNSdxaTythLlTDN
EbovWayEHdsZZGj**36. What makes the other person sexy?**MtQfEMzrjzhXdcDasPoyCwpTGmAVvL
RcFXJcjOUlmpcqKQue Siming: He doesn’t even have to do anything, and he still drives me wild.HzopecPoSkgkKVpPHwRerNMJirqFYA
GopCrwZyTvAaKOIJinbao: He’s really good-looking.jgBQqxGXXJTYNTtCeGkKXIeaaumXew
QZPBSaVaVZPBzvt**37. When does your heart race because of the other person?**ASlQqfdrcutIvuFWJelppJrBZqgnnG
NCrucWGLaXdITtkQue Siming: When he takes the initiative.pYWdGvYTtZqnmmcSgsieHDFVtLSVMi
LLHRGpuYPuzpROeJinbao: When he’s being gentle.nvZgIFHifqhJplLdYPlDDinzKMlMcC
SjPSqaTgsJIrnyq**38. Would you lie to the other person? Are you good at lying?**fMsvIBpwDpqedqbAyyJzSmrwhTBIgA
JDFXkrPshjBtTscQue Siming: Why would I lie to him?LDfYReZKLXCnMNgPNkGFNdLmIvwrdD
ZJYdJbgrcKPuCLvJinbao glares: You’ve lied plenty of times—hardly anything that comes out of your mouth is true. I wouldn’t lie.fLXesozpNrswJXoHaQoLrLLukZtEPa
osqqLPhlZrAQZhe**39. When do you feel happiest together?**JSdqpOJeTUcpKeFgMnBcHvVbmUMyTw
jFZrUTTGPdFEngjQue Siming: When we’re doing *that*.GHXWmFrSvRiSxdTjoDwSDQOoKUpEem
BcBkhCebLEXfALIJinbao, blushing: Just seeing him is enough.YiPZLvFYHjztYPPdkMFgKJctqbtmRG
acCdOPwvOhiIIEc**40. Have you two ever argued?**lSkREXIWJQpDrgBFPGibZSmXIYgVXj
mVlhutyfijNBqncQue Siming: Almost every day.cLJqGXdiUuhvwNwracjJsjgwesEkms
pVOxXgyLBLuKdxhJinbao: Yeah, we argue almost every day, and every few days we end up fighting. Our personalities don’t really match.zJthSNTxKnIMEpYvFPlMGGgtiULTeQ
oHaoOuwqAERqhOP**41. What do you argue about?**VPsvczpInHzCMffSefSQSqAAvUdcMk
bYAWLdWeFHaJkNBQue Siming: He gets upset over every little thing, constantly picking fights.elqVOyhsMAQyIYaNmVsXFamAlFxwWM
xPlkjfUvedpWpvUJinbao: Is that me picking fights? I ask you not to make things difficult for the servants, not to test medicine on people, not to bully kids, and not to keep me up all night. You’re clearly in the wrong—I can’t just stand by and let you do the wrong thing.ZWYIUWEODxmjKEhMwuRQUJlHlZtxMG
XbdVVCIYRcULljhQue Siming, unimpressed: You’re always meddling.UOYmsOqEdyYHBKaIBGhnorHTCkJiNM
uRscwRWlucWssdL**42. How do you make up after a fight?**VQwptZasJxOEkZiAszsXltXkKiuFjV
jWceheykVOfWunCQue Siming: We sleep it off.QmKHZqIzxHVpreEOaItaxjKeOwrrlt
ktUNaVAgJNjiVPPJinbao, blushing: That’s true. I can’t really do anything with this scoundrel.CVGPEpvnFdZtHxqXvXQLNErNHYUPEP
QzIqVNaOUiucHMz**43. Would you want to be lovers in the next life too?**VygzamTSEjtsXnlesLmhGZdkGpfGTI
qzjvnWWyjtengLcQue Siming: Forget it. I’ve had enough of him in this life—I’ve been stifled long enough.lBKlmuTzZgMVNcmACsxdTKSzpGUdCn
LfFPdDbPpvsCHoxJinbao: If the next life is this exhausting, I’d rather not be reincarnated at all.
**44. When do you feel loved?**CgPCVubMFOMeJypdiUiTWZfAsedwIP
Que Siming: He actually cares a lot about me… even when he’s angry, he still comes back to me.LbhtZNZKgElXhXOTvaRkswMBEXSSdS
uljWOemGkXmCsRXJinbao: He’s always protecting me, even though he doesn’t say it out loud.HykfWSbLFFLmuuZnoCzLARXEVADIKc
MJzRAWqYcsahlJq**45. When do you feel like the other person might not love you anymore?**geNaqNvsgCIyuQIqyMBsfNDFGNbZqZ
mOeVnhRhjqUorRRQue Siming: I won’t give him that chance.nQdxnDCDusgIgEBYoaSxrrGQxrQCJH
uQKWKhxhEkbvIaYJinbao: Maybe if he didn’t cling to me every day…ZmkmPurYoysgXElMOzHVvDxMEFMjhA
lfzLxQeiDIqaqDw**46. How do you express your love?**MFROGlLJpgaNqRBoiEkaHEsfxBSQTi
VeMVgPrePAMIWrvQue Siming: By making him feel like he’s in heaven and hell at the same time.ScjRzmeNsbnGImvjYfEDEhSwhyDlbE
fLFnpHHRjiJbrMpJinbao: You jerk! Can’t you stop being so vulgar when you talk?BlImoQLCzhtximzOzTJWkazQMAxikl
vmmPtZHnUfVFZMIQue Siming, dismissively: That’s just how I am. What about you? How do you show your love? Because I sure don’t feel it.MOMGUGWznmdNZCFjUXJkuUZKNZDjTY
GvhGneOEjSbyQjnJinbao: I—I’m always trying to fix your twisted personality!jlXSbyYqIJtVrkSeZqxdLYqqtenYXc
GWQddZxKqAyxWMk**47. What kind of flower suits the other person?**fUhTUBFTctNDJoJPRMMwpJIbYLTLmj
AEDIOIcQUuwuMlnQue Siming: I’m not interested in that girly stuff.xXFUjOAHHmbXqwCnqpiYvwbvuiZrzT
WqqBpjJCkcAyPZuJinbao scratches his head: I don’t know much about flowers, but I’d say a peony—it’s both vibrant and beautiful.DskUUfBNqICbynCIYEGYyJXPkonZyG
tFZuUUPDWXKZqGj**48. Is there anything you’re hiding from each other?**YMwIaxhIXfWsoTlcdoNwfQTcabovmO
XhDFxaCrqAzmjaFQue Siming: If it’s a secret, why would I tell you?NElGZRyhylIthYwlSZiWWXQQIBfUGo
ODkZFVNwJdyZJkiJinbao: Nope, he can always figure it out anyway.ebmmKHzeaOCJnJVmvOSxqHXacoDymt
wfmYkIdkJwHagmZ**49. Is your relationship public or secret?**PyDdHChlnuBdbqrwWbDyCihQytPDZX
RlwQoUiyYlzDAcgQue Siming: Everyone knows.zPisFTfuKhBpFnysIObgJwmMcsCbXX
cfhPbggvfLzzCASJinbao: Everyone knows.iXdKpMNKrBdcsMlMtlKbEWCEODLBgq
zPHeENolaqYXKxo**50. Do you believe your love will last forever?**HpMMflgqSxUOwAzezytYBwFvZikFSW
fuVrxloNXaBgdsYQue Siming: At least in this lifetime, I’m not letting him go.GQAFXtfTGCuIjTtDvqzqIpxGTNoUEZ
AUyuIQKRLRWpGZZJinbao: I’ll take responsibility for him until the end.MTqivJpcpRkMJTwcxNkVyQbjCSCzTX
QkaAJvCXsgrBynU**Now, onto the explicit questions, in true Lao Qian fashion. Please make sure no one is watching.**PBJzOmpjiBNglZOixUVYlfVadyDBcY
WUNyjpKXOqEzCbn**51. Are you the top or the bottom?**uYwWYbFJOUMJXJKlLqoONokBQNpJNV
simtogRFLyLBErBQue Siming: Obviously, I’m on top.IDgveFLwxDnSNppuQtzUegMlgStCIO
VajgDIPDsDnXDOIJinbao pouts in silence.gwoRYRGEtRfxSZZcEybPEGClvPNNxK
zZsmWpCozECgEeG**52. How was that decided?**gzcPlBHNYkbIQnNfyqOlSZGHydKrug
xCCRESjkqxqoQJoQue Siming: He can’t beat me in a fight.LmQCbRdjIUnmjISnDYPLqIVJDduXdF
xdpkggTdJBNWjecJinbao: That’s just how it started… I didn’t want it at first, but I couldn’t overpower him.dGlyqVWKiyxhyXMIUbeSOBPRgQHfxy
jApJVebddJOIpir**53. Are you satisfied with this arrangement?**zDNoXFsgyIIcOjJEWSZTyPUxMhcXoG
WgbalTfzaXXHWJvQue Siming: Very satisfied.pcwjHSIpyiluergfJcSLthPWgMfdnE
nuQSgGtSUHSNOgKJinbao: Well, since it’s how things are now, and we both agreed, I guess I’m okay with it.usMGVpWUfhFFslPhmlWlhYXpFVeZDz
qYvNoGmazWbhijJ**54. Where did it happen for the first time?**iaegnwSPXzaGKuukcxgTsfJNJyXUfL
rkhDamWHjLzSjjiQue Siming: Dali.dyCCVpttriJLjjSxCxDfbcvUjdGLOU
JkoZMlkdaUQuwvlJinbao: In Dali, at the Su family estate, in his room.MVGpwUEcddAMRECpSqUzrRpCIhluza
hjmzncypntUxacY**55. What were your thoughts at the time?**lFceZpGPWZiFQOuyKDlScTwiQkXaiR
HFtpHoWcCHDZQiTQue Siming: It was amazing, especially when he started crying.yAgsMFkGEvmQlYiLMDHwKTZlpDwmPA
BVawEsVfvtcWQFpJinbao: It hurt, I didn’t want it, and I wanted to bite him to death.szFrSHmBWcWrSbvEgHcOPnMxeOIUUX
WgLauGUvpusiIMiLao Qian whispers: Isn’t that basically rape?GKPhHRQkhFLeiBkODAcUTcfCgnlxje
riGnUGoYMrSUMAvQue Siming glares: What did you just say?fhhuOXaqJvJvPRwFPbCNHpeOUSJmSe
aWYbDZnMQjvaeUK**56. How was the other person during that time?**AbuVUroNMzeJAJJbDeLEsOnXpTqxQi
DmZsJwoHiIVCFZkQue Siming: He wasn’t too willing at first, but in the end, he still came.tilADwwrPfEgYiFVxstxQQEIVWtlMO
PpJjDRQyTQcCntDJinbao: Like a ghost, a pervert, terrifying.SbosVsrzHCxjgMpKinYijPEGKzUVqi
YXQSoaBfxHUWQmg**57. What was the first thing said the morning after the first night?**tYZyIHRfBaglFholzsJrNXfORUGRnX
LgMhxuhjSnQKpVrQue Siming: When I got back the next day, he had already run off.ewHdvPnMwuCUnkdSIVOaYBMrGIgekd
ojfTPPoKrZPPQWTJinbao: I ran away.wccpkdWZMymlYzBeNjvxPQgKDdIoPj
dNwdOrKtMolZgSo**58. How many times a week do you do it?**JXjKSwZnpgUKetNJpuRNZbLFZOlWBq
XpxELQFrLHpmukKQue Siming: As long as he doesn’t put up too much resistance, we do it almost every day.uxPucmEWRbstOoJLWWtrxGgDQOeJbq
YirKHWLxZvkZkEtJinbao: How could I not resist?!musGSvZmMmxvvdHcuEdzsVcdgzZlDa
AISDdiEwYpzvmXh**59. What’s your ideal number of times per week?**aqClzoEPKgtVNPEXFQNPOCjHKmUxOy
ioIUmhkHklczIdEQue Siming: Ideally, every day.HPfrEPvtQgzYYOpjnpuTWUYZjSOzrp
iBMNOJoNGpOHJfIJinbao: I think twice, maybe three times at most.mmpRiOLJwaCijoTLJPSHZhFzMFpVMO
zrbWmgPOvFeadZJ**60. What kind of “H” is it?**LQuThoFVWlCihVrJFXdKuEfnJocqYb
TxjDrJEuCMIcwGVQue Siming: What do you mean?yjNVpxvrGxuAmggziajvDHijoJBbMV
GSzEngkOYrHnWoQLao Qian: You know, *that* kind of thing.uElTQJRvHDqrmZfnBRWyXXXMEKoLVS
naapXSeyVXoOMOYQue Siming: Oh, with him, I can forget everything else.moexMJBQlDkknifVmdoPSvePacTXkE
poFXaDXveXujErYJinbao: I’m usually out of it, barely conscious.BbAoSttdMQjnmkkskopeGxMOhDPjUY
YHguhvsjtQISCiT**61. Where are you most sensitive?**pDRAetKxVMHWYztzqhLPniTZEbwVUR
sZZUtVrAutnRudoQue Siming: Anywhere he touches becomes sensitive.HHxlUumFfFogZvKcGMPXiUCcbseMll
BAGyzhBTWewcrYQJinbao: I’m not really sure… but he seems to know where to touch.wTFCrfYdcOCDKVaHsZYjJYnZSChAEo
MEJopWRXUgBubaD**62. Where is the other person most sensitive?**gxrmvepFlvXtoLwLJEluaZjiUIicPh
bXFzamJKJgzYOJvQue Siming: His neck, inner thighs, waist.nEFlxmdXroDxCKnmwqJvyUvIjGjbRX
bqqUuqATEboBnVlJinbao: When I kiss him, he gets really excited, so it must be his mouth.xETlFnqyRKfuZbEnNGbNbRTblePNbo
NYonQpedntMfPpXQue Siming: I get excited because you rarely take the initiative.sClxIemkuOnyPWJHLVsknDfUqofPXk
UlddwkDwHxZPtMsJinbao: Oh…fypvSVBiRaZPTCzTcxmQsniatCGfBj
EFFHbnZKyLxukrvQue Siming: Can’t you say something more than “oh”? Like, “I’ll take the initiative more often from now on”?rQvlSuFEvkxwviPYFwqBKZQZlyVkqu
FMCMOFSitLgPYMbJinbao: If I take the initiative, you’d torment me all night long. No way!zsEKNIwvEsnNORGaJcoFraeXFkXTuW
kEojKivnJqFrEKx**63. What do you want to say about the other person during “H”?**tXYcdpqdjZmgtVTlGRxuxfvVrRvoJD
nZdxhyDncHcNRwxQue Siming: His moaning sounds great. He doesn’t need to hold it in anymore.QbGaeOLWZlbsIvviwofdhmeKilqKmf
XXiSGQfuSgpTTbUJinbao: I like seeing your face during that time…xaXsWPmENhVvmEEthMIATpHupYeCjA
dnTDpiePByJdDHD**64. Do you like “H” or dislike it?**WJcKRpyZyZMGqZbbgPMpPKCjsqobMc
UkhycSypjroAOzcQue Siming: Of course, I like it.GmnbcfqyNsDlAwFAxvOxFXGOtCBKSS
HMiBmpuHzeNhClfJinbao: I… like it…VtkyMxhCDlrZEAHTfjfPPxtUKDddCr
IHOXLcDTBXoHHDt**65. When do you feel the urge for “H”?**fbBddNTWbdCgpfrwhxzSQCHbsZdRFE
YoxfqIbkWtSsihkQue Siming: Anytime.SlEqjYxSPsDKoQGTeFYEcvEqKrtMbY
vDeQNSypeUvGkRRJinbao: When the mood strikes, it just happens naturally.SgYbxOOulKsFTdvTggXtHEjhRBBLGi
MjeEjgXHeVORISK**66. Is there a place you want to try “H”?**bbMYDiqFFyNQpHxtWEooaXFunUFDEC
SvVfXUkgUSPLBKLQue Siming: On the roof, in a tree, and I want to try it on horseback again.wgRvNvnwFQoogRrLRNdAQYaKPqUHar
xzXoGMvXXhXMYqoJinbao: I really like the back mountain of the Medicine Valley.IdeJAFgSOKjaYvzJtUSuqTYxYwipRL
pomZYMDLnZWmvKO**67. Do you shower before or after “H”?**oGEvzJAmETvxNTibgUhzhRdOkQjPgM
cGyvbyKmtcZGfGhQue Siming: Both, or sometimes we shower while doing it.bsYEkesNWhMBzIwuwotZVxtjDCbZws
SsaMvDobFXsYLvQJinbao: It’s usually both, and he helps me clean up afterward.lmxmWOhodvbeHHRADRvTojZtAyPHwe
GgrmTqJGSOELKnH**68. Do you agree on anything before “H”?**LHFVxDBERrQLAluXiCNFuCuEErEzPO
OZmEyrSECZzgBqmQue Siming: He usually bargains with me over how many times.FlkDIWwDEhyMnUlqREvXGfwnjarvqj
VByMCpeQlfDmCnvJinbao: And he always breaks his promises.wVgpjEtOjToBlEtsHgsncjrlPNsKjr
eNXbSptthPefFtH**69. Have you ever done it with anyone other than each other?**DCKdHIIWmbUDviswLSEjkvOfARvKLl
PCszcSOnPFZvkJZQue Siming: I have in the past.eTKwoARjUEXUlTbVCqlGBNQTLkwuFf
dtNZeDwvceHRNzkJinbao: No.etZuqUDCBvjqfYzXIKHcpRqyQwJHUZ
gjhyTLFkVcfDmsyQue Siming, sneering: Otherwise, I would’ve already chopped off Lou Jingyu’s hands.BXcudNOvXfXtDJcWIOSalvTYzYeQDd
sGdAgybjgGnxcvr**70. How do you feel about “No feelings necessary, just physical”?**kauUxbxCVFipHaGPBMisYgroGmannf
nKiODVqmnKRnCtiQue Siming: If he didn’t like me, I’d lock him up and keep doing it anyway. There’s no way he’s leaving me.kPSPlshArbfZIehiKQuuPLZuPCFjGi
LrXzRpZkgnvxoNcJinbao: That’s something only beasts would do!MQEpeCPOYcXwatxzkKfKgdqjKKHnWP
rLEXrbIpBteuuOQQue Siming: Then you’re being done by a beast!nuKckPhFpeIIceiYGZTHHMshyMTgXf
kshvygcoqHvpSvOJinbao, furious, stands up to leave, but Que Siming pulls him into his lap, holding him tightly. “Alright, alright. I was just kidding. You were born to keep me in check.”DTlEOpatGjOvtxcrHYdqwoQRqViSip
oTAIzUzkUMosEAA**71. What would you do if the other person was raped?**VdKfYEkoXrrBnlCDLhBhefgtRVCrdg
ZHnQrNgLEerCEHjQue Siming, face darkening: I’d chop the guy into pieces.XrOsxEZtzxClzpRfEFevnaXSPvPDNY
CRrpIacIjxQENfHJinbao: I’d get revenge for him.KXSVDbFBzAfhRGBfnxIzGPfRUgPYcv
LpLZPdzUkoOlQSz**72. Are you more embarrassed before or after “H”?**fwiaCpeFNjHOjYTxLcWEvXwfNUZhKB
CjSArAoNyBBSyuNQue Siming: He’s my wife. Why would I be embarrassed?mzSdUqEssAughxieqhbLPrEyQGodhL
EhsDZxQXEyUYxlhJinbao: He often does really vulgar things, which are pretty embarrassing.DyTaOFrGIEIduUXOBbukLxigaORxvJ
iuundAeRYBDvMrL**73. If a friend said, “Just for tonight, I’m lonely,” and asked for sex, what would you do?**WAtJgXFAcBKxqfldLhJfIUsHWMkGFe
rrxWSKKypGSGLQpQue Siming: I don’t have friends like that.gOjKbWYdnlZbjwdILAErnlVQjVZPSw
LcvsucVtLAiLmoKJinbao: He basically has no friends, and I don’t have friends like that either.sjKoTQVuLhBidqfRwAwCzMxJZwvaSF
IfjiSUyKWqxOBLjQue Siming: What about Lou Jingyu?YRzLpNNMQxUJqAOEAlGiQLQFOHYgXp
lyRgnHnXxZTVSxnJinbao, speechless: I wouldn’t agree to it, even with him.cMoMFBCBXWZStxLrjhlruiWUeBrhqs
HqBkAFSVIjvWsHB**74. How do you rate your skills?**dKclzDTtsBviGlhPTWPcachddvYkoO
KjbVDHICXmXhVlfQue Siming: He’s always moaning and screaming, and he can even come just from me doing the back. You tell me how good I am.sPkGvGnevEXelVfLsmMHgrBDuzYysn
ADrliVukysfQrzNJinbao glares: Haven’t you said enough already?!ZXtEcAZjpozzGxbiNZZSNHKonRhEBS
DfirQRpNVhTsiea**75. How are the other person’s skills?**oEhrtraZtelOusHtXCsgFMEmeiKkCn
ReIpdYOdWiJFKdmQue Siming: He doesn’t really have any skills, but as long as he spreads his legs and moans, that’s enough.iiKJBKDJnmQzZCDuwxpNMvWLqIyRRQ
dADrVJaGvtrIHAUJinbao, face flushed, glares hard at him.CHLZFigGZYSBJesMnpNfvMAtqoftAm
CqwRPzBbipvrFgc**76. What do you most want the other person to say during “H”?**AQPRZNegqnTtwjtNXtGAEfZFnbzQMh
ZOSlaQRsjvuAPZpQue Siming: Whatever I want him to say, he won’t say.RWSKwwUoZomxkLxrVNvXRJNfTdfKbU
rWkLpFUiaggXrtEJinbao: I just want him to say, “It’s over,” but it’s always a lie.PeTTFkrULydxkHipWSXnKbmGZPSzWU
vsZarNjZNWmPiyj**77. What expression do you most like to see on the other person during “H”?**PovKOjRRGJHSSuFtKOyoDRmXuEawDe
pFFeonwAfklPGXaQue Siming: His crying and begging face.HVjDQjEzHqUcwSYtQJtJFNlNzMcqrg
DiRSuYSjyZIWcozJinbao: His expression when he’s being gentle and kissing me.JyxfdQitRqeSKrGByKHwykLDmjNdll
CtLxVgvYmzxQvdh**78. Is it okay to have sex with someone other than your lover?**gMiPIfOyIYnpHmenrLdzUSWoAlzUlN
HKPCwXvHGCEMWFMQue Siming: I used to have people specifically for that, but I didn’t touch just anyone because it’s dirty. Now that I have him, I definitely wouldn’t touch anyone else.ivjblQbSkzOIBqRWvgbWxqYieybJuO
qCfYCmXejwNcQeMJinbao: No, you should stay faithful.zhJTdptpfOXVJAgrzDqwrluacyLDeq
nvCUAPhxkwFEcZq**79. Are you interested in BDSM or similar things?**lMKHzAbIYcJrkOPMtZfwLkNvsOsLJU
mVurEdMRUYcIaNwQue Siming: What’s that?lyWVjrmyKFjTImblotTZTwZxnmQkVU
ZcoabGphluvriAuLao Qian, wincing: Let me answer for them. Actually, they’ve always had a bit of a BDSM dynamic. One’s an S, the other’s an M—a perfect match.POUxCYZEzeaEjTfwIWjojOsSDDtHGv
zslHBSgpRSNjcDL**80. What if the other person suddenly didn’t want your body anymore?**zvkMrVnHxQjzftXeLnAWnmGlPmXfRC
VGZiAuFtrVOThQEQue Siming: As long as I want his, that’s enough.mafFErnxICRSItMbMGLJpoPZuKIeGh
OuWUuXVseGCKfXIJinbao: That day will probably only come when he’s old or really doesn’t want me anymore.vvNsKbUujKGgQaVaYXXNBNgPNTNvpc
pMnGfclBsRRwbnj**81. What are your thoughts on rape?**FmcuZbzrqkhQNsTRYISKYMOlIjXYuP
hNVLrZOZIMkiDdjQue Siming raises an eyebrow: Skip this.FdrbYJlJKeBbgybjzAKLgMftKODhhs
dPzqGxXKrhjiEPgLao Qian: Yes, sir…TyOPpKNahdVpoeskuZAPpISkWHcpxU
upGKjLzQQLluWyG**82. What’s the most exhausting thing about “H”?**xAxwXoGfzwgepwldMaENVeDOJRhUVn
PwsjkEpkfjssdRqQue Siming: Convincing him to keep going.JeGipyZLlILABvRtqzPEGUvycgvcaL
EGdysnFkNzrKdTjJinbao: Begging him to stop.zMIAvrXGhwyamiltQllPttYwgKecwC
tiBHZJFkwPhaImc**83. Where’s the most thrilling or exciting place you’ve had “H” so far?**pZczkEZRtQnVssguPQxRuwhMyEPCft
TdAlZJKTZdHPKgQQue Siming: Every time is exciting, but thrilling? Little Tiger, we haven’t had enough of those experiences yet, have we?ugyMXsiNdRwXZRZvPahTLrjkOvyFLN
vUjriQKzibOTAFVJinbao: Get lost!TZdPPEjXVLcQwjSpvsTUgzzxkodNnO
hvevNZbAyRvhedK**84. Has the bottom ever initiated?**xPklLEBwsRsqtKrcdkyqRnPGihByIW
TSALFEmIsWjAwUmQue Siming: Almost never.KgoGUUoMfEQBxdaSelVaCfebBkypJZ
HjKCUNdqizuosJw**85. How does the top react when the bottom initiates?**ivSOyDCxybbtpMeQDgPVgljRYqUsVX
aRGlqIOIJQvYuGWQue Siming: Whether he initiates or not, I always get excited.WMzNOBaCrHMoqqEcmfTWicvxZWutfo
XZuGHWIBzZsSosP**86. Has the top ever forced it on the bottom?**IUjCssCFlRFbXdWoDzSthDZfuipLBg
YOzxCjEJMfRWOjgQue Siming: I said to skip this! Are you deaf?eFJbatIaGeKiafdVLWprESsVQLtTnz
kwAbpvfzvwvfebnJinbao: The first time was, you scumbag.PjDCTvlwDDbyjkDkptWdGuCqVVrjkt
xtuYwGkheddAbICQue Siming: Who told you to piss me off, forgetting all about me and even flirting with women!WajnWefMlLjeODlIcJgWhsyOVsxgXr
TqQcQwJTcUBggxYJinbao: It wasn’t intentional, and I wasn’t flirting with her. But no matter what, you shouldn’t have forced it!nvLzcUGYbxCxLGMjYSLDIcAUKaNBXU
OsLFQIhmHXtWXScQue Siming, shrugging nonchalantly: What are you going to do about it?IXDYPxYMwpVbMwrsWRRSgbZENqQNle
KgTrVLlgfQkuXQXJinbao grits his teeth in frustration.fIrUaiOEtBLSSQhOkTdgucMGwfgBYu
WfPQdHTYFsjQmHB**87. How did the bottom react at that time?**vxyrxhSUrkXTghECnreOxiMuotyaKB
hcijBAFJzqPyydBLao Qian, trembling under Que Siming’s glare, skips the question tearfully.sJSkGKybzMnNyrgthZpEytHCGiUgTo
nWYNLWzrRJZASes**88. Do you have an ideal type for a sexual partner?**dADuLdazXsqdfjDwkOvqLiZmYUXwca
nwTnuSLXDPSCgdNQue Siming: Someone just like him.lhupLvPSsTFtGwwwbaLKLNPmBfzTDq
WFeMZESVTtkdYtqJinbao: I originally thought it would be a gentle girl.sTPSDbgzhqoHDojHdkCyUomaGJRbeb
KmVhtgTDwJXPUQO**89. Does the other person meet your ideal?**FsxRMIkYtGqGnUKWWOajBsHMJiLFOO
XQXeACCQwmpIlZWQue Siming: Yes.khfZhXEioyLEfpkjpadvkwIZgNcxWI
DQBlhGreVslMjmJJinbao: There’s a bit of a gap, but… but it’s fine as it is.IfOoZBGEJpSDsgxFMDrAOTigvzaqnH
ZowQwgdzmvxhpJr**90. Do you use any props during “H”?**wsIAVigxFhYFrSipdHBAvCQZfyMTEY
HHkNCCJuiNCgjjtQue Siming: I’m working on it, but I’ll use them eventually.hsgKuuiaOgZkFZuUqTFuQVfHmovjtW
eSDVGoRtJzDcnJvJinbao: Over my dead body!vApyIUurqIUShIjensySDQtsEZYYdX
LLZADfESaYrebcv**91. When was your first time (age)?**MUWzqyimMCekUxRYWuXuIYIDNJXfkQ
mYreiJWalTiIYQXQue Siming: Sixteen, I think.dVugcuuAXEUSYTJhsKVMferJssDamL
PfbGdcFvRzwDFjCJinbao: Nineteen.bsgHKHfaaVeHzSsUvGVGrERsmtLonL
djvYIqltOhQJZhY**92. Was it with your current lover?**YawDNGaJZbargGAHDEdPeqmnYxvUdE
elYrYjWIxmarNSRQue Siming: No.UjwrgAajKKKdxCVLhQlzjvqPMJlLuU
HQKfznhsiVGQvxhJinbao: Yes.lWOwDazWWDGNaZgltMisgIUbmePPwN
YFBCOULDbyqjVSs**93. Where do you most like to be kissed?**KjTUuDBoAvSxcNfujoFfBfMESiREYm
negbCRUfouPrYiIQue Siming: Down below, but he refuses to.LWNfenbsYzQygXgyYpkRdBhheIqWNJ
fDPhKqHxFLjWRKpJinbao: My neck.QmBNSfYMyKWgOAJGjdseEYfoRMazRo
egNFMNoNOrjwSUD**94. Where do you most like to kiss the other person?**DwxWJtXknCRWjXpexUVwTjrHCHVmoV
DZURpIQbUyvzqjYQue Siming: His neck and mouth.pcIlgwsUbNyiIRkLxCiyLLhORTdZjg
TBLMorJDkAAqRQTJinbao: His mouth.rvUNkVMnZVpwRgmxgGUZuDTZDXdveG
EktrybgRoXcmozA**95. When during “H” is the other person the most pleased?**sTtXhBSnCypUnIeHaZsYUzLpqmZjBO
auWzWkPVpQWkzjxQue Siming: When we’re kissing and doing it at the same time.BvEHeDXgBSXSwJyUXucHaktDXujuTj
JdgmWRKIEdaUUryJinbao: It’s always when I’m about to pass out that he seems to get the most excited.brwZhOOziepxZMrWhtXzUArCILNCqH
JXblZPepHDsPKCZ**96. What do you think about during “H”?**YTOdDnGxgMWTtxvXqxysjTUqtDiQVU
GXFMZPbDcJTZVhWQue Siming: How to bully him even more.wAqHjKNkMbyEGevEBWPejjykPUTSwz
WpWwcZqIGuXNkhTJinbao: When will it be over?xaAyXRxEwEUKZdrDQjRKXhiutYzLMd
eexAHwuiIDsAXcv**97. How many times do you usually do it in one night?**LTKkVfbQqjZjCTaQjBcuNursWBMIRG
jkLnQGgQrdqrBPuQue Siming: Ideally four times.MgFumauUQxunFraXqkPnXeeCguwsXa
etohSJzQPxxjpOwJinbao: I usually can’t keep count.mMpxFMqDjVXiuZTXKfvVJjJSTFAxZn
OyACsXNtbWoogdb**98. Do you undress yourself during “H” or let the other person do it?**hQjVuTcnasieSvRYjwBeOKszhBCuAu
fqiZosfhkqmFcUUQue Siming: I like undressing him.moNwAaXAsMEbssJwOtZzUdphlfXpHH
bUpWMhuHkVeYzLT99. What does ‘H’ mean to you?FrUkGYsMHSkUwaNoPFBDqhGicmGdZF
EAakJlfRZdYfdWNQue Siming: What do two grown men get so close for? Obviously, to do *that*.pDsLCyuqjBjqOftdfwAnjMSZlqlOPU
UmoOIoBdMwzExahJinbao: It’s, uh, a pretty good thing.CbVfrIxBPSHJuwyMjdaTGpZqlWfqWE
tFfoNSnYkxaJvwX100. You’ve worked hard! Now, say the one thing you most want to tell the other person!RdZxAqGEXyfemyJBMkHWhLjNcNFnFy
bUEBuoUlNQoiUQsQue Siming: How about we try the rooftop tonight?eFGhEuYbiKpTDwqjAFwmUQIAfgZKlJ
pnPFGMuahFIKAjdJinbao: I’m going out with the young master to have fun, and you’re not coming…NiFJvFvGfhGgPElPLDFtxrmwhrrUMc