Jinbao Marries a Wife

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Chapter 34

The two of them went at it all night until dawn. No wonder young people have such good stamina; they could still stand and walk down the mountain.

The difference was that the divine doctor was full of energy, striding confidently, squinting against the sunlight with a satisfied look of someone who had eaten and drank to their heart’s content.

Jinbao, on the other hand, was utterly exhausted, his face full of fatigue. His legs were so wobbly it felt like he was walking on tofu.

Que Siming glanced at his handiwork with a smirk, unable to resist leaning in to give him a kiss. With rare tenderness, he said, “Tired you out, didn’t I?”

Admitting he was tired now would be like admitting he couldn’t keep up, so Jinbao straightened up immediately. “Who’s tired? I’m just a bit sleepy.”

Que Siming chuckled, “If you’re not tired, shall we keep going?”

Jinbao shot him a fierce look. “Go to hell.”

The divine doctor wasn’t upset. He walked around in front of him, facing away, and stretched out his hands. “Come on, I’ll carry you.”

Jinbao frowned, “Are you kidding?”

“I’m not kidding. I’ll carry you. The way down is pretty far, and riding a horse like this would be even more uncomfortable. I’ll carry you down.”

“I don’t need you to. I’m fine. What do you take me for?”

“When I was injured, didn’t you carry me for a long way? What are you shy about? Get on.”

Jinbao awkwardly edged away. “I don’t need you to carry me. I can walk on my own.”

“Why are you so stubborn? You’re not uncomfortable? You’re swollen everywhere.”

Jinbao was so angry he wanted to kick him to death. Who made him swell up? Who didn’t stop even when he begged? Now he’s pretending to be the good guy.

“Get on.” Que Siming crouched down.

“I don’t need you to carry me! I want to walk by myself.”

“No way, I want to carry you. I’m going to carry you.”

Jinbao was exasperated, “You’re so persistent.”

“Get on, quickly. If you keep arguing, I’ll just carry you down. Your choice.”

“You’re really pushing it…” Jinbao didn’t hold back anymore and jumped onto his back. “Fine, just carry me down. Let’s see if it kills you.”

Que Siming held his butt and gave it a squeeze, smiling suggestively. “I could go at it for three more days without getting tired.”

Jinbao’s arms tightened around his neck, “I’ll strangle you!”

Que Siming slapped his butt and started laughing, suddenly taking off at a run down the mountain. The path was noticeably steep, and Jinbao bounced on his back, fearing Que Siming might slip and they’d both go rolling down.

Fortunately, despite the speed, the divine doctor’s steps were steady. It almost felt like they were floating down with light-footed grace. Jinbao had never felt so relaxed, and his mood instantly improved. He joined Que Siming in yelling wildly into the open mountains, the echoes resonating from peak to peak.

They got into the spirit, competing to see who could yell louder and longer, scaring countless birds into flight.

Jinbao’s pent-up loneliness and frustration from the past few days vanished completely. He felt the sky was vast, the clouds high, and the day bright and clear.

To have someone like this, someone who shares secret passions with him at night and enjoys the beautiful scenery with him during the day, was so wonderful, so intoxicating.

As he bounced on Que Siming’s back, Jinbao felt an overwhelming sense of treasure and sweetness quietly flowing through his chest.

By the time they returned to the Medicine Valley, the sun was already high in the sky. Busy figures were moving about, starting the day. No one noticed they had just come back.

But there was one exception.

When they reached Que Siming’s courtyard, they found Que Qingyuan standing there, hands behind his back, as if he’d been waiting for them.

Jinbao felt a bit embarrassed, afraid they’d been caught, and stole a glance at Que Siming.

The divine doctor was calm, asking in surprise, “Senior brother? Is there something you need from me this early?”

Que Qingyuan turned to look at him, then gave Jinbao a meaningful glance, speaking softly, “You didn’t come back last night?”

“Mm, I took him to the back mountain for a ride.”

“Riding until now?”

Que Siming frowned slightly, “Do you need something, senior brother?”

Que Qingyuan’s eyes dimmed a little as he looked down. “It’s not me looking for you; someone else is.”


“Rong Yue.”

Que Siming’s expression darkened, his frown deepening. “Just send him away.”

“He heard you were back and has been waiting outside since early morning, insisting on seeing you.”

“What does that have to do with me? I settled everything with him before I went to Dali.”

Que Qingyuan sighed, “You should… go see him. He’s been standing at the gate of Medicine Valley all morning. It’s quite inappropriate. I was out on a call this morning, and he begged me for a long time. At least for my sake, resolve this quickly. If father finds out, his life might be in danger.”

Jinbao was completely confused and couldn’t help but ask, “Who is Rong Yue?”

Que Siming, looking annoyed and impatient, said to Jinbao, “You go back to the room and sleep. I’ve got something to take care of.”

Jinbao was curious, but remembering how stubborn Que Siming was about not letting him follow yesterday, he knew that even if he asked, Que Siming wouldn’t allow it. It would only arouse Que Qingyuan’s suspicion, so he nodded and went back to the room.

As he was about to enter, he looked back at Que Siming, catching Que Qingyuan giving him another meaningful look. Feeling guilty, he quickly turned his head away.

After lying down, he found he couldn’t sleep at all.

Just now, he had been so tired, but now that he was thinking about their conversation, he felt wide awake.

Who is Rong Yue? Something doesn’t feel right.

Tossing and turning for a while, Jinbao finally couldn’t lie still anymore. He sat up, put on his shoes, and decided to sneak out and see what was going on. Otherwise, he’d feel like a cat scratching at his heart, unable to settle.

The Medicine Valley was vast, but fortunately, the route from Que Siming’s courtyard to the main gate was straightforward, with just a few twists and turns. After wandering around for a while, Jinbao finally found Que Siming near the gate in a secluded spot.

From a distance, he saw a young man with fair skin, dressed in bright colors, kneeling before Que Siming, pleading desperately.

Jinbao’s curiosity surged, and he held his breath, quietly approaching and hiding behind a house, peeking out.

“Master Que, Rong Yue begs you, don’t send me away, please.”

Jinbao could see that the young man was quite pretty, with delicate features, red lips, and white teeth, but there was a certain effeminacy about him. Jinbao’s eyesight was sharp; it even looked like the young man was wearing makeup. Having followed his young master in and out of brothels, Jinbao could tell almost instantly what this boy did for a living.

He heard Que Siming say impatiently, “Aren’t you done yet? I made it clear before I left that you’re free to go wherever you want. You’re a free man now. Why must you debase yourself serving men?”

“Rong Yue truly loves Master Que. I’m willing to serve you.”

“What are you? Do you think you’re worthy of loving me? Besides, I already have someone. I don’t need anyone else’s service.”

“Master Que, Rong Yue doesn’t ask for anything, just to stay by your side.”

Que Siming’s eyes were full of disdain and contempt. “You’re fucking annoying. I gave you so much money; wouldn’t it be better to find a place to settle down and start a business? If you’re so eager to serve men, just go back to a male brothel. Do whatever you want. Coming to Medicine Valley—are you trying to get yourself killed? If my master finds out you’re pestering me like this, he’ll make sure you die without a trace.”

Upon hearing his threat, Rong Yue shuddered in fear but remained persistent, saying, “I thought Master Que had feelings for me. After all, hasn’t he only allowed me to serve him?”

“It’s just that you were convenient at the time. I don’t need you anymore. I’m only wasting my breath on you out of respect for my senior brother. Let me say this one last time: Get out, or don’t blame me if I throw you out. Save yourself some dignity.”

The young man stiffened, kneeling on the ground. He stared at him through tear-filled eyes for a moment before struggling to stand up. He left, looking back every few steps.

Que Siming stood there for a while, frustrated, before sighing and turning toward where Jin Bao was hiding. “Stop hiding.”

Jin Bao stepped out of the shadows, his expression unreadable.

For the first time, Que Siming felt a twinge of guilt facing Jin Bao. He didn’t think he had done anything wrong, but knowing Jin Bao had witnessed it made him feel particularly embarrassed.

Jin Bao didn’t know how to react. “That… that was a male courtesan, right?”

“Yeah, he used to be. He refused to serve clients after his training, got beaten up in the street, so I bought him.”

“And after you bought him?”

The physician blinked. “What do you think? Are you jealous?”

Jin Bao secretly pinched the back of his hand. “No. It’s all in the past anyway. You’re busy, so I’ll go to bed.” He turned to leave.

Que Siming was stunned for a moment, then quickly chased after him, grabbing his hand. “If you’re jealous, just say it. Come on, let me see if you’re sour.” He reached out to touch Jin Bao’s face.

Jin Bao swatted his hand away. “Who’s got time for that? I’m tired, I want to sleep.”

Que Siming looked at his own hand, feeling a bit annoyed, but suppressed his anger, still teasing, “So you are jealous. Fine, you said it yourself, it’s all in the past. You’re tired? Let’s rest together for a while.”

Jin Bao snapped impatiently, “Wasn’t last night enough? I want to sleep alone.”

The physician was getting angry. “I didn’t say I wanted to do anything, just lie down together.”

“Who the fuck believes you? Go lie down with that Rong Yue.”

Que Siming twisted his arm, now truly angry. “What the hell is your problem? I thought it was cute when you got a little jealous, but don’t push it.”

“Push it? Why don’t you talk about how you humiliated people instead?”

“How the fuck did I humiliate anyone?”

“Oh, you didn’t have anyone to sleep with so you got yourself a courtesan. Now that I’m here, you don’t need him anymore. What do you take me for? Let me tell you, I may be a servant, but I’m not just here to warm your bed!”

Que Siming was furious and wanted to slap him. “Who said you were just here to warm my bed? You really think I’d see you as just a bed-warmer!”

“Isn’t that what you said yourself? What did you just tell Rong Yue? ‘I have someone to serve me now, so I don’t need you anymore.’ Wasn’t that what you said?”

“Where did I go wrong? Now that I have you, of course, I don’t need anyone else.”

“You! You really do think of me as just a bed-warmer!” If I’m here, you don’t need anyone else.

Jin Bao was stuck on that point, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He turned to run.

Que Siming took a few quick strides, grabbed his shoulder, and Jin Bao turned, ready to throw a punch.

Both were so angry they lost control, starting a clumsy brawl in the courtyard. They forgot all their martial arts training, fighting like children—slapping, kicking, grappling awkwardly.

“Que Siming, fuck you and your mother! You scumbag! Keeping a courtesan like some animal!”

“Fuck off, I was only sixteen or seventeen at the time. So what if I found someone to relieve my needs? If I’m a scumbag, then you’re the one who lets a scumbag fuck them!”

“You use someone and then toss them aside. Don’t tell me you’re not a scumbag! If you ever do that to me, I’ll cut your dick off!”

“Fuck you, don’t act like I’ve wronged him! I was kind enough to save him. Without me, he’d have been fucked by who knows how many men. I slept with him a few times and then let him go free. I’ve done more than enough. Stop being so unreasonable!”

“So what if I’m unreasonable? I’ll beat you to death today.” Jin Bao kept pounding his fists on Que Siming’s back. They both ended up rolling on the ground, covered in dirt, locked in a furious struggle.

Que Siming grabbed Jin Bao’s arm, pinning him down, and pressed his lips onto his.

Jin Bao’s eyes widened, and he bit down on Que Siming’s tongue.

The physician’s body trembled with pain, but he didn’t let go, instead deepening the kiss, his tongue exploring every corner of Jin Bao’s mouth.

Clear saliva dripped from the corners of their mouths as Que Siming kissed him passionately, leaving Jin Bao dazed and finally, his hands and feet went limp.

They finally pulled apart after a long while, panting as they stared at each other.

Jin Bao, now slightly more clear-headed, awkwardly said, “You… I… I don’t even know what you see in me. At least that one was good-looking. You just like that I’m sturdy enough for your rough handling, right?” As he spoke, his eyes began to redden.

He couldn’t feel how much Que Siming liked him. If Que Siming really just saw him as a bed-warmer, he’d leave immediately. He might be a servant, but he had his dignity. He didn’t need anyone to take care of him. If anyone dared to treat him like that, he’d never agree to it.

Que Siming was so angry his eyes glazed over. “What the hell are you talking about? How have you not figured out what we are after all these years? Do you have a pig’s brain? Do you think I’ve put up with this for over ten years just for that?”

Jin Bao stared at him with wide, tear-filled eyes. “Then just tell me plainly. I think of you as my wife. If you’re not okay with that, just say so. Let me tell you, I’m not letting you sleep with me for nothing, so don’t treat me like I’m nothing.”

Que Siming angrily bit his nose. “Idiot! Didn’t I already tell you we’re a couple? What’s wrong with you, acting like a madman now?”

“What do you mean by ‘a couple’? Does that mean you’ll never look for anyone else again?”

Que Siming hadn’t expected normally quiet Jin Bao to be so aggressive when provoked. It was clear he wanted a promise. It wasn’t that Que Siming didn’t want to say it, but the thought of actually saying something so affectionate made him feel incredibly awkward, his body stiffening.

Jin Bao had mustered up all his courage to voice the doubts that had been gnawing at him for years. It was indeed embarrassing for two grown men to talk about such sentimental things, but even a simple nod or an agreement would be enough to put his mind at ease, to live a peaceful life together. He didn’t want to fight.

The physician awkwardly covered Jin Bao’s eyes with his hand. The expectation in those eyes was too intense, making him feel hot-faced.

“Why are you covering my eyes…” Jin Bao said as he tried to pull his hand away.

Que Siming pinned down his arm. “Don’t move… Don’t look at me, just listen to what I’m about to say.”

The child quieted down.

Que Siming leaned over him, his lips close to his ear, whispering, “I won’t look for anyone else from now on, so stop messing around.”

Que Siming’s large hand covered half of his face, the places they touched felt burning hot. Just hearing those words was enough to satisfy him. He knew that if there were real feelings, they wouldn’t need to be spoken, and if there weren’t, no amount of words would make a difference. He believed that Que Siming truly had feelings for him.

Jinbao felt a bit embarrassed too and nodded, “Mm… I won’t… I won’t mess around anymore…”

Que Siming still covered his eyes, softly pressing his lips to his, kissing him gently.

This time, there was no biting; instead, he clumsily but earnestly responded.

The two kissed, losing themselves completely, utterly absorbed in the sweet atmosphere.

Suddenly, Que Siming lifted his head and shouted, “Who’s there?”

Jinbao quickly pushed his hand away and turned to look, only to see Que Qingyuan awkwardly standing there, at a loss for what to do.


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