hey guys I did add a TTS thing to the posts so you can listen. Also we’re looking for more translators if anyone wants to join. You get your own Kofi link at the bottom of your page but you’ll have to post your own updated on novel updates.

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Im so sorry glad you left a comment to remind me ill get a bunch up now
Can I ask whether this story is still being translated?
Please when are you going to update this official is so weak?🥺
Can't wait for the next chap!
Thank you for sticking with this to the end. It was a great read!
Thank you so much for taking the time to translate and offer them to us for free. You’re an amazing person!
Oh good for you! I'm very jealous of your talent. My mother is an artist, but unfortunately for her she had me who has zero art talent. But you guys have to have people who appreciate you, right?? lol Congratulations on your adventures!
Happy new year! ! I'll do 3 a day until complete now lolol I got back into art which has been amazing! These art journals I see everywhere are amazing
Hello! Happy New Year! Thank you for returning to this story. I've been checking in every so often to check. I hope all is well in your world.
Ótima história, ansiosa pelos próximos capítulos
updated with everything i had so far