hey guys I did add a TTS thing to the posts so you can listen. Also we’re looking for more translators if anyone wants to join. You get your own Kofi link at the bottom of your page but you’ll have to post your own updated on novel updates.

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Ahhhhhh. What a tease! Just when it was getting good. Great work so far btw!
She is wonderful!!
Well... I have read this novel in other app... Where you also explain some fragments of the novel... Now here its very good to read after clearly translated...
Thanks for reading ❤️ ❤️
Thanks for update
Thank you so much
Sorry for the delay. I've already uploaded a new chapter. Enjoy~
When will be the next update??? waiting desperately
Thank you so much
Thanks for translating this!! Can't wait to see what happens next XD
I don't ship them, but I really enjoy their interaction and hope we get more!
Muy interesante y aterrador 👀