Blazing Armor

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Chapter 10

As Ren Yi mentioned, traffic had built up on the road, and they began inching forward at a snail’s pace.

After finishing his meal, Ren Yi had nothing to do. The car was so quiet that he could hear the other person’s breathing, making the atmosphere unbearably awkward—or at least, that’s what Ren Yi thought.

He wasn’t the type to handle awkward silences well. Clearing his throat, he said, “How about we listen to some music?”

Gong Yingxian pressed the play button.

Heavy, deep classical music began to fill the car.

“…How about we just turn it off?” Ren Yi suggested.

Gong Yingxian shot him a sideways glance, as if saying, *”You’re full of shit.”* He reached out and turned it off.

After a moment of silence, Ren Yi asked, “Have you gathered the testimonies from the other suspects? Didn’t the bar owner say someone was trying to get revenge on him?”

“Yeah, it was his former boss. Now they’re competitors. But the guy has an alibi. He was working at his own bar when the fire started, with plenty of witnesses.”

“Why was the emergency exit at the bar locked?”

“To prevent people from sneaking in without paying. According to the staff, it’s been locked for over a year.”

“With the current evidence, it doesn’t seem like arson.”

Gong Yingxian nodded. “But we can’t rule it out yet. The suspect did publicly make threats about burning down the bar, so it’s possible he hired someone to do it.”

Ren Yi thought for a moment. “That Cai Wan seems more suspicious.”

“We’ll wait for her urine test results. Over the next few days, I’ll interview all the staff and customers I can find and review a lot of surveillance footage.” Gong Yingxian rubbed his temples instinctively—clearly, the workload was heavy.

“Why did you become a cop?” Ren Yi blurted out. He regretted it immediately. He’d been curious for a long time, but it really wasn’t any of his business. It was all because Gong Yingxian was so strange, so mysterious. People are naturally curious, right?

Sure enough, Gong Yingxian fell silent, and Ren Yi wanted to punch himself in frustration.

Just then, Gong Yingxian’s phone rang, saving Ren Yi from the awkward moment.

“Hello.” Gong Yingxian answered. “I won’t be home for dinner tonight. No, don’t bother. Yes, I know. Okay, okay.”

Ren Yi stole a glance at Gong Yingxian. His tone was warmer than the usual coldness he showed towards Ren Yi. This was how he spoke with family.

After hanging up, Gong Yingxian said, “We’re almost at your team base.”


Gong Yingxian parked the car by the roadside.

Ren Yi said, “I’ll let you know if I hear anything from the fire investigation lab. Keep me posted if you find anything too.”

Gong Yingxian nodded.

Ren Yi got out of the car. He wanted to say goodbye but didn’t want to seem too friendly. After all, Gong Yingxian had always been cold to him. He pursed his lips and walked away without looking back.

When Ren Yi returned to the station, he arrived just as two teams were returning from calls.

Ren Yi asked, “How did it go? What were the calls?”

Gao Ge replied, “A kid got his head stuck in an anti-theft window. By the time we got there, he was singing for us. Hilarious.”

Liu Hui laughed, “Yeah, his parents were so grateful they sent us home with a big jar of pickled radishes. They wouldn’t let us leave without it.” He hugged the large glass jar. “Guess we’ll have pickles tonight.”

“Great, a change of pace.” Ren Yi then asked Sun Dingyi, “What about you guys?”

Sun Dingyi let out a cold laugh, “Trash can fire.”

“Then what happened?”

“Luckily, we got there quickly. If we had been any slower, the fire would’ve already been out.”


From upstairs, Qu Yangbo shouted, “Is everyone back? Come upstairs for a meeting.”

Once everyone had settled in the meeting room, Qu Yangbo announced, “There’s something important to share today: we’re about to welcome three new comrades.”

Some people banged on the table, others clapped, and Liu Hui excitedly said, “I heard one of them is a woman. Is that true?”

“For real?! A woman?!” The room buzzed with excitement.

Ren Yi gave a heavy cough.

Qu Yangbo continued, “That’s right. We’re about to have the first female firefighter in Phoenix Special Operations Unit.”

The room erupted in cheers.

“What are you all so excited about?” Ren Yi’s voice was stern. “We’re in a meeting. Maintain discipline.”

Ren Yi was usually easygoing, treating everyone like brothers, but when he got serious, no one dared to mess around. Everyone knew he didn’t tolerate any sloppiness when it came to important matters.

Qu Yangbo glanced at Ren Yi and continued, “This female firefighter has previous experience serving in a fire department before she left the military, went to college, and graduated from the Fire Command program at the Armed Police University. She’s actually a junior to your Captain Ren. In short, she’s a professional firefighter.”

Ren Yi took over, “Female firefighters are rare across the country. Her arrival will definitely have some impact on our team. The purpose of this meeting is to remind you all of a few things. First, I will not tolerate any disrespectful or inappropriate behavior or remarks toward our new female colleague. If I find out, I will deal with it harshly.”

Everyone listened in silence.

“Second, while we strive for equality in work and life, gender differences are a reality. We must provide her with the necessary accommodations and understanding. We’re not here to coddle anyone, but as men, we should act with chivalry.”

“Third, once she joins our unit, she’s part of the family. Help her adapt and integrate quickly. Do you all understand?”

Everyone responded in unison, “Understood!”

“Any questions?”

Sun Dingyi raised his hand.


“Captain Ren, you’re not seriously going to have her…” Sun Dingyi chuckled, “go to the front lines, are you?”

“Yeah, Captain Ren,” Cui Yisheng added. “We’re happy to welcome her, but there are some jobs that should be left to the men.”

Ren Yi replied, “That’s not for you to worry about. Just focus on doing your job.”

“Yes, sir.”

The next morning, three full-time firefighters arrived to report for duty.

Qu Yangbo held a small welcome ceremony for them in the study room. A group of young firefighters stole glances at the new female firefighter—Li Sa.

She was tall and slender, with a straight posture, short hair that was clean and sharp, and her features were well-defined and full of spirit. Even without makeup, dressed in a uniform that hid any trace of femininity, she was clearly a beautiful woman.

Ren Yi introduced the newcomers to the unit: “Our Phoenix Unit has a long 32-year history, designated as Unit 37, and we belong to the Hongwu District Fire Brigade. We were among the first to earn the title of Special Operations. The unit’s history and major events are all recorded in the team’s museum—you should familiarize yourselves with it as soon as possible.”

All three responded in unison, “Yes, sir.”

“Our unit currently has 42 members. With you three, that makes 45. You’ve already met me and Instructor Qu. This is Vice-Captain Gao Ge, Platoon Leader Sun Dingyi. We have five squads in total. This is the Specialized Squad Leader Wang Xuan, Driver Squad Leader Mao Xiaoli, Combat Squad One Leader Liu Hui, Combat Squad Two Leader Cui Yisheng, and Combat Squad Three Leader Ding Qing. Get to know your comrades quickly and integrate into the team.”

“Yes, sir.”

Ren Yi assigned the two male newcomers to Combat Squad One and Combat Squad Two, then turned to Li Sa.

Li Sa stood with her back straight, a glimmer of anticipation in her eyes.

“Li Sa, starting today, you’ll be assigned to the Specialized Squad.”

Li Sa paused, a clear look of disappointment on her face.

“Sun Dingyi, show the new recruits around, familiarize them with the rules. Dismissed.”

Ren Yi returned to his office and began working on the recent fire reports, particularly the one for the fire at Fourth Perspective. Each unit had a designated clerk responsible for documenting every emergency response in detail, but the reports still required Ren Yi’s review and signature. Additionally, he had to write a report from the commander’s perspective. The more complicated the incident, the more complex the report. Ren Yi hated writing reports, much like students hate doing homework, but it was something he couldn’t avoid.

While writing, a knock came from outside.

“Come in.”

Ren Yi looked up and saw the person who entered was their new female warrior, Li Sa.

“Captain.” Li Sa saluted.


Li Sa sat down in the chair.

“Is there something you need?”

“Yes.” Li Sa pressed her lips together. “I want to ask, Captain Ren, why was I assigned only to the special duty team?”

Ren Yi blinked and quietly stared at Li Sa.

“Is it because I’m a woman?” Li Sa looked Ren Yi directly in the eyes, neither humble nor overbearing, and asked, “So I can only do logistics work?”

“Do you know why you were able to join my squad?” Ren Yi asked.

“…I was hired.”

“You were hired, and your resume meets the hiring requirements. But, like many squads across the country, I didn’t want to hire female soldiers.” Ren Yi stated candidly. “You were hired because the political officer made the decision based on political considerations.”

Li Sa swallowed, but her expression didn’t change.

“There are many women in the fire system, but the vast majority are in administrative or logistics roles. We don’t avoid using women out of discrimination or bias, but because this job involves physical strength, endurance, and mental resilience. Have you thought this through?”

Li Sa responded without hesitation, “I have. I’ve served as a soldier, worked in a fire brigade, and even studied fire command. No one knows better than me what it takes. I am determined to become a firefighter. I don’t believe physical strength is the only criterion to judge whether I can do the job. I have extensive professional knowledge, strong adaptability, and great mental resilience. Sure, I’m not as physically strong as the men, but I have advantages they don’t—like fitting into tight spaces or being lighter when suspension is needed. And I can comfort those in distress better. I believe through teamwork, we can complement each other’s strengths.”

Ren Yi raised an eyebrow. This girl had a bright, impressive spirit. If she weren’t his subordinate, he’d appreciate her. But this job concerns real-life safety, and he couldn’t casually entrust his back to someone he couldn’t trust. He said, “Li Sa, why do you want to be a firefighter?”

Li Sa paused, “I have my reasons.”

“You’re not wrong. You do have your advantages, and this job does require teamwork. But neither I nor the other soldiers have ever worked with a woman before. This concern isn’t just mine alone. If I suddenly throw an uncertain factor into the combat team, it will have a negative impact on others. I can’t allow there to be someone in the frontline team that the others don’t trust. So, whether you accept it or not, for now, you’ll stay in the special duty team.” Ren Yi’s gaze was sharp as he looked at Li Sa. “If you’re truly a qualified firefighter, prove it.”

Li Sa took a deep breath, “I will prove myself. Thank you, Captain.”

“Get to work then.”

After Li Sa left, Ren Yi sighed heavily, draping his long legs over the desk and fiddling with his phone.

He hadn’t had the time or energy to follow the Fourth Perspective news in the past couple of days. Maybe, deep down, he was avoiding revisiting what happened that night in any way.

Now that he had finally calmed down a bit, he started looking through some popular news articles and self-media commentaries.

Most of the discussion focused on the cause of the fire and who was responsible, while a small portion criticized their firefighting efforts, like spraying water in the wrong direction or not entering to rescue people in time. The comments were filled with heated arguments.

They had grown accustomed to the media’s misleading narratives or the public’s lack of understanding. This time wasn’t the worst, but every time he saw those words, it still hurt and angered him.

When he was younger, hot-blooded and impulsive, he would argue with strangers who insulted them, clash with unruly reporters, and had even almost fought with police officers once. He had been reprimanded and learned his lessons. After becoming squad captain, he realized that his words and actions affected the entire squad, so he never acted on impulse again.

So, when Ren Yi saw those comments, he just chuckled sarcastically. He shifted into a more comfortable position, ready to relieve some stress by playing a game.

Just then, his phone rang—it was Gong Yingxian calling.

Ren Yi immediately answered, and then instantly regretted picking up so quickly. He tried to play it cool, lazily drawing out a “Yeah?” in a casual tone.

“Cai Wan’s urine test results came back—positive,” Gong Yingxian cut straight to the point.

“What was she on?”

“Methamphetamine, hydroxyephedrine hydrochloride, and buprenorphine. I asked some colleagues in the narcotics unit, and recently there’s a new drug on the market called ‘Fairy Water,’ which is a mix of those three substances.”

“What? What’s that middle one?” Ren Yi was familiar with meth and buprenorphine, but the middle one was beyond him.

“Hydroxyephedrine hydrochloride—one of the precursors for making K-powder.”

“Oh. But even if she was using drugs, how does that prove she caused the fire?”

“This ‘Fairy Water’ requires a specific method for use, namely heating. First, to vaporize it for easier inhalation, and second, at 210°C, a chemical reaction occurs that intensifies its effects. So, the tool for heating needs to provide a stable heat source, be easy to acquire and carry. That’s why they like to use…”

“…an alcohol lamp?!”

“Exactly,” Gong Yingxian confirmed. “Has the fire investigation lab finished their analysis yet? My guess is that piece of glass belongs to an alcohol lamp.”

Ren Yi’s voice deepened, “So, they got high, knocked over the alcohol lamp, and set the sofa on fire? With alcohol being so volatile, no wonder there were no traces of an accelerant. But there would still be residue on the alcohol lamp bottle.”

“So far, that’s the most plausible explanation.”

“Alright. Once the lab results are in, I’ll let you know. Once the evidence is conclusive, we can close the case.”

After hanging up, Ren Yi exhaled deeply. Finding and punishing the criminals was the only comfort they could offer the victims’ families.

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