Chapter 191
The day Gong Yingxian was discharged from the hospital, it was Ren Yi who drove him home. Not only that, but Ren Yi also planned to stay at the Gong residence for a while.ikraMTSflzXnrdUKbFBZZpluTIRRpR
MMXrDnWnBGbfwLyHis advanced study procedures had already been completed, and he was just waiting for the next academic term to start. For now, he had plenty of free time, and accompanying Gong Yingxian was the only thing he wanted to do.NpLivHvnZJHfgxRYGGKrJxvcbZkBmV
xQcFPPILRykVTYdGong Yingxian’s former medical room had been upgraded with new equipment, and a doctor along with two nurses had been transferred from his private hospital to handle his upcoming treatment.VJJDWsjMTiNVBiUBhgOOcRMMhPGCSy
pWIvpZqraRstGjVMeanwhile, Gong Mingqing had already signed the medical liability waiver, granting Dr. Pompeii the ability to proceed with hypnosis therapy for Gong Yingxian at any time.oKiCllmCMatNDaZNKjZrmHparOBLRC
YVdukDvCKIogEVrOnce back in his own home, Gong Yingxian visibly relaxed. His demeanor and movements became livelier than before, and he even took the initiative to suggest going out for some activity.pZqMkPDdtXUXhLUsZweDWoHNuXvKxM
zATOSPDtklVIYXVRen Yi, naturally, pushed his wheelchair and accompanied him as they wandered around the house. Whenever they encountered stairs or thresholds that the wheelchair couldn’t traverse, Ren Yi would lift both him and the wheelchair, carrying them across. After a few rounds of this, Ren Yi was left gasping for breath but refused to ask for help. He knew that Gong Yingxian preferred being alone with him. Their time together was increasingly filled with meaningful and effective communication, and Ren Yi didn’t want anyone else interrupting that.mbNjxPvQTNHmsMHfGQsNSaQbWFdUPG
ugAMwushlFXbbdcRen Yi took him to the garden for a stroll. The sunlight was just right, the temperature pleasant, and the greenery around them lush. The fresh scent of grass and trees filled the air, a refreshing sensation that seemed to circulate through their lungs and invigorate them both.YjyJVvGbnruGLLqKxamoUrNzpehyVK
bmkbRGmgxUXaMGFThe two of them chatted along the way—Ren Yi spoke, and Gong Yingxian listened.kTvzGSpMtnZkaKTGfirgxsGrgnxYqz
wFFNHwnAhNvmdgh“The weather’s been great lately, but it won’t last past Qingming Festival. After that, it’ll start getting hot. When I go back to the Armed Police University for advanced studies, the dorms there don’t have air conditioning. So I definitely won’t stay overnight; I’ll come home to sleep. But I’ll still need to nap there at noon. Ugh, it reminds me of my university days. Back then, we came up with all sorts of ways to keep cool. We even set up a bathtub in the dorm once!”dCshvWmqIcRBkeYuDgBNPZIdABIALw
fCoiemuNOhoiUKQ“What about you in university? You probably didn’t live in the dorms, right? You don’t seem like the type to tolerate living with others. Oh, wait…” Ren Yi suddenly chuckled and leaned close to tease him by whispering into his ear, “You’re actually very willing to live with me, aren’t you? Not just live together—you’d prefer to share one room, one bed, and even one blanket, isn’t that right?”DjWZeoCrsAIfqHwbAfKWvgYlHmFLAX
hCTYdKuqPfuyldoGong Yingxian lifted his head and nuzzled Ren Yi’s cheek with his own.cyzPEQgAIAtwmpfuYdfLbsUsiRPIRR
tgAMPxknfkxyrzdRen Yi responded by kissing him on the cheek, then playfully kneading his face as though he couldn’t get enough of it. “Good boy. Come on, let’s take you to visit your friends.”xXdGXBWXyrLNpKPvmXPNwiYyuNgddR
HuHjNKyLmOHuKNwThey arrived at a room. Ren Yi knew the password and opened the door without issue. Bending down, he prepared to lift the wheelchair again.jEnYQXXWVMnPvKXLiYsEyZSXcZxMBa
eGTteDNIELqwuIyBut Gong Yingxian stopped him, wanting to stand up on his own. Ren Yi quickly stopped him, saying, “Don’t move recklessly.”TwHkVVSQxacmUgcHHOyhXdrWHCifMg
dMAqgDnhSEzECKEGong Yingxian frowned, staring at his own legs.evbtvZJssEpwHXaUlvnCeeeYWONQPb
imMUOZGkRZPHWDZ“Don’t rush. Once you’re better, you can do whatever you want, but for now, just sit still. I’m not tired—my training sessions are way tougher than this,” Ren Yi said as he carried the wheelchair over the threshold. “Let’s go. We’re going to find Schiel.”nwkyGcWXuHxcbYEokrflrReuSQxFXu
VqjXDDmRkuwGAVUHe pushed Gong Yingxian forward, taking in the sight of the various reptiles along the way. Gong Yingxian’s eyes sparkled as he inspected each temperature-controlled habitat, even attempting to open one of the enclosures. Ren Yi stopped him in time.sMnMPXDWksSvzlsmVbFmgGPdhfDQwv
kEbjPliqRbaFwpnRen Yi kept pushing him until they reached Schiel’s enclosure. Pressing his face to the glass, Ren Yi said, “Yingxian, you’ve always wanted Miao Miao to play with Schiel. Once you’re better, I’ll bring Miao Miao along, okay?”ntbYWfpBTuqBmwVkCCivxyXsnhubAd
ljCKOkSOfDCwDEGGong Yingxian tapped lightly on the glass, and Schiel slithered over, rubbing its water-blue head against the pane.OMCPAdoXCWwmWQQYiqDkBGvdjliHqI
spEFLGSHyFLXUUS“The more I look at it, the cuter it seems,” Gong Yingxian said, glancing up at Ren Yi with a hopeful look.emsICbHIammTMbXPsUQvguSBiIthcI
uasKdoFOOOSKOWwRen Yi chuckled. “No opening it. What if there are bacteria?”xvFTQcCCOQCtmqdsYlkGLmIOljHJqX
KgIYcZyosZNglcPDisappointed, Gong Yingxian lowered his head and continued to tease Schiel through the glass for a while.nPPefmsfJzCcsapzvpWCGqRKnqmzjh
CALXACUHlESlEFQMeanwhile, Ren Yi’s attention was drawn to a gift box on the workbench. He walked over and carefully opened it. As expected, it was the preserved bearded dragon specimen—Gong Yingxian’s “one heart, one lizard.”nXRgtMVjKNarZrQFQppAGESmWZQLVs
LqpCJzXDMchukzfRen Yi couldn’t help but laugh.hiCvWtxPQQpJPCTrWFVdSyjRpoVzBw
HibKZjQaeJxVciISuch a cheesy, childish way of confessing. So… Gong Yingxian.izWnFIndFgUWQHTuIAUHRyUkSoeIKH
njgUCWaTyvPRnDoSincere, meticulous, wholehearted.MYbRkqxogPlimFFVGeaXVXKvehBlgR
GJSQwVwuHaYTJwzHe loved it. Loved it so much that just looking at it made his heart tingle and melt.DzFcreWKXiPeIRVTzoJhOwSNBBCxQC
QMBiKkURTbwEVZhThis could barely count as their “token of love,” yet it had failed to reach him twice. Once interrupted by Yan Jue, and another time when they had to rescue Gong Feilan. After everything that happened afterward, neither of them had the time or energy to think about it again.OJDcGIoWDAWywVxKucGDsqUpLRVApP
wJzRdEsmyajlQVhBut what was meant to be his was now finally in his hands.GjVBbFUuUcXBeiYqjWgJpRPdkKFUFj
aUxTdpiDbHocDbQLost in thought, Ren Yi suddenly heard the soft sound of wheelchair wheels rolling. Turning around, he saw that at some point, Gong Yingxian had wheeled himself over and wrapped his arms around Ren Yi’s waist.OvUCsCzyWVPDRZxGxJHjGMWwJPIZEq
zPkitcXCFmDCqtTRen Yi set the bearded dragon specimen down and smiled. “This time, I can finally take it home. But leaving it here feels fitting too… Actually, no, I’ll take it home. I’ll tidy up the house, because I want to take you home with me as well.”ctJpLNGhynqrKwEGCfKcdnoKqFKOgh
GOpNcCKSjyGkdMqGong Yingxian didn’t know if he fully understood but simply hugged Ren Yi’s waist tightly, resting his head against his side and nuzzling gently.rEthsywPzRpsYYCRHBhakDkhNnXYPY
MSzqsADqUjyBVyl“‘One heart, one lizard,’ ‘one heart, one mind,’” Ren Yi repeated, feeling a growing sweetness in his chest. Stroking Gong Yingxian’s thick hair, he said softly, “You’re actually pretty romantic, you know.”UlLYjfdsZftGbqsywCwHkOzNlJQyJF
azUtOVlGALrXwCIIn the end, Ren Yi decided to leave the bearded dragon specimen there for now. Once he had tidied up his home, he would find a proper place to carefully store it. Then, he pushed Gong Yingxian back for dinner. After dinner, Dr. Pompeii was scheduled to perform a deep hypnosis session on him.ZHEdKzztIBbUQLMvNdgXkYWWCxDtlk
QjwlCmSUoXPFCFwTo help Gong Yingxian relax completely, the session took place in his bedroom. Ren Yi waited anxiously outside the door.fvkcWBwtIjpastdIpFtatLTPEtmPuw
DUYTzRRFlNrRBNlSeeing that Ren Yi refused to sit despite repeated attempts to convince him, Sheng Bo eventually brought over a chair and placed it outside Gong Yingxian’s door.JQZKghUfcRYHqlTWhKbKTmPaApNGnx
JOJDQpxisWKGciuRen Yi waited there for three hours. The hypnosis itself wasn’t that long—only about twenty minutes, as going beyond that would be unsafe. Most of the time was spent on preparation: Dr. Pompeii first communicated extensively with Gong Yingxian to observe his state, then administered a muscle relaxant to prevent him from moving and aggravating his healing wounds.dpphdqbuAjOCSqKKqHDgiOwweGuTuh
cTFWtjbOHTEzOHrWhen the door finally opened, Ren Yi stood up immediately and looked expectantly at Dr. Pompeii.EtqzErSRhUvTwEAheoiEBNzjbQVIgG
wQZnxoWhiBpqjzyDr. Pompeii smiled reassuringly. “Don’t worry, it went very well.”rAlvsHVYhfTLKXvgJDTJuyStGZiIyn
IArVeEDWOJbNsWXRen Yi’s eyes lit up. “What do you mean by ‘well’?”kFYCvUqzXLBHvQuLCHrlPRvKraYUwo
cQGcWUnjPeaqxqU“First of all, this time isn’t as severe as when he was six. That incident involved deep psychological trauma. This time, it’s more a case of being scared—self-preservation. With a safe and comfortable environment, he’ll recover on his own over time, but with our help, it’ll be faster.wxZgnJhTmBFPhFRkKcwUxATxQdQafS
nRpuJVotKvkFDLH“I asked him a few questions and found that some of his memories have become confused with those from when he was six. That’s actually a good thing. This recent event has triggered memories he had forgotten back then. It’s both an obstacle to his recovery and an opportunity, as he’s always wanted to retrieve those lost memories. I’ve helped sort through them, allowing him to distinguish between the two time periods and gradually separate himself from the past.”pucJPCvgrmyBSIceIJetCSlALJSAHp
oEmMMzJPtLiiLKF“That’s great.” Ren Yi rubbed his hands together excitedly. “Can I go in and see him now?”faRuUvvlsXuQFKApMiPxGSlaqYnJnN
YaQTDnqSFaZgIQC“You can,” Dr. Pompeii replied. “He’s capable of simple conversations now. From this point on, you should talk to him about more complex topics—discuss the case, ask him chemistry-related questions, and encourage him to use his mind as much as possible.”dqzGjTclPBdNFdKJGHmFwisZXziGqx
“Go ahead.” Dr. Pompeii took a few steps, then turned back. “Oh, by the way, my suggestion from last time—you really have to try it.” He winked at Ren Yi. “It works, seriously.”iqZRujCXsMAycrhZJVQedKMNqCJjyp
Ren Yi gave a faintly embarrassed smile and pushed the door open.xvJCnaZwjjGKimwIwbKpEYmXUwNZIC
sKhlKHKlGxEYWcCGong Yingxian was lying on the bed, reading a piece of paper. When Ren Yi walked in, he realized it was a medication pamphlet.AQNvLMZpRyLgpBgeWHuPyFAMOtUnUy
sAFwAZeGkmLFsDJRen Yi flicked the paper. “What’s so interesting about that?”GSXkuRqhYrsHgnfqLHCyQjFldoHaTA
MgoIOgpdDeKcVfJApparently, not much. Gong Yingxian casually tossed it aside and looked at Ren Yi. “You…”YxcoWBKaRTVnZYsYeVCjinVwuOcDmB
QlQnJwEfExmfRRg“What about me?”sVYKkEjMvlBRandGDtmbmMJKxWsdnd
pybiziaWDwUBYHt“Ren Yi.”kgIIxlhawFyKqxkyejmPqPsxcnsiut
pueFfDhBpZEgtmv“Yes, that’s me.”JZkJggxObNQqCgTKaieGsSkojpiaOC
ZWFRwsFeqTrIBYbGong Yingxian pointed at his throat. “Water.”DZyXHAldekfewuJGyUbchWQGFShYxA
kOVRXTJkcNlzqCvThe clarity of his request filled Ren Yi with joy. He turned around, poured a glass of water for Gong Yingxian, and sat by the bed, watching him drink.JdomTrpzpLxuzTXkayoLRxnTynyhlD
AahOYkvfnAuxlxdRen Yi held Gong Yingxian’s hand. “Tired?”WLcKReEOcYWuofUTgGrdsluKvqEwhl
vzrPRMIIzasUlgfGong Yingxian nodded, then shook his head.qsrFGPcQdCAsAmxCMKMjpPEyfZBcfI
ArgYfYEmleWHUVD“So, are you tired or not?” Ren Yi asked patiently.WFqqhSzUJbBQrzWNmcHCovwAZNVyzR
AVoIKWMVhaOWzMUGong Yingxian thought for a moment and furrowed his brow.grFFfsfMNkRKmoaQbxqRdVmNRhQPfd
RnQAMVxVZIgHOkf“Alright, it’s fine. If you can’t answer, don’t answer.”gXjlfNexhOcrhMmoJUtXtCBuHHZLDl
UDDMMsPYiXwMCjyGong Yingxian placed the glass on the bedside table, leaned forward, and kissed Ren Yi naturally, as if it was his favorite thing to do—something he had to do countless times every day. Especially when he didn’t know how to respond to Ren Yi, this was his best answer.VmzdkyFBaKeEucHlCgbucjDzSmuvcr
VVqbYQIdqDGluaYRen Yi returned the affection tenderly. Dr. Pompeii’s words suddenly echoed in his mind, stirring ripples in his heart that grew wider and wider.gJgwVCfNsTwnkDUhfiDXaDsEiKRgPp
lKIPhdnBmKUGZimBy the time Ren Yi came back to his senses, he was already kneeling on one knee on the bed, his arms around Gong Yingxian’s neck, deepening the kiss.OfObEuBxpxkeDSiHYqWKdlHcqREEmn
beAnOmUIWCoDGtOThe ripples in his heart had turned into crashing waves.FtFOzCGoSEsuSuAdvPuhiNtktcDusJ
hKmKoOMBSmyHjWvThe kiss grew more passionate, more out of control.qkvQVmQUsyjqMKfUgABHerMMmvHoKE
iATJCuIduGDltlxRen Yi, with practiced ease, slipped his hand under the thin blanket, grasping Gong Yingxian’s member through his pants. Initially soft and dormant between his legs, it gave a slight twitch at his touch, beginning a curious transformation in his palm.xRlRltwrXUNKJzmaQhMMNQrLNPsFhk
CrAzWvdQtoZiCYjRen Yi’s lips and tongue ravaged Gong Yingxian’s mouth, feeling the object in his hand grow harder and bigger under his caress until it swelled into a full, rigid shape. With a flick of his hand, the thin blanket was cast aside, and the object stood prominent against his thigh, forming a fierce outline beneath the fabric.dnsmEWWntaaUpaTEMezlqkVJQwXtjs
rHhasAcTuoDhyQtBetween gasping for breath, Ren Yi chuckled. “You’ve been acting like a child lately, but this part of you certainly isn’t. What have you been eating to grow like this? Should I try the cold meals too?”bgcrWzLFZnILVgRSqNunQyKfYwUlbo
kyYOpQCbsMsOhfQGong Yingxian’s lower body was pushing against Ren Yi’s palm impatiently. He didn’t know what he wanted, he only knew that he wanted it, and the man in front of him could give it to him.YBtijPvnftXCwbPCfQfcHDTCceAyin
jjgNzyGaeHKfQfRRen Yi pressed his thigh instead: “You are not allowed to move, only I can move, okay.”INMIHhwQpRxLhUGHewxOGYBDgpfKgI
zVIMdhWxbkpYoPRGong Yingxian stared at him with eyes wide open, his eyes were frighteningly bright.DXyECjvuRLDRSRIMQejDHtCXBSgWgG
eIUbmppBIqjRKcB“If you move around, you will touch the wound.” Ren Yi kissed him again, “So you can’t move, especially your legs, okay, nod, nod and we will continue.”XcdFxfFCqkbxrouHZUOWUkPFpwQzfH
IKilGIkEFEKwauUGong Yingxian nodded obediently.qcweBkCpzINsGRGXayfgQPjcQWUPFx
uFaNpAqqgvMpWQIRen Yi licked his lips and carefully sat on Gong Yingxian. His leg was injured on the side, so as long as he didn’t touch it deliberately, he wouldn’t touch it, but he didn’t dare to use force. He used his knees to bear the weight of his body and rubbed Gong Yingxian’s flesh blade that had not yet been “unsheathed” back and forth with his buttocks.pZDowLhvjZhFUFmelAWFkjCyFSBmiG
VkjdZkpVAdceoOAGong Yingxian moaned, wrapped his arms around Ren Yi’s waist, and slowly slid down, reaching into his pants, instinctively stroking his plump buttocks that were rubbing against him.QBePKiAKhwJqlXDvFJcZsKUFGKCGaU
VwkiKBHoFTtZWkSRen Yi bit Gong Yingxian’s lower lip, gently pulled it, swept his tongue across his teeth, and whispered: “Oh, my waist is going to be a little sore.”byHyAvqbsHcznnRhzhlzCZzKuGytpn
HxAOoLkQDWddcexGong Yingxian touched Ren Yi’s waist.NEuaylYYgkWYMpsWKvCkNphZmLskCf
oCmMqkNpWMRpqRORen Yi smiled and said: “You will only make it more sore if you touch me like this. If you want me not to be sore, you should get better soon. You move, let me lie comfortably and enjoy it, okay.”jupfJgmltqSlsMpBytIvlzgqemsYvL
bAyuVzXQyinMUxCGong Yingxian nodded and called: “Ren Yi, my waist is sore.”ePzzQVijOkyeHJxXRXHQdzavbMydEx
CKAStJULFZsPyzMRen Yi knelt and retreated, leaned down, and took off Gong Yingxian’s pants. The huge penis popped out and stood up, standing tall and proud.VRBudzMIYzqriJiIwptOuKQgyaBJzZ
JbnkkQRpdawdniPGong Yingxian became embarrassed and blushed.IeLqpuzzsVvEwfpZoexjYUSJyZJgTO
tqzsTuVhKuKmCUpRen Yi hadn’t seen Xiao Gong Yingxian for a long time, and he was very excited. In his mind, there were vivid scenes of the two of them having sex, which made his lower body hard.ViFkwzgPTFTdVEVdLuhQBIsmSTaeoW
CKpWthvPNkzIUmjRen Yi opened his mouth without hesitation and took the thick and long penis in his mouth.YyTdUxrJTDuPmAYwyAJDVgsllqEFLz
YzsrhSgRjHoVmvFGong Yingxian took a breath and trembled violently.sgPgbYsNmlbtfGIBhQdyLtagaAOrRA
BsdJDZHMyUPFiQZRen Yi pressed his thigh and said vaguely: “Don’t move.” After that, he breathed in and out in his mouth and sucked, licking and teasing with his tongue.upQlQWiStysntdJTLxpgCEBaKOgXYC
XCTJiFmhcHyRWJUIt was really difficult to ask Gong Yingxian not to move at this time. He was excited, helpless and anxious, but he didn’t know what to do. He watched Ren Yi’s cheek bulge from the inside, he watched Ren Yi’s bright red lips stretched wide open, and his flesh-and-veined penis moving in and out, he watched Ren Yi’s tongue lick from the base of the penis to the top, and then sucked hard, his whole body shook, as if penetrated by lightning, the pleasure surged, he couldn’t help but grab Ren Yi’s hair, shouting that name again and again.TLfvMzIRzUVtifcgdcBggpxVWPPbkx
ZpSRfEqLPjacOCJRen Yi sucked hard, and soon his cheeks were sore. He patted Gong Yingxian’s legs, “Cum…come on.”SZBEzLykjjOfJVNnlUPbYagCvkxeqz
NFGUihcNUDZTIvIGong Yingxian closed his eyes, leaned back on the pillow, clutched the quilt tightly with both hands, moaned softly, but had no intention of cumming.xlPqeGfUYMPtHQIIGUvEGMZzMcYkUO
XKyiFqmXlTMFWqJRen Yi knew Gong Yingxian’s endurance best, or should be said to be the only one who knew. He licked for a long time, and seeing that Gong Yingxian had no intention of ending, he knew that this would not end well. He was well prepared. He took out the lubricant from his pocket, took off his pants in a few strokes, squeezed a puddle onto his hands, and put his hands around his back to open up.OvqgJJElJAeUkoVEZYYjmUmAuxyVjT
sABzbUksJIvAkgIGong Yingxian stared at him with wide eyes.gAspXZlsWaLNYSaaUmDhawnurckljR
KAfkFcQfxvSqoMhRen Yi was a little embarrassed by his gaze, but he was not the kind of person who would hide when he was shy. He firmly believed that as long as the other person was more shy than him, he would not be the most embarrassing one, so he crawled over again, rubbing Gong Yingxian’s lips with a kiss or not, and said ambiguously: “Do you know what I’m doing?” Gong Yingxian stared at him blankly, his face was already red, even to the neck. FhdaXzGEliZsryoMTOfWHCAEyKAOdq
BnksqzTuribepHkRen Yi moved his head to one side and put it on Gong Yingxian’s shoulder, leaning forward, then sticking his buttocks up, grabbing Gong Yingxian’s hand, letting the long arm cross his back and directly touch his wet back hole. Gong Yingxian’s hand bounced as if it was electrocuted, and was entangled by Ren Yi’s slippery and sticky fingers and led to the hole. Ren Yi bit Gong Yingxian’s neck: “You helped me do it before. Think about it. You remember it. You know how to do it, right?” FPyuNDVBgyRgGYanYVhnzfIeFteQKb
KARUrfFFkJscgmWGong Yingxian’s hand froze for a while, and somehow touched the soft, slightly shrinking hole, and slowly inserted it in. “Well, yes…” elaRerbHcWjqGQFOiuHhrieAnidBvU
QNDkGElOZGYOVKDRen Yi rubbed Gong Yingxian’s shoulder, “That’s it.” He simply inserted a finger, intertwined Gong Yingxian’s fingers in the intestines, and violated himself together. This way of playing was fresh and obscene. Ren Yi felt that his lower body was hard and painful, and he just wanted to get more and greater stimulation. Just as Ren Yi wanted to go further, he suddenly felt the meat hole tighten. mjbNamSCgRfKzXlXYfDzSARtoAPaNi
GguGGhgNcaoUBZXGong Yingxian actually added two more fingers, and even pumped in and out, rubbing the lubricant with a puffing sound. Ren Yi gasped and almost couldn’t hold his body, and fell on Gong Yingxian. Gong Yingxian’s lips were even more random, kissing and licking Ren Yi’s ears, cheeks, and hairline.IyYketRQHRUtflBkXqJACAxjWCLPfv
xWxweGHenVuNofC“Okay, that’s enough.” Ren Yi pulled out Gong Yingxian’s wet fingers, hugged Gong Yingxian’s neck with both hands, and looked at him with naked and indulgent eyes, “Dr. Pompei said that this is useful. I see that you really remember a lot. Then you will feel better later, will you remember more?”PmfjTSHkEkWbUzByBNNPqGuXLFAjBi
PKOGbjGCslloSlzGong Yingxian came up to kiss Ren Yi, and Ren Yi pressed his forehead against his forehead: “Wait, let me go first… No, let you come in first.”uSkVPngvrpaAkfvSTleoPfojocxmIc
PJzmXIJsBcBrJpRHe adjusted his kneeling position, with his two slender and powerful thighs supporting Gong Yingxian’s side, and then held Gong Yingxian’s gifted cock with one hand, opened his back hole with the other hand, aimed, and slowly sat down.lwMfmEDqOnhNuXpNFBdwuAQtnrafCM
kKJxTiKQhSUUfaZ“Mmm…” Gong Yingxian moaned in disbelief, and a tingling sensation spread throughout his body.aioLcpSEPjjyxfPthvubdIkLmWZKCo
fUhTpqwHFeiwnmB“Hiss… It hurts…” After only the head of the penis entered, Ren Yi couldn’t go on any further, and could only support Gong Yingxian’s hard abdominal muscles with both hands, trying to slow down.PbQUCajKlXHKrQXzFjgxdDRkQnkxyV
LAvfJIFsEOzDsNmHowever, Gong Yingxian, who had tasted the sweetness, was not willing to stop. Seeing Ren Yi half-holding his penis, with such a long part exposed outside, he instinctively raised his waist.BAyKfWhdVsNzvDpDDxxkhQBKAfXSgd
utGgpJTWiGCRYpc“Ah——” Ren Yi screamed in pain, and the giant thing was pushed halfway into Gong Yingxian. He slapped Gong Yingxian and said angrily: “I told you not to move!”tXHpQOUEJGSUdlZoflaLFpBvZBpqVa
mpLCQZSbbKrcOnMThis was the first time that Gong Yingxian was yelled at by Ren Yi. After being frightened, the corners of his eyes drooped, and he really didn’t dare to move.BmRvwJWkbrRiCZzRCzSlJXCXVENaIf
LBOAUkecSucKwSNRen Yi took several deep breaths. He was not afraid of pain, but he was afraid that Gong Yingxian’s wound would split. When he looked up, he saw Gong Yingxian’s aggrieved expression, and he couldn’t bear it anymore. He pinched Gong Yingxian’s chin and smiled: “When you ou look like this, I really want to take a picture of you, and show it to you later. I guess I will be scared to death.” Gong Yingxian couldn’t help but tremble all over, his penis trembled uneasily, and his penis muscles bulged, looking more and more ferocious. Ren Yi gave it his all, lowered his waist, and sat down. XQhUqyEqAWrZTxFUfHmnHRXkgldkku
hKcmPbXCRgaRDYb“Ah ah——” DJkFtFeGNMwPPMoDttpHbxiBRwGkQe
OYRomIiuBzeOKzIHis penis hit a certain organ, as if it was going to swallow his body, entering a depth that he couldn’t accept for a while, exciting him to tremble all over, and even the front of his penis secreted liquid. Gong Yingxian forgot Ren Yi’s warning not to let him move, and the pleasure of being tightly wrapped in the wet, hot and soft fiercely stimulated his nerves, and he pushed up again. vGATqhERdUpVseQYUpZDudcSqQKMPX
PoYoMhHPyOiHXOkRen Yi held his shoulders and gritted his teeth, saying, “I told you not to move, not to move… Tsk, you bastard, are you pretending!”UUfudnPIyPVQBGYxbLGfLmnbeAAzVc
AcMKGCexpwfKZHeHe slapped Gong Yingxian on the uninjured leg, “Don’t move!” Gong Yingxian had to resist the urge and stopped. Ren Yi took a few deep breaths again, barely adapting to the foreign body running rampant in his body. He removed the pillows behind Gong Yingxian: “Lie down.” Gong Yingxian lay down. Ren Yi then supported Gong Yingxian’s hard abdominal muscles, raised his hips, and slowly sat down again. ZYusWGfqTpfYOCDiCqRZeRycjGXqtE
VMgXTFdSLzcRdVi“Ah… Ren Yi…” Gong Yingxian grabbed Ren Yi’s thigh, leaving handprints on the white and slender leg.vGXKvGSYAHNFgItjtaSgiTCGojrhIS
PysAoYUZlhMSdsXThe two had used this position before, but only once or twice, because it was tiring. Ren Yi knew that he was not as strong as Gong Yingxian, so he was happy to let Gong Yingxian do the work. But those times were also the first time that Ren Yi was in full control. He realized that this way he could penetrate deeper and feel more pleasure.YriuZrIITSaHytwpxtjNWdywsyoKxT
aAjVJiMWOPuVCmORen Yi got the fun of it, found the right angle, and started moving up and down. Every time the penis penetrated deeply, he felt like it was going to penetrate his body. All sensitive areas could not escape its hard and hot friction. He stroked his own penis at the same time, and under the front and back pressure, the numb pleasure ran wild in his body.WPosqhITKRrxWlujSvgacDghHAnkLa
cBljJHzUuSVCoZsGong Yingxian was also deeply addicted. Every second he spent in Ren Yi’s body was burned by the burning fire of desire. He called Ren Yi’s name and said, “I want to move.”qQMJUqGDSFBfVSrMfUXYPqVNqPySNn
ZfwCUKkMQluFnoTWhen Ren Yi was almost demented by the insertion, he suddenly heard this sentence and woke up suddenly: “What do you want?”nyyPeUrxCXWkOXLARfwFIWiAnSMxvC
isMnAHCCyCOyrcc“I want to… move.” Gong Yingxian’s voice was mixed with a trace of forbearing pain.PCyFdfixBOPoVhvqAlOQESsXfWWXNH
WKNdjXHAKcExGhw“No, no, I’ll leave if you dare to move.” Ren Yi was surprised and happy.dsnoGlZqEcYPAiHwztAyVaSopvoqnO
pRmUgTjHksaMVBVGong Yingxian was silent, but his breathing became heavier.UdfodGoyjfhaqtOTuuDfvalgrrXJpp
VEzfrUrYFVGthWt“But you… can you cum?” Ren Yi urged.jOLXzKqmuJmcGwDDSHSQYiCUvTxDOg
HKtIciBsCqKvzXaGong Yingxian remained silent, occasionally calling Ren Yi’s name.xOPVoJThXDLvrpFXqcpUOQrAeWccsk
yEoBdZWwDtqsmDuRen Yi persisted for a few more minutes, and he really couldn’t stand it anymore: “Yingxian, you shoot, I don’t have the strength.”MvOqImyApAxEQqCUOjnhGHWyebxpCW
kVcpIjzzizKxicv“Yingxian, be good, shoot it.”tEAZEtRTmaJjtHemLUPzSYSfCokHxh
fGEbHdUVuDsRcMq“Yingxian?” Ren Yi worked hard to rise and fall twice, and that thing didn’t show any sign of surrendering.CffEaOSDJuOmCdPEfGqDsAhqOjgROS
AFbgSIwgjkhxDmW“No, no shoot.” Gong Yingxian whispered.fhuNLFRduFSqzdwLCzMzlwRoRKQAKi
FkGRqeJVQBJcdDpRen Yi couldn’t help it, his body trembled, his back hole tightened, and he shot out, all sprayed on Gong Yingxian’s waist, abdomen, and chest.vXkMgfmuPlYowTheBTnTanKPPPGSHb
JPRFytWGmQdScNIThe thick white body fluids were all over Gong Yingxian’s body, what an obscene picture.ncVbfXjxtnwQnaxFBuxNvbOUKxHTml
SZcBEreqxeOKuZIRen Yi also lay on Gong Yingxian’s body exhausted, even though the meat hole was still inserted in his body, he really didn’t have the strength to move.CcotWAxmALSgeDQLnsbUCRgPeUJLCg
bvHrTEKYeTXmkrUGong Yingxian held Ren Yi’s waist and slowly moved his waist.hxjdzysvBtolgkDwPFSUfHkDVRgCst
LdbcsHpKGbxdAGZRen Yi frowned.deQMvDnGnMZGZgymFCTLhjmCxKxHLK
QfUxMbCFekcMGrcGong Yingxian thought that the test had passed, so he began to move a few more times with courage.LjGgQvYMNwUJUsLZCOSWqbyLgVKSNR
XrrTfaMWTuhbCvl“No, your wound will split!” Ren Yi was about to get up.QQohKvcHKdxKmJCUyVGpvyPiqejHcu
FJuPnblOEAcpLTJBut Gong Yingxian’s hands on his waist were like two iron bars, locking him tightly. Gong Yingxian’s unbearable voice came to his ears: “No… I can’t.”xnENCVYDElhgtqqEXUGBkLCmYjoxFh
bSEFlpVHxuSgjVv“What can’t!”SeEbgyThcGMmMdHKetDApFmSqgnFuT
AxglSzYrkkOffueGong Yingxian’s waist moved skillfully like waves. He used the power of his waist to drive his lower body, letting his penis thrust in and out of Ren Yi’s body. Although the amplitude was much smaller, the strength and speed were not ambiguous. Soon, he seemed to have found a way to exert force, becoming more and more skilled.DqbHLXbISHcOAdfzhlXCCTgVWubAWO
CcqipxbPadqrmNdRen Yi was forced to lie on top of him, unable to move. The sticky body fluids on his chest became the best lubricant. He was controlled by Gong Yingxian and slid up and down on his body like a fish. When he slid up, Gong Yingxian pulled out. When he slid down, Gong Yingxian pushed up. This cooperation between the two was labor-saving and deep and fast.yRgBigsKJzIuPeKgeQdtQjrYFiWQZU
RVvJnZAvaPQONMnRen Yi was so soft from being penetrated that he didn’t forget to curse, “You are really self-taught. I don’t even know this trick!”FOlCfOLJfopWUjIIRymEWNpXTRCmWU
JJBmhxZoXEAQoceGong Yingxian was “obedient” and didn’t move around. He actually fucked Ren Yi in this position. The two of them were as hot as fire, and the pleasure was overwhelming and crazy.kuKVSIJdyvsEdaqBzdfxISWhGCcKcF
ThKQIgiTzDYsnXrWhen Ren Yi was confused and sinking, he seemed to hear Gong Yingxian calling his name and saying “I love you” in his ear.ATvLWJBtZFtllpPzzmyxFSkXwSyjUD