Blazing Armor

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Chapter 37

Ren Yi wandered around the temperature-controlled room. Although these reptiles made him a bit uncomfortable, since they belonged to Gong Yingxian, he figured he should learn a bit about them.

Gong Yingxian introduced his collection to Ren Yi. It was rare for Ren to see him look this visibly happy. Even the light in his eyes was something Ren could savor for a long time.

“This workbench is where I make specimens,” Gong Yingxian pointed at the display rack. “Look at this armadillo-tailed lizard. Its scales are so beautiful. This piece is the shed skin of a king cobra—it’s incredibly well-preserved. Over here are small creatures like salamanders and geckos.”

Ren Yi scanned the room, his gaze finally landing on a giant crocodile specimen. It looked at least five or six meters long, like a boat. He was so shocked he couldn’t speak.

“This saltwater crocodile is the largest specimen in my collection,” Gong Yingxian said proudly. “Pretty majestic, right?”

Ren Yi shot Gong Yingxian a smile, thinking he looked like a little boy showing off a new toy to his friend. “Did you make all of these yourself?”

“Some of them, but most were bought. It’s not legal to keep these in the country.”

Ren Yi clicked his tongue twice. “You rich people sure know how to have fun.”

“Yeah, having money does make things easier,” Gong Yingxian replied, his tone indifferent, as though being wealthy was neither something to boast about nor something to be modest about—it was as normal as the weather.

“But you should still save a bit. Being a cop doesn’t pay that well. You can’t just burn through your savings.”

“Burn through my savings?”

“Uh, these must all be from your parents, right…”

“My inheritance?” Gong Yingxian said expressionlessly. “That’s right. But their estate also includes shares in the company. I don’t take part in management, but I get dividends.”

“Baosheng Group still exists?” Ren Yi asked in surprise. “Didn’t it…”

“Asset restructuring. The name was changed. Feilan’s mother is the current CEO,” Gong Yingxian clearly didn’t want to continue the conversation. “Let’s go back and eat.”

The two returned to the main house, where the kitchen had already prepared a lavish late-night meal. Steward Sheng was smiling warmly, waiting for them.

“Captain Ren, do you like the young master’s pets?”

Ren Yi forced a couple of dry laughs. “They’re alright, they’re alright.”

“The young master also has a chemistry lab, it’s quite interesting. One day, you should have him take you there for some fun.”

“Oh? Sure, is it also in the yard?”

“How could a lab with risks of explosions and leaks be in the house? I bought a piece of land nearby.”

Ren Yi raised an eyebrow. “That qualifies as a hazardous area. Did you file the proper fire safety reports?”

Gong Yingxian shot him a sideways glance. “Of course I did.”

Ren Yi laughed. “That’s good. Hey, when you have time, you should come to our division and give a lecture on hazardous chemicals. We may not specialize in dealing with them, but it never hurts to learn more.”

“Sure,” Gong Yingxian agreed without hesitation.

“Wow, that was quick,” Ren Yi said, both surprised and pleased. “Alright then, it’s settled. I’ll have Bobo approve some pay for your lecture. It won’t be much, but it’s something.”

Ren Yi wandered around the temperature-controlled room. Although these reptiles made him a bit uncomfortable, since they belonged to Gong Yingxian, he figured he should learn a bit about them.

Gong Yingxian introduced his collection to Ren Yi. It was rare for Ren to see him look this visibly happy. Even the light in his eyes was something Ren could savor for a long time.

“This workbench is where I make specimens,” Gong Yingxian pointed at the display rack. “Look at this armadillo-tailed lizard. Its scales are so beautiful. This piece is the shed skin of a king cobra—it’s incredibly well-preserved. Over here are small creatures like salamanders and geckos.”

Ren Yi scanned the room, his gaze finally landing on a giant crocodile specimen. It looked at least five or six meters long, like a boat. He was so shocked he couldn’t speak.

“This saltwater crocodile is the largest specimen in my collection,” Gong Yingxian said proudly. “Pretty majestic, right?”

Ren Yi shot Gong Yingxian a smile, thinking he looked like a little boy showing off a new toy to his friend. “Did you make all of these yourself?”

“Some of them, but most were bought. It’s not legal to keep these in the country.”

Ren Yi clicked his tongue twice. “You rich people sure know how to have fun.”

“Yeah, having money does make things easier,” Gong Yingxian replied, his tone indifferent, as though being wealthy was neither something to boast about nor something to be modest about—it was as normal as the weather.

“But you should still save a bit. Being a cop doesn’t pay that well. You can’t just burn through your savings.”

“Burn through my savings?”

“Uh, these must all be from your parents, right…”

“My inheritance?” Gong Yingxian said expressionlessly. “That’s right. But their estate also includes shares in the company. I don’t take part in management, but I get dividends.”

“Baosheng Group still exists?” Ren Yi asked in surprise. “Didn’t it…”

“Asset restructuring. The name was changed. Feilan’s mother is the current CEO,” Gong Yingxian clearly didn’t want to continue the conversation. “Let’s go back and eat.”

The two returned to the main house, where the kitchen had already prepared a lavish late-night meal. Steward Sheng was smiling warmly, waiting for them.

“Captain Ren, do you like the young master’s pets?”

Ren Yi forced a couple of dry laughs. “They’re alright, they’re alright.”

“The young master also has a chemistry lab, it’s quite interesting. One day, you should have him take you there for some fun.”

“Oh? Sure, is it also in the yard?”

“How could a lab with risks of explosions and leaks be in the house? I bought a piece of land nearby.”

Ren Yi raised an eyebrow. “That qualifies as a hazardous area. Did you file the proper fire safety reports?”

Gong Yingxian shot him a sideways glance. “Of course I did.”

Ren Yi laughed. “That’s good. Hey, when you have time, you should come to our division and give a lecture on hazardous chemicals. We may not specialize in dealing with them, but it never hurts to learn more.”

“Sure,” Gong Yingxian agreed without hesitation.

“Wow, that was quick,” Ren Yi said, both surprised and pleased. “Alright then, it’s settled. I’ll have Bobo approve some pay for your lecture. It won’t be much, but it’s something.”


“Great!” Sheng Bo said happily. “The room and toiletries are all prepared.”

Ren Yi chuckled helplessly, “Alright, thanks.”

Gong Yingxian propped his chin on his hand, crossing his long legs leisurely, staring at Ren Yi. “When are you going to invite me over for dinner and a sleepover at your place?”

As soon as he said this, Ren Yi and Sheng Bo’s eyes almost popped out of their heads.

“Since this seems to be your standard procedure for making friends, I’ll go along with it. I’ve already done my part, now it’s your turn.” Gong Yingxian fixed his gaze on Ren Yi, his eyes gleaming with some inexplicable light.

Ren Yi was stunned for a long time before bursting into laughter. Gong Yingxian was using a grade-schooler’s method to make friends with him. It was silly, yet there was a simple charm to it that felt both pure and adorable, making Ren Yi feel a bit flattered. He laughed, “You’re always welcome at my place, but it’s small and… not exactly spotless. You sure you’re okay with that?”

“No problem, no problem.” Before Gong Yingxian could respond, Sheng Bo jumped in. “I can go ahead and prepare the place, clean it up a bit, and bring some of the young master’s usual things. It’ll be fine.”

Gong Yingxian said, “Then it’s settled. When?”

“Uh… next weekend?”

“Good.” Gong Yingxian stood up. “Time to sleep.” He walked a few steps before stopping, turning to ask, “Do you want to wear my clothes?”

“Huh? No need, my training uniform is clean.”

Gong Yingxian glanced at him, a bit disdainful. “Suit yourself.”

After Gong Yingxian left, Sheng Bo beamed, “Fantastic! The young master is actually going to a friend’s house for a sleepover. Captain Ren, what’s the situation at your place? What do I need to prepare?”

Ren Yi smiled wryly, “It’s just me at my place. You can come over and clean it up according to your young master’s usual standards and replace everything with what he likes. That should be enough.” He wasn’t planning to take Gong Yingxian to the old house he currently shared with his dad—it was too inconvenient. He had another apartment, not really lived in much, but it was clean enough.

Sheng Bo nodded repeatedly, so excited his eyebrows seemed ready to fly off his face.

When Ren Yi returned to the guest room, he collapsed onto the bed, rolling over with his eyes open. He knew roughly where Gong Yingxian’s room was, on the same floor. He wondered if Gong Yingxian was already asleep, or if he too was tossing and turning like him.

A lot had happened today, and every bit of it had an impact on him. But in the end, what occupied his mind the most was the fact that Gong Yingxian was going to spend the night at his house.

It wasn’t entirely his fault for overthinking. Gong Yingxian’s actions could easily be misinterpreted. But Ren Yi also knew that Gong Yingxian was just trying to make friends with him in a simple, sincere, even slightly awkward way. Ren Yi was Gong Yingxian’s first real friend. Reflecting on everything Gong Yingxian had gone through in his childhood, how hard it must have been for him to open up, Ren Yi realized how precious this was. Gong Yingxian’s family understood this too, and placed great hopes on him. Ren Yi couldn’t—dared not—harbor any improper thoughts. He was terrified of tainting the pure trust and friendship Gong Yingxian offered him.

Ren Yi lightly patted his face, muttering to himself, “Ren Sihuo, control yourself.”


The next morning, after breakfast, the two of them drove to the hospital. The doctor had already given them permission to question Zhou Chuan, so naturally, they didn’t want to waste any time.

Miaomiao, locked in its cage in the back seat, was meowing softly. Gong Yingxian kept glancing back at it for a while before finally asking, “When will its wound heal?”

“It’s already scabbed over. As long as we change the bandages every other day, it should be fine in a week or two,” Ren Yi smiled. “It’s so small, yet its vitality is strong.”

“Yeah,” Gong Yingxian murmured, “To survive being burned by fire… it’s tough.”

Ren Yi glanced at Gong Yingxian, feeling a pang in his heart.

After parking the car, Gong Yingxian put on a mask, his brow already furrowed unconsciously.

Ren Yi sighed internally, knowing why Gong Yingxian disliked hospitals. “Shall we try to wrap this up quickly?”

Gong Yingxian shook his head. “This guy is cunning, we can’t rush it.”

“If you start feeling uncomfortable, let me know. I’ll come outside with you for some air. Don’t push yourself.”

Gong Yingxian took a deep breath. “Let’s go.”

When they arrived at Zhou Chuan’s hospital room, Gong Yingxian showed his credentials to the police officer standing guard and signed in before opening the door.

Zhou Chuan was sitting in a wheelchair, looking out the window. His hands were cuffed to the bed frame with chains, giving him only slightly more mobility than if he were lying down.

Hearing them enter, Zhou Chuan turned his face toward them. Seeing the two, his expression was 70% fear, 30% resentment. He instinctively rolled his wheelchair closer to the bed, trying to shrink back.

Ren Yi crossed his arms and stared at him. “How’s the leg? I heard you’ll be able to walk again. You should really be thanking your lucky stars.”

Zhou Chuan’s lips trembled.

Gong Yingxian got straight to the point. “Zhou Chuan, you’re under criminal detention this time. Do you realize how much trouble you’re in?”

Zhou Chuan remained silent.

“You are suspected of premeditated arson, burning a private vehicle worth 160,000 yuan.”

“I didn’t burn it,” Zhou Chuan finally spoke. “It wasn’t me. I was just there filming.”

“You didn’t physically set the fire, but you and your accomplice premeditated the crime. The charges are just as serious. Your only way out now is to turn in your accomplice and hope for a lighter sentence.”

“How much lighter?”

“I can write a recommendation for a reduced sentence based on your cooperation, but the final decision will be up to the court. That’s only if you genuinely help.”

Zhou Chuan fell silent again.

Gong Yingxian opened his notebook. “I’ll ask, you answer.”

“How do I know you’re not lying to me? What if you don’t write that recommendation?”

“Do you still think you have room to negotiate?” Gong Yingxian said coldly. “Your only option is to trust me.”

Zhou Chuan lowered his head.

“Who is your accomplice? How did you meet? How did you plan the arson? Where is he now? What’s your relationship with the vehicle owner?” Gong Yingxian fired off a series of questions.

This time, Zhou Chuan stayed silent for a long time, then shook his head. “I don’t know.”

Gong Yingxian narrowed his eyes.

Ren Yi raised his voice. “You don’t know? Don’t give me that bullshit! You committed the crime together!”

Zhou Chuan quickly responded, “I really don’t know! I just saw someone on Angelica’s forum saying they were going to burn a car, so I went to film it. I don’t know that person, I don’t know the car owner, I didn’t plan anything, and I didn’t set the fire. I just filmed it, that’s all.”

“That’s bullshit!” Ren Yi cursed.

“Believe it or not, all I did was film. I didn’t do anything else. I want a lawyer,” Zhou Chuan suddenly said, agitated. “I didn’t burn that car!”

Gong Yingxian closed his notebook and stood up. He walked over to Zhou Chuan and slowly adjusted his tie.

Zhou Chuan looked up at him, confused.

The next moment, even Ren Yi couldn’t react in time. Gong Yingxian suddenly grabbed Zhou Chuan by the throat, lifting him out of the wheelchair with one hand and slamming him against the wall.

Zhou Chuan’s face turned as white as a sheet. He grabbed at Gong Yingxian’s arm, struggling helplessly.

Ren Yi was stunned as well. He had never seen this side of Gong Yingxian—sharp and ruthless like a sword!

Gong Yingxian leaned in close to Zhou Chuan, his cold, ruthless eyes almost piercing into Zhou’s flesh. Through the mask covering his mouth, he uttered chilling words: “Because of you, you piece of trash, our personal information was exposed on Angelica’s forum. If you dare to play games with me again, I will make sure you suffer more than being burned alive.”

Zhou Chuan’s eyes widened, his face turning from white to red as Gong Yingxian deliberately pressed his thumb against Zhou’s carotid artery. Zhou couldn’t breathe, his legs kicking helplessly in the air.

Ren Yi snapped out of his shock and shouted, “Dr. Gong, that’s enough! Let him go!”

Gong Yingxian glared at Zhou for a moment longer before suddenly releasing his grip.

Zhou collapsed onto the floor, clutching his throat and coughing violently. Ren Yi rushed over to help Zhou back into his wheelchair.

Meanwhile, Gong Yingxian calmly sat back down in his chair, as if nothing had happened, his suit unwrinkled by the incident. He spoke in a flat tone, “Continue.”

Zhou Chuan looked at Gong Yingxian with bloodshot eyes, filled with terror in his gaze.

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