Chapter 4
Ren Yi stared at Gong Yingxian’s face, lost in thought for a moment.WoVwaifVPtotpKPiTBkhmfWNDyPnAL
JtTYvzPGDmZkAIwGong Yingxian, however, paid him no mind. “Feilan, I’ll take you home.”sGDxsDPqpGzQUnOMnRCKPwHwnaNUqp
FSQiJxrbclmTxTSGong Feilan kept her head down and said nothing.MkRguJbOaZTDjXxALzwDxNFZOyVuXx
CeBlDFRJEfKVFlq“You’ll go to my place first. I’ll have a talk with Aunt.”uhAGihhHLojglKBPtNBIwAglVHpbVf
BilxQespKhjhqmW“What’s there to talk about?” Gong Feilan sneered. “Even if I never went home for the rest of my life, she wouldn’t notice.”eJjfeXGmTStvwYYruTnJqZfaXAJJhF
qHDUVdICwjwyLna“Come back with me first.” Gong Yingxian shot Ren Yi a sideways glance. “Don’t come to places like this anymore.”FfPtIieThSjypwXGxPOKNzLMAGNBuX
xVUvcUmdlUIASWoRen Yi snapped out of his daze, thinking, *What a waste of that face. Why is this guy so insufferable?*obDiwrjVVGSsRlhpDJEyecykLTurEK
zwVBOykCXpgayTO“What do you mean by ‘places like this’?” He crossed his arms, looking at Gong Yingxian defiantly. “This is the Phoenix Special Operations Fire Brigade of Tianqi City’s Hongwu District Public Safety and Fire Department. It’s a place that protects the lives and property of the people within 12 square kilometers. What’s your problem with ‘places like this’?”HIejqmUhczTNBLXgcOksHxSnnaqJqu
iqmHPllzDhHBpzh“This place is below hygiene standards, and it’s filled with people who don’t meet hygiene standards either.”jTvWDIjvrJeJtjHBoNNLturIVNBseI
LDYCczSWvAHEoSVGong Feilan stood up. “Cousin, that’s enough.”HQZltcMZiWNeKwxxkgjyNotFSOpFjC
uUJElAgodBzseAJ“What part of us doesn’t meet your hygiene standards? I shower every day.” Ren Yi glared at Gong Yingxian. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t use alcohol for my shower. Guess that doesn’t meet *your* standards.”ACLbMJNDVAuESXUlDysdXnUlUUMXKo
JrHXcVcbBGMdGSH“How many people are in your brigade?”ipUxOuIAmarqHatXGEKeWkdUXdRAlJ
srStDZYRuiTdLkk“Forty-two. Why? Are you going to ‘disinfect’ every one of them?”uTYgUTYPXojXoMpmXBatNAPMqdbxoE
doHcEqVOrNfMyxG“As a sample for a hygiene inspection, you’re only one out of forty-two, so statistically, it’s insufficient. But as the captain of this brigade, you represent the average standard of the group you lead.” Gong Yingxian looked Ren Yi up and down, snorting coldly. “Your shoes alone could serve as an ecological sample for the entire Phoenix Road area.”NcmHjxPaChncnBpzwKTvZLGZPJBLpv
trUInqhOgNGuwvvRen Yi instinctively glanced at his shoes. Yeah, they were a bit dirty. He cursed silently, suddenly standing up from his chair. “What the hell is wrong with you?”RHhjScUvqcexpTrLbQBbAvjNWgYxuh
FeAFAQbNnTpxOBX“Define ‘wrong.’”wYmsefkZsgOTAAEyXvODRfZKnZUcaF
fZVrswCTjEKxjsp“Cousin.” Gong Feilan gave Gong Yingxian a push. “I’ll go back with you. Let’s leave now.” She looked apologetically at Ren Yi, mouthing the words, “I’m sorry.”qFDHalSeUfpNVFnUVpquDfQmVAoJhu
UiFbCtyxYxrsGDs“You came here just to pick a fight? Did I ever offend you? Or are you always this much of a jerk to everyone?” Ren Yi shouted angrily. “I saved your sister, and you don’t even thank me. Fine. But do you have to be such an asshole about it?”sTCxzyOMTahPDyGeInXtpOXfJnqlZW
AuFbNhVnREmyesKGong Yingxian frowned slightly. “You saved my sister, not me. Why should I thank you?”aLRJWhMyPVmFMKJaWlJWOZzmTWqlCu
YbRZJhVxVbyhwnl“You…” Ren Yi was so mad he felt like punching something. “Even if you don’t thank me, you can’t just insult me for no reason. Since Feilan’s right here, shouldn’t she tell you the truth?”RecBcWiJILFghKrNxOMRllaPQXkQHN
JBMlAgkqlzjqjXjGong Yingxian looked down at Gong Feilan, who pursed her lips in frustration. “He’s not my boyfriend.”bdgZZqqCUCTXTYGNEZMzaIHIgUoYLd
TeuWNKcgTDUtzBQRen Yi spread his hands. “Did you hear that?”crUrPIoSOicVBjBiHlWDKAwDNmgYvG
qYqVzfGxoTyImiU“But,” Gong Feilan added firmly, “he will be my boyfriend someday.”LWrfjoZiIOYazAMsDENEhPlcLrFmtI
TzvOQTzOhysLUae“No, he won’t,” Gong Yingxian said as he started to pull her away.EtNfMWKhuHbQFnmcGiwgSxtbhVpCTx
TowQksHGMcQifTc“Hey, stop right there,” Ren Yi shouted.dnVuXjOdNgJHKeFuRxmpHqapVNnbnx
dfQrJyyTfGQcksMGong Yingxian paused, expressionless, staring at Ren Yi.hUitApdNtAvGJwgIHovOnzVgtHVFsP
XzlCUoJSWQWiZhG“You heard everything. Don’t you think you owe me an apology for falsely accusing me and barging into my place to confront me?”HWQGCZMiZNlYcejsLEGJYEvOiEQiHl
IqUWGoGBMGLrzWU“In theory, yes.”QEUYCaHxQayYCiYfjmAdPVkbwPQNko
PNpTtCCWEDgrdOR“…So apologize, then.”YDQyfFjNFftIyzyuwZjCWSjgHIWXHd
DwbLIZGIBQgPpTI“But I don’t want to.”jroIXVwDLBEgtqOGgnsTEgJriNRqPm
rdtQkfZklefjQZaRen Yi’s eyes widened. “You… wait… you know you’re wrong, and you still don’t want to apologize?”ifHLrCclklUvyVzfBUWIagiYgWXlXH
UugvBUnwpCYQVCw“Correct.” Gong Yingxian’s expression remained utterly calm, as if to say, *What can you do about it?*odjegPvkzUrbuaibsxVcNEElxAumtK
qQiRaviwspalDJiRen Yi inhaled sharply, using every ounce of self-restraint not to explode in front of a minor. He nodded, waving them off. “Fine. Go. Hurry up and leave.”ixnsFMnpDjMLOfwKkDFwNvgbMbyTPs
PlMIqeyAkKHXskXGong Feilan called out, “Big Brother Ren, I’m sorry!”RUJgoivaPgBGLjOdptMFdhZinPJjzs
xhwmdFlzghqtNOfGong Yingxian pulled her along, leaving without looking back.cQfihhKjgwKLZDIqhSwkihUmswqwVV
qxtQSuUUqThenIGRen Yi rubbed his face, feeling the frustration bubble up inside him. He turned his chair around and punched the cushion several times in anger.cdmgGDkydnSAiMBaZVzrptwjOKogDv
DULIRvWGWQlTlnNRen Yi was so furious that he skipped dinner, holing up in his dorm to listen to music. Normally, he liked rock and rap, but today he found himself listening to soft, soothing tunes instead.EbCaZWleSyNJvsQEvzFqFuFTyOySRW
acAVytSPianaDVQJust as he was about to drift off to sleep, his phone rang. He glanced at the screen: it was Fu Kai. He answered the call weakly, muttering a lifeless “Hello.”JSDmrzeFpjsWmDsDVtQWlwnGkLpDGU
HvMamOVhdUnaDQh“Ren Si Huo, what’s going on with you?” Fu Kai teased. “Why are you sounding so weak?”FBbFaodCfEJpKcWagmligPlCHqwDQw
BwGKlAxwZQTpjAt“You’re the weak one! What do you want?”xuDUyCTpYrmIVeeqzbKKWaUwRwKeit
RBxnpbsmKqyspcM“You’re asking me? You were the one all frantic this afternoon asking for Gong Yingxian’s number. What happened? How did you get involved with him?”TTtdBIkQaWNgWcoFrslreqOjcKDpkP
gnzDiEGkYFikolK“Long story.”OkOLIRydAWgeUmUMVaSyQZUABAGWJW
xjkVjWMEQeCrbSQ“Make it short.”HqpqoTqBPUEdPyhvUkkYxfaniwVojl
OhgLnlvEOeSTUOeRen Yi lazily summarized the situation.wtxZrFRDUqrODpinQAqlpldAMKECUK
MvdBVpoTevDuyQa“Wow, no surprise the firefighter model from the promo video has irresistible charm.”jFWFbczIzsnAEjCQjQdipazHzlwdKD
DJzOUDvgfZqtJFT“I’m not in the mood to joke. That idiot this afternoon pissed me off to no end. What planet is he from anyway? Are you guys so short on qualified personnel that you’re just recruiting whatever half-human, half-dog creatures you can find?”xjzXoDevriYGZzSmbYFEuRMNFHnZma
EJFzFPReQdMDwEo“Oh man, I’ve been in the police force for years, and honestly, he’s the least likely person I’ve ever imagined becoming a cop.”dJBeamRqKlAWhYzuEirqDBKKandHnk
TrkMstOYyAkHJWp“Apparently, his family’s in the chemical industry, loaded with money. Over the years, they’ve donated millions worth of equipment to the criminal forensics and fire investigation departments. So why the hell would someone like that want to become a cop?”YuiQfPjvpMTBgFIgCZZcAtyxRpOHtj
TQClCeNpgFZAfrT“Huh? I’ve heard of people donating to get into universities, but now you can donate to become a cop too?”XstcoXoVzNNtLDaMZuYfciHbMoBofN
GPYKDlTKZDmvukS“Come on, stop dreaming. The guy’s got a master’s in criminal investigation from the National Public Security University and a Ph.D. in chemistry from MIT.”JhumyrXGfYwRCXPJwpnKMXUtWDtzWP
PUFyMDzArJxMyKe“A Ph.D.? Him?” Ren Yi was shocked. “He doesn’t look that old.”YVeEGOawRQHDJMmRJwjuTlefPIIuPq
TIZeffgEJyxBjbD“Twenty-four, twenty-five, I think. He probably skipped a few grades to finish college early.”OGsWuSyhVLBmFZcEmCfvVXVItEaJcy
vQVeEZCYpwKNqHIRen Yi thought about that face, seemingly carved by the hands of God himself, and couldn’t quite digest this new information.KqIgDELDttAPLXsjPOphqcjjqtstew
YpRunrrwzHjAqcLDo high-IQ people just have weirder personalities? That’s what TV always seems to portray. With that in mind, Ren Yi felt a little better.lGoAzDIKfAaUaJAcfEtRKoWvqxBlJs
qPcIwVgOhnQcKIL“Why would someone like him want to be a cop? He has enough money to last several lifetimes. He could work for his family business, or even do academic research, but a cop? And not just any cop, but a tough, exhausting, dangerous job?” Fu Kai sighed. “No one really understands why.”ZkRHgmuFmKRpcyqUSBIMsLHunqHlZx
UhYYGqVbhozBhXI“Has anyone asked him?”anQqTkZBJcGphOjHFBTfHlKBWGivdH
aHInXKdtSVlnYos“You just dealt with him. Do you think he’s the kind of person who sits around and shoots the breeze?”yAzmcRzBxOVZTnpiiMEHvWoJHjRXWo
IocUgTQrFxBbGfmRen Yi snorted. “True, he’s a bit of a nut.”WbFtkZzBkTjsssYlQMFlQrdGKyyopF
XlUJyQdrjViIdhr“Yeah, he’s weird, but he doesn’t break any rules, and he’s definitely capable. Anyway, don’t take it personally. He wasn’t targeting you specifically. He’s like that with everyone.”TaVAoPoPKQWLEjoGtAzccREZCBNDTm
CluXzUpfxmEmgSzRen Yi scoffed. “I don’t care anymore. I just hope his sister doesn’t come back. What did I do to deserve this?”iLDjMpiafaukIuRLnAYhGjfRIOVcuS
IDAAxCzvZxmCuje“Alright, chill out. Let’s grab drinks sometime.”TYhJXDpbrQvnJGwpRFoldleZEoAfEZ
lLAWaiCNAYLFhSPAfter hanging up, Ren Yi thought about what Fu Kai had said, still feeling like it didn’t quite add up.KElrSLPqTNSPttTOYJyVXqsDpkwITa
efDDCaitipEkcUFWhy on earth would Gong Yingxian become a cop?tCPAYVrjMRqLLTzpKuIFSbsmdmDXsH
VpfSkprjtLDHUprAfter that, Gong Feilan didn’t message Ren Yi on WeChat, nor did she show up at the fire station again. Ren Yi figured she must’ve gotten the message, and the whole thing was over.yeQuPYNoKmZsDLGYTXvLxtAevPbrbp
IZhOFcewDRGNftDThis week, there were two emergency calls, but Ren Yi didn’t attend either of them.jKmWHvCENOtsFBqaIlcckuekEQypkJ
bOTDsJSSnqfUpxcEmergency calls had a strange pattern—sometimes a couple of weeks could go by peacefully, while other times, the team would be in and out multiple times a day without a break. Ren Yi had two deputy captains under him, so for less dangerous or complicated incidents, he would let them take charge. He had trained them well, and it made his workload lighter.mtJXwxROIxWLKOfPuGLAemGNCJTlyl
kaPFVUxrBUpwrqIThat afternoon, just as Ren Yi was about to go home to check on his father, an emergency call came in: a cargo truck had overturned, and the asphalt it was carrying had buried a car.vbQpFLWhzPrRwHvPSlmRMmDEvBPAjk
OwMbSMXJhFPrfvZRen Yi brought all three firefighting units with him and rushed to the scene.neXeQUPwljlWfBdqFMeZGCvQYzFIvS
keApxsBsNnDwlzgAccording to reports, the car had illegally changed lanes, cutting in front of the truck, causing the heavily loaded vehicle to swerve and overturn.ApWnLpMvZuoWiLWEUMZbXGntIYNmUe
ZdVviiAbeJPZWUMThe situation on-site was terrible. The truck had crushed the car beneath it, but the truck hadn’t fully flipped over. The tires on the driver’s side were hanging in the air, while the asphalt from the truck had nearly covered the car completely, spreading over an area of dozens of meters.mXLbtWqvxuQncJzdplAnPZsKtPJgpl
RINiSmaUTjZPjqdThe truck driver wasn’t injured but was clearly in shock, crouched by the police car with his head in his hands, not moving.NjQqftDUOJzPKtVRvygvdrcrNkCgic
YKzSjNdfdrJkuCZOnlookers had gathered around, filming with their phones.xNcxWuxWRYEtJQRudgunjNTfadOdHa
DGlyuAqNUEXjJRfRen Yi surveyed the scene, frowning.MxEJeJvHzoiqRLOYXhSrhLywbGmDdY
lENMuvZJJutdGWVOver the years, he had seen all sorts of strange accidents, but this was his first time dealing with asphalt. In this heat, the temperature of the asphalt was likely close to that of boiling water. Even if the people in the car hadn’t been crushed, they might have already suffocated or been burned to death.iJJGXRFtNoPUoyZAMXWhUSUDSRMLAf
SBAGexPNKIQKkniBut regardless, as long as there was a sliver of hope, they had to race against death.hqFneYmGjbgLyNUqYKWUdlgZpHRVZc
fhyCCvNcJqqlEAMRen Yi ordered, “Ding Qing, take two people to assist the police in controlling the crowd. Cui Yisheng, get the dry powder extinguishers ready. The hot asphalt could ignite the leaking oil at any moment. The rest of you, grab shovels and start digging!”VQrPCeAYrWuZDzocjqlHXiDAsmXwoh
HjoejZHXiWvBgqo“Yes, sir!”lHyKrDZskEISndpoZOFgiAcmLqtuxr
ryJewXWVjuGcjnxRen Yi took off the top of his rescue uniform, tying it around his waist. His strong, lean upper body was clad only in a white tank top, muscles rippling with both strength and grace from his chest to his arms.pFEutlEoPoUWzbZSIQQTthfQDpQCRq
sLkbsZocVUZlHbKHe picked up a shovel and began to dig out the asphalt.HMGQJhRLBzssIMsVezxdHFQItCVoGO
pzzvuHTGCpPejSFThe three special operations units, about twenty people, were working under the blazing sun, which pushed the temperature to nearly 40 degrees Celsius. They shoveled the asphalt bit by bit, slowly uncovering the car.jFvnbXTCtzsddWBFcNgTHjDZjYcoTg
QSVVOLeovXrqECPThe scorching sun beat down on them from above, while the hot asphalt lay beneath their feet. Ren Yi estimated the temperature they were experiencing was at least fifty to sixty degrees. He watched as his sweat dripped onto the sticky asphalt and evaporated instantly.pCrJujVcNeUXoDuwZuFFZLLgYMeFCa
aLEEYGDorqGtnxDHalfway through digging, Ren Yi’s arms were already aching, and he was starting to feel dizzy. He straightened up to take a sip of water when he noticed the overturned truck tremble slightly, pressing down on the asphalt with a creaking sound.FmXnbVqpXuJoXwkEosQwnkCDeJzOQz
TUVLehdOmwRuOJWRen Yi froze for a moment. “Wait, stop digging.”RtyLktSdHDpQhQfbNsHRDttAQtWEsP
dcRsvkRMCreqVNSThe soldiers stopped, all of them red-faced and panting heavily.bZmwOCYdEVeDmsHHZCrOAMcgciefdT
jaXOqTHdVhBfdzeRen Yi walked around the scene, his expression grim.nDobKAxfVkNlPuInQxFfTBcUKXLBZx
bjclxsdXLjszfoZGao Ge asked, “Captain Ren, what’s wrong?”pNadgasLGjOZArSksoCzoyyjdBTWxF
WDNTkkjVMMhbNit“The asphalt is supporting the weight of the truck. If we dig out too much, the truck will collapse completely onto the car.” He had initially planned to dig out the asphalt and pull the person out, but now it seemed they had to deal with the truck first.sPegndqIGPDuMKlkjuorMBEolXGCJC
MMhFhbwsDSYNFhYGao Ge inspected the situation carefully. “You’re right. We need to move the truck first. The passenger side of the car isn’t fully crushed yet, so there’s a chance someone could still be alive.”bvFllhrXobdoHYZfCkibzTyXmloYzE
BhNjgaRmqYnYGHx“Get the equipment.”uKvUjpmIPDsAyiAMnokPgzSxXgiNXQ
ShlDflrsECMYwwLGao Ge and the others fetched hooks and chains from the truck. They hooked two iron chains to the overturned truck and attached the other end to their 12-ton water tanker.TZuLfmtrdEwhYvlLhVXDquEZJkmvHj
HzxXaxxgZIrbUeRThis was their most frequently used vehicle because it was multifunctional, compact, and could fit into narrow streets, making it ideal for fast rescues.VkhuUFwTLLcOnPAxzPbnIajBfZskfz
NuKZYaHXvvZCSywOnce everything was secured, the driver climbed into the truck, slammed on the gas, and pushed the vehicle to full power. The sound of screeching tires filled the air as the truck slowly began to move. With a loud crash, the truck’s tires hit the ground.TREquSbnIDLYluDGpTWUthkEQigzfw
YTiDpOZqrMGMvHY“Keep digging!”FcluTwpqPsgMwEBJZMMuzgqrfObshZ
rGWXxBkLwlSGLzzThey dug for over an hour, and a small fire broke out in the middle of the process but was quickly extinguished. Finally, they managed to dig the car out from beneath the pile of asphalt.WHUqwWyYEGHIYZXdRLjyMWvCjsNUxJ
StzkWgsFebpaLoeThe driver’s side was completely crushed, with flesh and blood mixed with the black asphalt, making it hard to tell what was what.RDBHswjVkzwlYlPwfupWhMsoqiUTer
XsjVLlspyTGfuhGSun Dingyi shouted, “Captain Ren, there’s someone in the passenger seat!”szEIJEMmJiDxTzGrBSWxHwtZswPrWI
GiunabNBSxxZKsZ“Get the hydraulic cutters! Hurry!”iRKBfDeCUIiKPxikuyjCNNwbeogEdP
xfcVCDmYObZykAQSun Dingyi used the hydraulic cutters to pry open the deformed door. As soon as the door was opened, asphalt poured out, followed by a woman tumbling out.BWbzXyqBcsTNRVKIMgzbiKkCPgYldC
hozieMyuSbzdiznSun Dingyi caught her. One glance, and his expression darkened with pity. Her body was severely burned, her skin bright red like a cooked shrimp. He took off his glove and pressed his fingers to her pulse. “She’s alive!”eqVTCcApPBODxykAuINabMlQQxizwo
ucgTvYJzwsPprsURen Yi ordered, “Get her out carefully. Don’t use the shovels.”yUIRkNDJvcIipjvqWIzIGfiHssKHDs
rniSlsqMgGOTSFOSeveral soldiers, wearing gloves, carefully cleared the asphalt off her lower body and finally managed to lift her out.fBesgpBQtlrgtgRwUqggKCtbfdhBcO
hXfpGAyoQZjorSHShe let out a pained groan.QpQaKgpHewRLNmMfxDCYjGsgYGCcEv
jRcCBowPJgpEaFAThe paramedics had been waiting for a while. She was placed on a stretcher and loaded into the ambulance.mcJBJgeuyGoMzTBOAWbFaxLhYNckNu
RpnTPgfvtsesgRFSun Dingyi wiped the sweat off his forehead, looking at Ren Yi. “Do you think she’ll make it?”EacClaVUaafjsMweOxWiylnViMJMae
KOWCCeinSmQqFMVRen Yi shook his head. “Don’t think about that right now. Get the other one out.”AHJfMcbDHnNjHPDgkUlsmfXkfqhcqa
MbwoKSZQMLFKuxmThe person in the driver’s seat had been crushed beyond recognition. Flesh, muscle, and bone were fused with the asphalt, and the sickening mix of blood and the stench of rubber was something Ren Yi knew he’d never forget.CsPUOQewRksPJWfFrSUwqrFwKUhdBH
InhUKBKuozzyYIBHalf of the squad was made up of new recruits who hadn’t been on the job long. They had never seen anything like this before—one of them threw up on the spot.eIaQUObIlfbTWCZPwBqHiwVTmiqTlF
PgzUUHDutSLeIQgDespite their discomfort, they forced themselves to clear the body from the asphalt.VVsSMalNhKJyHoqUQtPTPAmpVgjghN
BTlzOUWAKofDKEiBy the time they got back to the station, the sun had already set. The soldiers collapsed in the garage, too exhausted to move. They were all filthy, reeking of sweat and asphalt, and most of them had sustained minor burns.uwYlgMFbpAdnESqEUZqGrNyAWhIbgZ
OIrigsyPcWRIlRmRen Yi was lying on the ground, eyes closed, trying to rest when suddenly something cool was pressed against his face, bringing an instant wave of comfort.abvAtTDzGCaOkNXiFXCJsujcTKRwro
VweOmThFqeTYrFtHe opened his eyes to see Qu Yangbo standing over him.rFUAKJKoeIlQKVQkBMgGCXcsYbsXmG
vICvrvvgfSXiEwTRen Yi took the water bottle from Qu Yangbo and clicked his tongue in annoyance before handing it back. “What kind of lousy service is this? You didn’t even open the cap.”YtDrJwoOrmaBkZSvYlGWANeXSqzHwj
WTJFgryZLvGVbibQu Yangbo chuckled, unscrewing the cap for him. “Want me to feed you too?”HjgpvaOwkyXkcMIaBJpXTxFgzISPpm
KKrbcZcItyGzSEYRen Yi stretched out his hand. “Help me up.”bgxMVmpjXtHIKQkQsMEOYPMNgNiXVW
uGFCZJqIQMSccLg“You’re too filthy. Get up on your own.”cFgQcfSsWfWxNDIZdmcpTpjBDhEihq
VZlcUMbPUyjQzldWith his dirt-covered hand, Ren Yi grabbed Qu Yangbo’s clean, white arm. “Don’t start acting like that nutcase.”bVinucWXWflwdhzlGbgnETPaglgUsh
IrIchFmzCczsCZUSighing in defeat, Qu Yangbo helped him to his feet.pclPXAgNmRnfJRBoQDNHMKxZjyEHhl
KlWmogEKOBFGRgRRen Yi grabbed the bottle and chugged it down in one go. The cold water soothed his parched throat, cooling the burning dryness inside him. He felt a bit of energy return.fCGZdYFfdxwlzVCglCGrghpitIStQZ
XAOWUuCGLpoGImZ“I heard about it. Someone got buried in asphalt?”WqBpBsNtXBJYCFEDdzdVcLTwwsDTIS
jpJDzASTfefSEdd“Yeah, it was awful. People on the scene said the car was swerving all over the place. If you’re going to be reckless around a heavy truck, you deserve what’s coming…”SsgKaWNWprWVmlxruraiGCBBqzjmRz
iiivemXAcPgFcrT“At least we saved one person. Don’t dwell on it. By the way, the staff officer called earlier. The Hongwu Public Security Bureau needs you to assist with an investigation related to that case from two months ago. You should go tomorrow.”OxaqHMWSrxzFyziXuljvGkPRVKBUYQ
GYYQHYhxBSafxTt“The one where the guy jumped and got caught on the railing?”dMXTnXayAAZHoJlvSUjbiCONihkLDw
yIYPkdwgoaKjpZX“Yeah, the police suspect it might not have been a suicide after all.”mOnCqwphllztAYivowNcidfRcvTyDI
QhrQhUEBkpIXHBY“Alright, I’ll go tomorrow.”DbxVerwekPCQSmCmflQamEVpzYnDqq
NottUhvYQGlIOcBQu Yangbo patted Ren Yi’s shoulder. “Good work today.”dHntbRLmudTCkATJTlCySqCEeifUZV
mKMKfwRLQKTxPCkRen Yi gave a tired smile in return.LXfWZOuswkqnzGXBFKAyXWTZCHNpGe