This official is so weak

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Chapter 41

Ning Rushen waited for a while but received no response, beginning to suspect that he was being dismissed casually.

He nodded to Jingxi and said, “I’ll be leaving now.”

As he walked toward the gate, he was suddenly called back by Jingxi:

Ning Rushen was startled and asked softly, “Are you sending me off?”

Jingxi quickly waved his hand, “Ah… no, no. This is a thousand-year-old Bodhi seed, consecrated by this poor monk with recitations and offered in front of the Buddha for nine hundred ninety-nine days… It only requires fifty merit points now. Do you wish to make an offering?”

Seeing Jingxi’s smiling face, Ning Rushen hesitated for a moment before taking out fifty coins, “Then I will make an offering.”

With the Bodhi seed in hand, Ning Rushen left the courtyard.

Outside, it was quiet and deserted.

Looking around, only a few leaves had fallen on the path through the courtyard, leaving shallow traces of the wind’s passage.

He paused for a moment and then walked towards the front hall.

In the courtyard of the front hall, several monks were cleaning or studying, with a few guards and temple officials stationed here and there.

Li Jingyu was sitting at a stone table under a tree.

Ning Rushen walked over and greeted him, “Your Highness.”

“Lord Ning is here,” Li Jingyu said, patting the table, “Please, sit.”

Ning Rushen took a seat beside him, “Why are you sitting here alone, Your Highness?”

Li Jingyu replied, “I am waiting for my elder brother.”

Ning Rushen looked around, “Waiting for His Majesty?”

He had only exchanged glances with Li Wuting that morning and hadn’t spoken to him since.

According to Jingxi, they had been discussing scriptures earlier.

He wondered where they had gone after the discussion.

Li Jingyu said, “My elder brother is carving a lotus.”

“A lotus?”

“Yes, for sincere prayers. He is carving a lotus himself to offer in front of our mother’s everlasting lamp.”

Ning Rushen murmured thoughtfully.

Suddenly, Li Jingyu leaned in, “Lord Ning, if you’re secretly trying to find my elder brother, I can take you there.”


He had already said he wasn’t sneaking around.

Ning Rushen replied, “I won’t disturb His Majesty.”

Li Jingyu looked somewhat disappointed, “Alright then.”

As they chatted, the sunlight filtered through the gaps in the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground.

While they were talking, a commotion was heard from the other side.

Ning Rushen turned his gaze to the sound and saw several palace servants running in a panic.

He felt a sudden tightening in his chest, “What happened?”

Li Jingyu quickly summoned a servant to ask.

The servant, in a hurry, said, “His Majesty injured his hand, and it’s quite severe!”

Ning Rushen’s heart sank: What’s going on?

Li Jingyu, frightened, stood up, “I’ll go check!”

Ning Rushen quickly followed, “I’ll go too.”

The two of them hurriedly followed the palace servant to a secluded courtyard, which was already in an uproar.

Ning Rushen stepped into the courtyard and took a look.

Li Wuting was sitting at a stone table, his profile cold and calm. His extended left arm was resting on the table, palm gripping a blood-soaked silk cloth used to temporarily stop the bleeding, stained with patches of blood.

The half-carved lotus lay beside him.

Because it was stained with blood, it could no longer be used.

Ning Rushen took a deep breath and said, “Your Majesty…”

With the noisy crowd in the courtyard, his voice was not loud.

However, Li Wuting seemed to have heard him and turned his head to look.

His deep gaze cut through the chaos around him and settled on Ning Rushen.

Ning Rushen walked a few steps closer.

Li Jingyu was anxiously calling out. The surrounding area was in disarray, with the attending doctors bringing medicines, a basin of water, and bandages, preparing to clean and dress the wound.

Just as they were about to move, they were gently stopped.

“No need, I will do it myself,” Li Wuting said.

The doctors were alarmed, “Your Majesty, this is not appropriate!”

“It’s just a minor injury.”

Li Wuting said this as he took the wet cloth himself.

The cloth, soaked in blood, turned the water in the basin red.

Ning Rushen felt pained just watching, unconsciously tightening his sleeve as he looked at the scene. As he did, he noticed De Quan’s gaze, which was as intense as an emergency signal.

He turned to look:?

De Quan’s eyes were filled with complex emotions—surprise, frustration, and a mix of others. He seemed to want to say something but ended up summarizing it in two words: “Go ahead!”

Ning Rushen, “…”

In a few breaths, Li Wuting had already cleaned the wound.

It seemed he still didn’t intend to let anyone else handle it, and he was preparing to apply medicine and bandage the wound himself with one hand.

Ning Rushen couldn’t help but say, “Your Majesty, let me do it.”

Li Wuting paused and looked at him.

Just when Ning Rushen thought he would be refused, Li Wuting moved his hand closer to him and said, “Hmm.”


Ning Rushen was momentarily stunned before sitting next to Li Wuting and pulling his hand closer.

The warm, large palm was held in his hand.

Ning Rushen then realized that Li Wuting’s injury was not minor.

The wound was still seeping blood, with what seemed like wood splinters at the edges. The palm’s complex lines indicated a life full of hardships.

Ning Rushen felt a pang of worry for him.

He sighed inwardly, holding Li Wuting’s hand gently and lowering his head to clean the wound.

Soft fingertips carefully pressed against the rough palm.

Fine medicinal powder was sprinkled on the wound.

Ning Rushen focused on treating the wound. To make it easier, he naturally rested Li Wuting’s arm against himself. This close posture allowed his hair to fall and intertwine with their overlapping arms.

The palace servants in the courtyard had long lowered their heads and stopped making noise.

Ning Rushen’s eyelashes drooped as he worked gently.

He applied the medicine and blew on the wound to ease the pain. When he blew on it, he couldn’t help but hiss in sympathy.

Li Wuting, “…”

In the quiet courtyard, only the sound of Ning Rushen’s hissing could be heard.

Li Wuting watched him with puffed cheeks for a moment before finally speaking:

“If my perception is correct, the one injured should be me?”


Ning Rushen paused and said, somewhat embarrassed, “I have a strong sense of empathy.”

Li Wuting said softly, “Stronger than mine.”

Ning Rushen looked at him, “Doesn’t it hurt, Your Majesty?”

After hearing this, Li Wuting stared at him for a few seconds. Then his eyelashes lowered, and he curled his fingers without speaking.

Ning Rushen sighed inwardly: It must still hurt.

But according to Li Wuting’s character, he probably wouldn’t admit it even if it did. Xuan Wang had mentioned before that Li Wuting preferred to bear everything himself.

He was used to hiding his suffering.

Ning Rushen finished applying the medicine and took up the bandage.

At that moment, a commotion was heard at the courtyard gate.

He turned to see the Empress Dowager hastily arriving, “Your Majesty!”

The Empress Dowager’s gaze fell upon Ning Rushen for a moment, but she quickly refocused on Li Wuting’s injury:

“Has someone examined the wound?”

Li Wuting said, “It’s just a minor injury, nothing serious.”

The Empress Dowager, worried, asked, “How did you get injured?”

Ning Rushen, who was focused on bandaging, overheard the conversation. After a few moments of silence, he said:

“I was momentarily distracted and didn’t notice.”

…Li Wuting can get distracted too?

Ning Rushen’s thoughts wandered as he finished bandaging the wound.

Just as he was about to withdraw his hand, Li Wuting’s fingertips gently brushed against him.

The touch seemed to be trying to hold on to him.

Ning Rushen was taken aback and looked at him, “?”

But when he looked up, Li Wuting’s expression was still the same.

Ning Rushen thought he might be overthinking: Perhaps Li Wuting’s pain made his fingers reflexively twitch.

After Li Wuting finished tending to his hand injury, he needed to carve a new lotus flower since the one he had been working on was stained with blood and could no longer be used.

The Empress Dowager’s persuasion was in vain, and she left after giving a few instructions.

Ning Rushen stood aside, “Then I’ll take my leave as well?”

Li Wuting glanced at him, “You may go.”

Ning Rushen then left with Li Jingyu.

The other palace servants were also dismissed, leaving only De Quan to attend to matters.

With everyone gone, the courtyard returned to tranquility.

De Quan looked worried, “Your Majesty…”

Li Wuting raised a hand to silence him and picked up a new piece of sandalwood to start carving again:

“First, carve the lotus for my mother.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Half an hour later.

A newly carved lotus flower was placed on the table.

Li Wuting let out a sigh and set the small knife aside.

The injury on his left hand was starting to seep blood again, so he removed the bandage and asked De Quan to bring new medicine and a clean cloth.

The bandage was set aside, revealing a few red spots on his palm.

Li Wuting did not let De Quan assist and took care of it himself.

De Quan sighed as he watched, thinking about the earlier conversation he overheard outside the mountain courtyard. He was quite anxious:

Where was Lord Ning planning to go?

Could he still be thinking about retiring?

The Emperor seemed quite concerned. Judging by his expression, he was still preoccupied.

De Quan took a bold step and advised, “Your Majesty need not worry. With the imperial decree, Lord Ning cannot just resign and leave. Moreover, I see that Lord Ning seems very concerned about Your Majesty and wouldn’t leave.”

Upon hearing this, Li Wuting fell silent for a moment.

“It’s not as you think…”

He lowered his eyes and gently wiped the bloodstains from his palm, his refined demeanor still exuding the noble bearing of a ruler. “Besides, I do not force others to do anything.”

De Quan sighed, thinking: The Emperor says that, but why did he seem to pierce his palm when he only heard the mention of “Lord Ning” from a palace servant?

And still clung to that lotus flower?

As he pondered, Li Wuting had finished rebandaging his hand and stood up, “Call someone to take the lotus to the rear hall for the eternal lamp.”

De Quan answered, “Yes.”

“And,” Li Wuting pursed his lips, “send a palace servant down the mountain…”

After giving these orders, De Quan’s worried expression cleared.

He bowed and smiled brightly, “Yes, Your Majesty~”


The final part of the visit to Shaojue Temple was to offer the eternal lamp to the Empress Xian.

Li Jingyu and the Empress Dowager, as close relatives, had to go together.

The accompanying palace servants, guards, and officials also went to the rear hall.

Ning Rushen went with Li Jingyu.

When they arrived at the main hall, there was a whole wall of hundred eternal lamps burning from top to bottom, with flickering flames casting a golden, sacred glow.

Li Wuting was standing at the front of the hall, his posture tall and elegant.

Ning Rushen walked over and saw that he was already holding a new lotus flower, “How is Your Majesty’s hand injury?”

Li Wuting looked at him, “Lord Ning’s medical skills are excellent, so it is naturally fine.”


Why is he still thinking about his “local medical skills”?

Ning Rushen said quietly, “Mainly, Your Majesty looks good.”

Li Wuting met his gaze and smiled lightly.

In the midst of their conversation, the Empress Dowager arrived, “Your Majesty.”

Li Wuting nodded, his expression softening as he stepped into the hall first, “Let’s go.”

As he moved, Ning Rushen habitually followed.

Standing a few steps away, the Director of the Monastic Bureau, Zuo Shanshi, was stunned!

He was about to call out to them when he was stopped by De Quan, who was using a feather duster to block him and observing with a serene expression:

Ah, how perceptive of us~

Inside the hall, Li Wuting glanced at Ning Rushen who had entered with him, his lips moving as if to say something but then hesitating.

Ning Rushen wondered, “?”

Li Wuting used his eyes to indicate: Stand aside for now.

Ning Rushen: Mm-hmm.

On the other side, the Empress Dowager glanced at both of them, first at Ning Rushen, then at Li Wuting.

After a moment, she turned her attention back and said nothing.

The eternal lamp for Empress Xian was placed in front of the altar.

Li Wuting, Li Jingyu, and the Empress Dowager were praying in the front.

Ning Rushen stood in the side and rear, watching the flickering flames of the eternal lamp with Empress Xian’s name inscribed on it. He thought: This is Empress Xian, Li Wuting’s birth mother. She must have been a gentle and refined woman in life…

Except for the time she pierced Xuan Wang’s face.

And called her own son by the wrong name.

After observing for a while, he bowed and joined his hands in prayer.


After offering the eternal lamp to Empress Xian, the group prepared to return.

They packed up and bid farewell to Shaojue Temple.

The return was much less ceremonious.

As Ning Rushen was about to get back into his carriage, he was suddenly stopped by a palace servant:

“Lord Ning, His Majesty summons you to the palace.”

“?” Ning Rushen responded, “Yes.”

This time, when leaving the palace, there were hundreds of officials accompanying them.

Li Wuting was no longer riding in the green carriage.

When Ning Rushen arrived at the yellow carriage, he was momentarily dazzled by its golden splendor, until De Quan’s face appeared through the curtain:

“Lord Ning, what are you dawdling for? Get in!”

Ning Rushen glanced again at the luxurious carriage and climbed in.

When he lifted the curtain and entered—

It seemed the interior had been upgraded, and everything appeared much more luxurious.

Li Wuting was seated inside, with a pile of blankets arranged next to him, forming a cozy nest.

Ning Rushen, “…”

Ning Rushen was taken aback by the inviting sight and immediately gave in, snuggling into the pile of blankets with such comfort that he almost sprawled out in front of Li Wuting. “Your Majesty, is this the seat reserved for me?”

Li Wuting glanced at him, “Or else, is it something I made out of fabric?”

“…” Oh, again with the sarcasm.

Just as Ning Rushen settled in, a box of pastries was pushed toward him.

“Just arrived from someone.”


The pastries included both sweet and meat-filled types.

After eating vegetarian dishes at the temple for the past few days, the sudden smell of meat made Ning Rushen’s heart race.

He looked at Li Wuting in surprise, “Is this also for me?”

Li Wuting tapped the table and said softly, “For Lord Ning to sample.”


Ning Rushen took a deep breath and sampled a piece. The pastries were delicious, and the nest of blankets was comfortable, but he couldn’t shake the feeling:

Li Wuting seemed unhappy but was being unusually kind to him.

He glanced at Li Wuting’s expression while eating.

Li Wuting’s face, already pale, flickered intermittently in his peripheral vision.

Li Wuting, feeling a headache coming on, asked, “What are you fidgeting about?”

Ning Rushen, “I dare to ask, this isn’t some last meal, is it?”

“…” Li Wuting, “Stop with the wild thoughts.”

Ning Rushen, “There are often stories of people being given a meal before—”

Halfway through his sentence, he noticed Li Wuting’s eyelashes tremble slightly. Li Wuting then pursed his lips and said lightly:

“It seems, Lord Ning, you truly want to leave.”

Ning Rushen: ………

Ning Rushen: ???

After Li Wuting finished speaking, he turned away and fell silent.

Ning Rushen stared at his cold profile, wondering if he had triggered some taboo phrase. Where did this “wanting to leave” come from?

He leaned closer, “Your Majesty, where am I—”

“Is someone spreading rumors to Your Majesty?”

“Oh, is it Shiyi? I thought he might be putting a hex on someone—”

Despite his guesses, Li Wuting remained unresponsive.

The buried emotions and unspoken prophecies weighed heavily on his heart.

His left hand in his sleeve tightened slightly, the injury pressing painfully.

Ning Rushen, after several unanswered calls, said, “Your Majesty?”

He tugged at Li Wuting’s sleeve again, “Your Majesty, can you clarify things for me?”

Li Wuting, looking down, did not respond. Yet the nest of blankets remained soft, and the pastries were still warm.

Ning Rushen, noting the suddenly disturbed expression on Li Wuting’s face, glanced at De Quan, who had closed his ears in the corner.

Then he leaned in and whispered, “…The Chancellor?”

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