Blazing Armor

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Chapter 7

On his last day of vacation, Ren Yi originally planned to meet up with Fu Kai and a few of their buddies for drinks. But it was the weekend, and everyone had their own plans, so none of them could make it.

Unable to hold back, Ren Yi scolded Fu Kai, “You’re always wrapped around your wife and kids. Got no ambition?”

“Sure, you’re ambitious. You’re single, so you can fool around all you want,” Fu Kai laughed. “By the way, who were you drinking with last night? I saw your post.”


“Yeah, right. Drinking by yourself under the moon? Who believes that?” Fu Kai teased. “Come on, who did our handsome Ren Yi spend the night with? Was it that actor again?”

Ren Yi mumbled something in response.

“It really was him, huh,” Fu Kai clicked his tongue.

“What’s with that tone?”

“We’ve been bros for years, I won’t criticize your taste. But seriously, are young girls into these soft and effeminate types now?” Fu Kai spoke in a disappointed tone, as if he couldn’t understand it.

“At least he’s better-looking than you with all that hair on your face. And besides, he said guys like me—handsome, dashing, and manly—are actually more popular,” Ren Yi stroked his chin. “Maybe I should switch careers. I want to make some money too.”

“Have some dignity, man. Give up on that idea. You’re destined to deal with fire your whole life.”

“Sigh, it’s all my old man’s fault for giving me this name.”

The two bantered a bit more before hanging up.

After dinner, Ren Yi took a walk with his dad. Later that night, after putting his father to bed, he played some games in bed until he fell asleep without even realizing it.

In the middle of deep sleep, Ren Yi was suddenly jolted awake by the sound of his phone ringing.

He groped for his phone in the dark, swiping the call button before his eyes even adjusted to the light. “Hello?”

“Ren Yi, there’s a fire at Fourth View.” Qu Yangbo’s voice was calm but urgent.

Ren Yi jumped out of bed, turned on the light, and began throwing on his clothes. “Keep talking.”

“They’ve assigned two additional squads. Get downstairs immediately, we’ll pick you up at the street corner.”

“Got it.”

Ren Yi quickly dressed and rushed out of the house like a whirlwind, sprinting down the stairs and toward the entrance of his complex.

As he reached the gate, he saw fire trucks pulling out of the station across the street.

Aside from two patrol motorcycles and a patrol jeep, their squad had five fire trucks specialized for rescue:

– Truck 1: A comprehensive rescue vehicle equipped with various tools, the smallest and most agile, perfect for non-fire emergencies.
– Truck 2: A 12-ton medium water tanker with foam-mixing and dry powder extinguishing systems, suited for small fires.
– Truck 3: A 15-meter ladder truck with a crane, tow truck, and a half-meter thick solid steel bumper designed for impacts.
– Truck 4: A 70-meter high-pressure jet fire truck with a rescue platform and a 4-ton water tank, ideal for high-rise rescues.
– Truck 5: A 30-ton heavy-duty water supply tanker.

For regular rescues, they usually only deploy the first three trucks, which are enough for most incidents. Trucks 4 and 5 are the big ones, rarely used, maybe only a few times a year. When Ren Yi saw that four trucks, excluding Truck 4, were pulling out, he knew something serious had happened.

Fourth View was a bar in his jurisdiction, quite popular in Tianqi. Saturday nights were their busiest time, with large crowds. A fire breaking out at such a moment could lead to disastrous consequences.

As the vehicle stopped in front of Ren Yi, he pulled the door open and jumped in. Everyone was fully geared up, even Qu Yangbo was there.

While putting on his own gear, Ren Yi asked, “What’s the situation?”

“The fire started in a private room on the second floor of Fourth View. Smoke quickly spread through the central air conditioning ducts, leading to a large number of people on the second and third floors getting poisoned and trapped. During the evacuation on the first floor, a stampede occurred. With the wind direction, the fire is spreading toward the neighboring buildings. The headquarters has already dispatched the San Ning and Luo Xiang Kou squads, and Deputy Chief Xu Canmin is on his way to the scene.”

“What about Fourth View’s file?”

Qu Yangbo handed the document over.

Each fire department keeps records on key units in their district, which refers to places that store hazardous materials, have large areas or crowds, or pose a significant risk to life and property in case of an accident. Meeting any of these criteria makes it a priority for the fire department.

The file contained architectural designs, emergency response plans, and maps of fire safety measures. For high-risk places, fire contingency plans, in-house fire teams, and regular inspections or even fire drills are required.

Though Fourth View didn’t have a fire contingency plan on file, it did have complete architectural and interior diagrams.

The first floor of Fourth View was a dance floor, with booths lining the sides. The second and third floors were entirely private rooms. On a busy Saturday night like this, the crowd could easily reach four or five hundred people.

Ren Yi had been to this bar before. It used a lot of polyurethane foam for soundproofing and decoration, and the curtains in the private rooms were made of a synthetic polyester-cotton blend. Both materials were highly flammable, and burning them would release a large amount of carbon monoxide.

Suddenly, the radio crackled: “Captain Ren, until Deputy Chief Xu Canmin arrives, you’re in command.”

Ren Yi replied, “Understood.”

It was already 1 a.m., and the roads were clear. They arrived at the scene within five minutes.

Fourth View was located in the middle of a bar street, surrounded by KTV lounges, restaurants, shops, and game rooms. It was a famous nightlife spot. The buildings were low, generally no more than four stories, but the gaps between them were narrow—some had none at all. In many cases, the firebreaks between buildings were inadequate.

This kind of cluster was a disaster waiting to happen, and if the fire spread, it could easily turn into a chain reaction, resulting in a major fire disaster.

By the time they arrived, local police and traffic control were already there, directing traffic and evacuating people. The surrounding streets were packed with onlookers.

Flames were raging from the second floor of Fourth View, thick black smoke billowed from the third floor, and the windows on the first floor had shattered. The fire was already licking at the neighboring hotpot restaurant, and the scene was filled with dark, choking smoke.

Nearly every window on the second and third floors had people frantically calling for help. The sounds of crying, screaming, the crackling of the fire, and the blaring sirens combined into a hellish cacophony.

As soon as Ren Yi stepped out of the truck, a traffic officer rushed over, panic clear in his voice: “Captain Ren, we’ve evacuated everyone from the nearby shops, but a large number of people are still trapped inside the bar, and the emergency exit in the back has been locked.”

Ren Yi nodded. “The smoke is toxic—get everyone far from here.” He pressed his radio button: “Headquarters, requesting gas department assistance to cut off the gas supply for the entire bar street.”

“Roger that.”

“Sun Dingyi, head to the back and break down the door to the emergency exit.”

“Cui Yisheng, take three men to secure the water supply, and bring one person to open the smoke vents on the third floor.”

“Qu Yangbo, get Cui Yisheng to the roof of the third floor, then break the windows on the third floor to rescue the trapped people. Once the vents are open, go in for the search.”

“Gao Ge, deploy two water cannons…”

“Firefighters! Firefighters!” A middle-aged man being pushed away from the scene frantically waved his hands and shouted at Ren Yi, “I’m the owner of the hotpot restaurant, firefighters!”

Ren Yi gave him a quick glance. “Let him through.”

The man rushed up to Ren Yi, his face pale with fear. “My restaurant is full of small gas canisters! Every table has one!”

Ren Yi’s expression darkened. “Gao Ge, take your men and remove all the gas canisters from the hotpot restaurant. Deploy two water cannons to suppress the fire from the southwest windows. Make sure the fire doesn’t spread to the hotpot restaurant. Also, deploy one cannon to cool down the southeast exterior.”

“Yes, sir!”

“What are you waiting for? There are still people inside!” someone shouted from the crowd.

“My sister’s in there! Why aren’t you saving them yet?” another person sobbed.

Ren Yi stared at the blazing bar, sweat dripping from his forehead as his heart pounded.

The fire on the third floor wasn’t severe yet; the main issue was the thick smoke. But without the vents opened, he couldn’t risk sending people inside for a rescue. Fires tend to climb, and in cases like this, where the fire in a low building is out of control, you need to create a vent at the top. Otherwise, the fire will spread to all the windows in search of oxygen, and anyone going in would likely be surrounded by flames.

The second floor was in even worse shape, with a high risk of flashover, backdraft, or even collapse. He only had one ladder truck and couldn’t handle both floors at the same time. Anxiously, he asked, “Headquarters, how soon until San Ning and Luo Xiang Kou squads arrive?”

“Two minutes and six minutes.”

Ren Yi gritted his teeth, pacing back and forth at the bar’s entrance. The only floor they could safely enter right now was the first floor, but he was short-staffed. If he led a team inside, no one would be left to command the scene.

“Are you nuts? The bar’s on fire, and you’re spraying water on the hotpot restaurant!” someone in the crowd shouted angrily.

“Yeah, why are they spraying the outside walls?”

“Why hasn’t anyone gone inside to rescue them?” someone shouted from the crowd.

Just then, Sun Dingyi managed to pry open the emergency exit, and as soon as the door opened, dozens of people surged out. Some in the front tripped and fell, getting crushed and trampled by those behind them in the chaos.

Sun Dingyi and several firefighters struggled to control the crowd, their voices hoarse from shouting, “Don’t push! Don’t shove!”

Among the escapees, some still had enough strength to walk, others crawled out using every last ounce of energy they had, while some collapsed in the hallway, desperately fleeing from the deadly force behind them.

Sun Dingyi’s voice came through the radio, “Captain Ren, requesting permission to enter the first floor through the emergency exit for search and rescue.”

“Go ahead.”

Two minutes later, the San Ning squad arrived on the scene. Ren Yi immediately assigned their ladder truck to break open the windows on the second floor, but with strict orders: they were only allowed to rescue people trapped at the windows—no one was to enter the second floor. Around this time, Cui Yisheng opened the vents on the rooftop, and Ren Yi ordered them to start the search on the third floor.

Another two minutes passed, and Deputy Chief Xu Jin arrived. Ren Yi quickly reported the situation and then requested to lead a team into the first floor for rescue.

Xu Jin stared gravely at the smoke and flames coming from the second floor. “Move in pairs, tie yourselves with safety ropes, and no one goes in alone. Bring the equipment and measure the carbon monoxide levels.”

“Yes, sir!”

Ren Yi gathered eleven firefighters from his squad and the San Ning squad. Each pair was tied together with a safety rope. The interior of the fire site was extremely complex, and the thick smoke drastically reduced visibility. Unfamiliarity with the layout could easily lead to getting lost, so working in pairs ensured safety and mutual support.

Ren Yi put on his mask, gazing at the crimson flames with determined, fearless eyes. In a steady voice, he commanded, “Move out.”

Without hesitation, the group charged into the blaze.

The first floor had initially caught fire at the ceiling. The plasterboard ceiling had some fire resistance, but as the flames grew, large sections began to collapse. The bar area and the sofas in the booths were ablaze, leaving only the open dance floor—where there were no combustibles—temporarily untouched by the fire. However, pieces of the ceiling material continuously rained down, making it just as dangerous.

The intense heat and thick smoke turned the scene into something out of a hellish nightmare. Ren Yi controlled his breathing to conserve the oxygen in his mask. “You two, check the booths on the east side. You two, head to the west side. Ding Qing, search the bar area. The rest of you, follow me to the restroom.”

“Yes, sir.”

The booth areas were already consumed by fire. Ren Yi led his team across the dance floor, the crackling of the flames ringing in his ears. As they advanced, Ren Yi monitored the data on his instrument and reported, “Deputy Chief Xu, the explosion limit on the first floor has reached 46%. The second floor has a lot of carbon monoxide-releasing materials, so it’s definitely higher up there.”


“Captain Ren, we’ve found someone!”

A firefighter had spotted a person collapsed near the edge of the dance floor. Pieces of the ceiling were falling dangerously close to him, posing an immediate threat.

“Don’t move,” Ren Yi cautioned, carefully watching the ceiling through the thick smoke. He waited for a moment when it was relatively safe, holding his position for a tense five or six seconds before shouting, “Now!”

Ren Yi led the charge, and the group rushed over. Together, they lifted the unconscious individual and carried him to the safety of the dance floor. The man had suffered extensive burns and was unconscious, but he still had a pulse. Ren Yi instructed two men to carry him outside while the rest continued toward the restroom.

“Deputy Chief Xu, requesting permission to enter the second floor for search and rescue,” came the voice of Wang Meng, the captain of the Luo Xiang Kou squad, through the radio.

“Denied,” Xu Jin’s voice was calm and firm.

“Deputy Chief Xu, requesting a three-minute window to enter the second floor for search and rescue.”


“Two minutes,” Wang Meng pleaded.

Xu Jin remained silent.

“One minute!” Wang Meng shouted desperately.

There was a long pause before Xu Jin finally spoke, “One minute.”

Ren Yi quickly added, “Wang Meng, avoid the southeast side—that’s where the fire started.”


“Captain Ren, we found people in the restroom!” one of his team shouted.

From inside the restroom, a faint response was heard through their calls.

The door had warped from the heat, and Ren Yi kicked it hard twice, but it didn’t budge. However, the hinges were loose, so he and Liu Hui rammed the door together, forcing it open. Inside, the restroom was packed with at least thirty people. They had stuffed the cracks with wet towels and toilet paper, constantly dousing the door with water to prevent the toxic smoke from seeping in and the heat from burning through the door.

When the door finally opened, the group of young people’s faces were filled with a mix of despair and hope. Many burst into tears.

Ren Yi called into his radio, “Sun Dingyi, is the rescue passage clear?”

“Clear, with mist cover.”

“You two, lead them out through the rescue passage. The rest, come with me to the kitchen.”

“Yes, sir!” One of the San Ning firefighters directed the survivors, “Stay low, hold hands, don’t let go, no panicking, follow me!”

Ren Yi and the remaining three firefighters made their way across the dance floor once again. Based on the building’s layout, he knew that the kitchen and staff offices were on the other side.

Just as they reached the center of the dance floor, they heard the sound of structural movement above them. Instinctively, they looked up, but all they could see was smoke. Suddenly, the ceiling came crashing down, a mass of burning debris engulfing them.

Ren Yi tackled Liu Hui to the ground just in time as the flaming ceiling panels and beams collapsed onto them.

Ren Yi and Liu Hui managed to avoid severe injury, suffering only minor burns. However, the other two firefighters were buried beneath the ceiling material.

The two scrambled to their feet, quickly smothering the sparks on their clothes, then rushed to free their trapped comrades. One firefighter’s mask had been shattered in the collapse, leaving him struggling to breathe.

After they pulled the debris off, they found one of the men semi-conscious, his gear on fire. Liu Hui immediately unclipped his safety rope and threw himself onto his burning comrade, rolling over and over to extinguish the flames. Their protective gear was fire-resistant, but not fireproof, and once it ignited, the danger was still extreme.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally managed to put out the flames, but both men’s suits were damaged, and their skin was burnt. With no other option, Ren Yi and Liu Hui had to carry the injured firefighters outside.

As soon as they stepped out of the bar, they heard Xu Jin’s voice echoing through the chaos: “All personnel, evacuate the building immediately! Evacuate now!”

Ren Yi glanced back and saw waves of smoke and fire rolling like a tidal wave from the second-floor ceiling. The temperature in the fire was skyrocketing, and even though they had just exited, it felt as if their skin was being scorched.

This was the precursor to a flashover.

Supporting the injured, Ren Yi hurried to move away from the building.

The search and rescue teams from all three floors were retreating, but there was still no sign of Wang Meng’s team from the second floor.

Ren Yi’s eyes were red as he stared up at the second-floor windows, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Suddenly, a strange muffled roar echoed through the building. In the blink of an eye, the fire surged, engulfing all three floors. Then, with a deafening blast, the second floor exploded!

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