Jinbao Marries a Wife

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Chapter 11

Jin Bao’s chin would have dropped if it weren’t propped up by his hand.

He never expected to see such an otherworldly beauty. The slender curve of the lips, holding a hint of a smile, was utterly captivating, and those eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky, with their corners slightly upturned, exuding an indescribable charm as if they could draw a person in. The curls of hair on his forehead casually fell against his face, each lock seeming to ensnare one’s soul.

What was most striking were the two small, pale red symbols the size of fingernails on his temples, extending into fine, vein-like streaks. These streaks forked at the corners of his eyes, extending towards the center of his brows, reaching halfway across his eyes. These eerie red streaks not only didn’t detract from his beauty but made his eyes even more enchanting.

Jin Bao never imagined that under the mask was such an extraordinarily beautiful face that was almost intimidating to look at.

The most beautiful people he had ever seen were the vile Zong Zheng Huai’en who deceived his young master and Young Master Su. The former appeared cold and noble like the moon, while the latter was as suave and handsome as a pine tree. However, the person in front of him was stunningly beautiful in a devilish way.

Because this face was so exceptionally attractive, Jin Bao almost overlooked the clearly visible red veins on it and simply stared dumbfounded, mumbling, “Divine Doctor, you’re so good-looking…”

Seeing his somewhat infatuated expression, Que Siming felt a surge of delight. Hearing those seemingly familiar lines made his heart skip a beat.

“Young Master Yue… you’re so good-looking… Will you be my little wife…”

What will he say… Maybe he can recognize me…

“You look so good, why wear a mask? Oh, is it because of what’s at the corner of your eye? What is that?”

Que Siming’s irritation flared at the dazed expression. He was practically enraged.

He had originally planned that if Jin Bao recognized him just as he recognized Jin Bao, he would let him off the hook and not hold it against him.

But he hadn’t remembered anything.

He had remembered a completely useless fool for thirteen years!!! And this fool dared to forget him!

How humiliating it was for him; now he didn’t know whether he was more angry that this person forgot him or that he remembered this person.

Regardless, this fool was doomed, and he would teach him a lesson so he would never forget him again.

Having been previously disciplined by the Divine Doctor, Jin Bao saw the gloomy expression and immediately knew things were bad. He dared not speak and instinctively shrank back.

However, Que Siming suddenly propped his hands on the edge of the tub, his upper body hovering over Jin Bao’s head, casting a large shadow over him.

Que Siming’s exquisite face leaned close to the frightened unlucky child, speaking softly, “Do you know why I wear a mask?”

The child trembled as he spoke, “Is it… because of those red veins?”





“I wear a mask because those who see my true face must take responsibility for me.”

Jin Bao stared at him, clearly not understanding, “Responsible… for what?”

Que Siming suddenly grabbed Jin Bao’s chin and forcefully sealed his irritating mouth with his own.

He might have lost control a bit, not even waiting for Jin Bao to finish washing up before kissing him, but… the taste was… acceptable…

The person curled up in the tub widened his eyes. The soft, warm sensation on his lips was so vivid and real, and the wet thing pushing into his mouth…

Reacting strongly, Jin Bao’s fist shot out of the water, aiming a powerful punch directly at Que Siming’s face.

Que Siming hurriedly dodged.

Jin Bao pushed off the tub edge and sprang out, kicking straight at Que Siming’s chest.

Que Siming had to step back, narrowly avoiding the kick, but not the splashed water. Seeing the damp spots on his clothes, his previously flushed face darkened immediately.

Jin Bao, having jumped out and distanced himself from Que Siming, was breathing heavily, desperately wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and furiously pointing at Que Siming, shouting “You, you, you” over and over.

Kissing… he actually kissed a man… Oh God, he kissed a man!!!!!

Jin Bao was utterly devastated.

He had finally experienced something he had long anticipated to make him blush and his heart race, but it was with a man. It felt like eagerly awaiting a delicious dish only to find it spoiled—an indescribable mix of disappointment, anger, and shame!

Que Siming watched his actions with a face as dark as ice, as if the surrounding air had frozen, “Do you dare to disdain me? How dare you disdain me?!”

Jin Bao’s tongue finally regained its function, and he pointed at him, cursing, “You’re crazy! You’re a pervert!”

Que Siming’s voice, cold and deliberate, emerged, “Say it again?”

Though Jin Bao was still furious, he was scared and dared not repeat it.

Realizing he was still naked, he hurriedly grabbed his clothes from the ground and quickly put them on. Now, standing naked before Que Siming was a far cry from before—Que Siming was a cut sleeve!

Que Siming advanced step by step, “What did I just say? After seeing my face, you must take responsibility.”

Jin Bao’s face twisted in anger, “Is that something I wanted to see? You’re the one who showed me that, it’s none of my business!!” He knew nothing good would come of it. Curious? Damn it!!

“No matter who showed it to whom, you did see it. That’s a fact, right?”

Jin Bao blinked and fell silent.

“If you saw it, you have to take responsibility.” The Divine Doctor’s smile turned bloodthirsty as he suddenly lunged at Jin Bao like lightning.

Jin Bao had just finished tying his clothes and had no choice but to let them go, raising his hand to block, and they began to fight.

“You with your pig brain actually practice martial arts, and not bad at it either. Come on, let me see what you’re capable of.”

The room wasn’t small, but it couldn’t withstand their scuffling; within moments, broken ceramics and splintered wood littered the floor.

Jin Bao grew more anxious as he fought, noticing that Que Siming wasn’t using his full strength, almost as if he was toying with him, his expression like a cat playing with a mouse.


Que Siming delivered a slap to his face, making Jin Bao furious as he charged at him.


Another slap.

Slap, slap, slap!

Que Siming’s slaps weren’t hard, but each one seemed to crush Jin Bao’s pride, as if it were the actions of a bully groping a respectable woman on the street.

Jin Bao let out a howl, recklessly charging at Que Siming, neglecting defense, determined to land a slap back.

But Que Siming’s interest had reached its limit. His attacks suddenly turned sharp and swift, and within a few moves, he had Jin Bao’s hand twisted behind his back, forcing him down onto the ground.

Jin Bao’s eyes reddened with fury, twisting his neck to glare at him.

Que Siming lifted him off the ground, his back facing Jin Bao as he pressed him onto the bed, leaning over so that his chest was nearly touching Jin Bao’s back, his breath hot against Jin Bao’s neck.

Jin Bao’s clothes were already poorly dressed, and after the fight, they were completely disheveled.

Feeling Que Siming’s rigid chest against his back, Jin Bao’s hairs stood on end.

“Que… Que Siming, you… I… I’m not up for this, don’t push me too far!!”

“Oh? You’re not up for this?” Damn it, you’re not up for this but you told me you wanted to marry me!!! Que Siming pressed his lower abdomen against Jin Bao’s buttocks and thrust forcefully.

Jin Bao screamed in agony, struggling with his arms and legs, “You’re a pervert! Crazy!! Disgusting!! Let me go!! Zhao Cai!!!!” The child yelled desperately, unable to stay calm. Anyone would lose their composure if something they had was shoved up their rear end.

Que Siming could somewhat tolerate the earlier insults as he considered them as Jin Bao’s way of pouting, but the mention of Zhao Cai completely infuriated him.

“Who the hell are you calling?” Que Siming gripped Jin Bao’s chin tightly, asking viciously.

“I’m calling Zhao Cai!! Don’t get too proud, damn it, I’m telling you, Zhao Cai and I have studied a powerful sword technique, its power… its power is boundless!! As long as we combine our swords, we’ll definitely defeat you!! Let me go!! Zhao Cai!!!!” The child was genuinely panicked, blurting out random nonsense, forgetting that Zhao Cai couldn’t hear him, especially with the rain outside starting to pour, his voice easily drowned out.

Que Siming’s eyes flared with anger at the mention of the combined sword technique. He bit down hard on Jin Bao’s shoulder.

Jin Bao let out a cry, his entire body covered in goosebumps.

Que Siming forcefully held down Jin Bao’s struggling body, his voice dark and menacing, “Do you not understand what Su Yin meant when he sent you to serve me?”

Even Jin Bao, despite his dull reactions, knew that being stripped and right at someone’s mouth meant something. Although he was slow to catch on, having been around his young master for years, he had seen it all.

In wealthy households, keeping a few attractive male concubines for fun was nothing new.

But Que Siming was already several hundred times more attractive than any concubine. What was wrong with him to treat Jin Bao this way?

Besides, even if he was a servant, he wasn’t meant to serve in this way!!!

He had thought that Su Gongzi’s strange behavior that day was suspicious, but it turned out he was pushing him into a fire pit. How incredibly despicable!!!

The child was deeply aggrieved, “I’m not serving you like that!! If you want someone to serve you, find someone else! I’m telling you, I won’t do it!” The child puffed out his chest, looking defiant and resolute.

Que Siming looked at his fierce attitude and wanted nothing more than to punish him severely.

He was seething with anger towards the idiot under him. Just looking at him was like setting a fire in his heart, ready to explode at any moment. He wanted to pry open his head to see what could make a living person forget someone completely!

But he couldn’t really open him up, so the only way he could vent was through the most intense way he could think of: to thoroughly fuck him. At least this time he would certainly never forget him, and he would have to remember for a lifetime.

Que Siming sneered coldly, “I don’t want anyone else to serve me; I want you. Since you saw my face, you have to take responsibility.”

“Are you being unreasonable!! I didn’t want to see it!! You took off the mask yourself!! If you put the mask back on, I’ll pretend I didn’t see it, I promise not to tell anyone!!”

“Do you think you can change your mind after seeing it? Don’t even think about it. You have to take responsibility.”

Damn, he’s making excuses now!! “Divine Doctor Que, Lord Que, Ancestor Que! I’m begging you!! Find someone else to take responsibility, I didn’t want to see it, I didn’t see anything, I forgot, I really forgot what you look like, I forgot, I forgot! Find someone else!!”

Que Siming’s hard lower abdomen pressed tightly against Jin Bao’s lower body through the fabric, intentionally rubbing against him, making Jin Bao scream in fear. Que Siming savored the moment, biting his ear, “I’ll make you forget!! I’ll make you forget!! I’ll make sure you never forget tonight for the rest of your life!!!”

Que Siming grabbed a belt scattered nearby and quickly bound Jin Bao’s hands behind his back.

Jin Bao, terrified, watched as Que Siming undressed, his face turning red and his neck bulging. He cried out in desperation, “Help! Help! Zhao Cai!! Help…”

As he was halfway through shouting, he suddenly heard Zhao Cai’s voice faintly.

Though the torrential rain muffled the sound, it was so familiar—Zhao Cai was calling for “Divine Doctor Que.” Sure enough, a moment later, there was urgent knocking at the door.

Jin Bao, who had been desperately calling out, suddenly fell silent, fearing that if Zhao Cai came in and saw Que Siming disheveled and on top of him while he was naked, he wouldn’t know how to explain. With Zhao Cai’s nosy nature, how could he ever show his face again or even think of talking about his future wife?

Jin Bao’s vision darkened as he stared in terror at the door shaking from the knocks.

“Divine Doctor Que!! Divine Doctor Que!! Are you asleep! Wake up quickly, my young master is having an episode!! It’s killing him!! Divine Doctor Que!!! Divine Doctor!!!” Zhao Cai’s voice from outside was desperate and even carried a hint of crying.

Jin Bao’s eyes widened as he turned to Que Siming and whispered urgently, “Quick!! Go!! My young master!! My young master is having an episode!!”

Compared to their urgency, Que Siming was exceptionally leisurely.

“He’s having an episode; what does that have to do with me?”

Jin Bao was frantic, “Aren’t you here to treat my young master??”

“Yes, but I’ve changed my mind.”

Jin Bao almost cursed, “How can you just change your mind!! Aren’t you trying to kill my young master!!”

“The one who will kill your young master is you.”

“How can it be me?”

“If you behave, he’ll be fine.”

Jin Bao was stunned, wanting to point at him and curse him for being despicable and shameless.

The knocking outside grew louder, and from the sound of it, Zhao Cai would soon kick the door in if it wasn’t opened.

Que Siming glanced at the door, then turned back to Jin Bao with a devilish smile. The smile, combined with his mesmerizing eyes and the eerie blood-red veins, was incredibly alluring, making Jin Bao’s face flush slightly.

After a moment of distraction, Jin Bao snapped back to reality and dared not look directly at Que Siming’s eyes. He urged, “You should go check on my young master first! This is one thing, and that is another… My young master can’t wait, so please go quickly!”

“Sleep with me, and I’ll go.” Que Siming was blunt, knowing that Jin Bao was too simple-minded to beat around the bush.

Jin Bao’s face turned beet red as he glared at him fiercely.

Zhao Cai was still shouting outside, “Divine Doctor, are you there or not!! I’m coming in!!!”

“You can continue to hesitate. The more you think about it, the more pain Jin Bao will endure. It’s not your pain anyway.”

Jin Bao gritted his teeth, “Fine, get up and go quickly.” It was a big deal, but compared to his young master’s suffering, it was nothing.

Que Siming gave Jin Bao’s firm, rounded butt a lewd pat before getting off him, “This is what you agreed to. If you go back on your word or forget, I won’t spare you.” Que Siming especially emphasized the word “forget.”

Jin Bao quickly jumped up, grabbed his clothes, and wrapped them around himself, glaring at Que Siming with anger.

To Que Siming, Jin Bao’s flushed face and the mix of shyness and anger were even more tantalizing.

Que Siming tidied up his clothes and impatiently called out, “I’m coming, stop knocking.”

Zhao Cai immediately stopped and, overjoyed, said, “Divine Doctor, please hurry!!”

Que Siming pointed to the medicine box next to the cabinet, “Carry that for me.” Jin Bao quickly picked up the medicine box and rushed to leave.

Que Siming took a large step forward, pulled Jin Bao back by his neck, and gave him a rough kiss before walking away with a satisfied laugh, like a bully after a hunt.

Jin Bao was left feeling miserable, with tears of frustration and anger nearly spilling.

Kipzi – aww.. I was excited for a minute there..


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