Jinbao Marries a Wife

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Chapter 36


Jinbao was carrying a bunch of random items, trailing behind Rong Yue. No matter how you looked at it, the scene appeared absurd, but he didn’t care—he just wanted to get Rong Yue home quickly and leave. What kind of situation was this? He was actually escorting Que Siming’s ex back home. If Rong Yue hadn’t never met him before, Jinbao might have started doubting such a coincidence. But thinking about it, he had been the one to meddle first, so it had to be just a coincidence.

Rong Yue lived in a pretty remote area. They exchanged casual small talk as they walked, but it felt like they had been walking forever. Jinbao was already worried about finding his way back. The house was quite ordinary, with barely any neighbors around. The small courtyard was unnaturally neat and tidy, giving off an eerie feeling, as if it lacked a bit of life. After entering the house and putting down the items, Jinbao was ready to leave.

Rong Yue quickly urged him to stay. “Big Brother Jinbao, don’t rush off yet. It’s so hot out—have a cup of tea.”

“No need, no need. It’s getting late, I should head back.”

“I haven’t properly thanked you yet. Why are you in such a rush to leave? Do you find my house too simple?”

“Huh? No, no, that’s not it. You’ve already thanked me, and it’s really no big deal. No need to thank me so many times.”

“Then… do you dislike me, Rong Yue?”

“I… This… No, of course not.”

Rong Yue lowered his gaze in sorrow. “Big Brother Jinbao, you must be able to tell what kind of person I am. Most people can. You must think I’m not worthy to share the same room with you, right?”

“I didn’t say that. I just think we don’t know each other well, and it’s not polite for me to impose. You’re overthinking it.”

“If I’m just overthinking, then please sit down. Let me serve you a cup of tea at least.”

Jinbao had no choice but to sit down awkwardly. He watched as Rong Yue smiled at him, stood up, and carefully brewed a pot of tea. When he handed Jinbao the cup, his slender, pale arm, peeking out from his sleeve, was hard to ignore.

Jinbao thought to himself, as a grown man, he shouldn’t be bothered by comparing himself to a xiao guan’er (male courtesan). Yet, he couldn’t help but secretly glance at Rong Yue. Whether in the past or even now, Jinbao always believed that if a man were to like another man, they should like someone like this—pretty, delicate, and fair-skinned. After all, the ones he had seen before were all like this. He used to think Que Siming was different, but apparently, even Que Siming was once drawn to someone like this. But since this was all in the past, it was pointless to overthink it. If he hadn’t run into Rong Yue today, he wouldn’t be having such “girlish” thoughts.

Rong Yue seemed to notice Jinbao was staring at him, and his fair face turned slightly red as he shyly looked back at him.

It was only then that Jinbao realized his gaze had been a bit inappropriate. He quickly accepted the tea cup, hurriedly muttering thanks. Rong Yue covered his mouth with his sleeve and laughed softly. He looked attractive, but there was something uncomfortably effeminate about it. Jinbao, feeling awkward, instinctively turned his head away. Rong Yue’s eyes were dark and bright, like black grapes, as they darted playfully in Jinbao’s direction.

In a gentle voice, he said, “Big Brother Jinbao, your accent doesn’t sound local.”

“Oh, my ancestral home is in Huaixi, but I grew up in Jiangnan.”

Rong Yue smiled. “Jiangnan must be a lovely place. I’ve always wanted to visit, but I’ve never had the chance.”

Jinbao wasn’t sure how to respond, so he simply nodded.

“Did Big Brother Jinbao come here to visit relatives? Do business? Or perhaps seek medical treatment?”

“Oh, no, I’m here to, uh, visit a friend.”

Rong Yue blinked. “Big Brother Jinbao bought so many things. Were they to win a girl’s favor?”

“No, I just thought they were interesting…”

Rong Yue’s eyes sparkled mischievously, and he nodded with a smile. “Big Brother Jinbao is handsome and has a good heart. Even without all those things, I’m sure you could win any girl’s affection.”

Jinbao, feeling embarrassed, rubbed his knees nervously. “I… I’m not trying to win any girl’s favor…” Then he caught himself, wondering why he was even explaining this.

But Rong Yue didn’t let up. “So does that mean Big Brother Jinbao doesn’t have someone special?”

“Uh… well, not exactly…”

Rong Yue seized the opportunity. “Could it be that Big Brother Jinbao’s special someone isn’t a girl?”

Most people wouldn’t just assume that a man wasn’t interested in women. Jinbao only now realized, far too late, that Rong Yue was trying to get information out of him. He felt a surge of irritation and frowned at Rong Yue.

Rong Yue gave him an ambiguous smile. “Big Brother Jinbao, don’t be upset. I’ve overstepped my bounds. It’s just that my old profession… well, I was trained to read people. Whether someone prefers girls or… otherwise, I can usually tell.”

Jinbao’s eyes widened in shock—did he really give off that kind of vibe?

“Don’t be nervous,” Rong Yue quickly reassured him. “It was my fault for crossing the line. Please don’t be angry, Big Brother Jinbao.”

Since he’d already apologized, Jinbao couldn’t really say much more. He stood up and said, “I think I should head back now.”

Rong Yue quickly stood up, blocking Jinbao’s path, looking at him with furrowed brows and a pleading expression. “Big Brother Jinbao, please don’t be angry with me.”

Jinbao really couldn’t stand this anymore. If he wanted to lose his temper, doing it to such a delicate boy made him feel like he was bullying a girl. But the moment he laid eyes on him, Jinbao couldn’t shake off a deep sense of frustration. He just wanted to leave and forget this whole encounter ever happened.

“I’m not angry. I just need to go.” As he spoke, he made a move towards the door.

Rong Yue grabbed his sleeve, and that simple action triggered a surge of anger in Jinbao. He yanked his arm free with a rough motion.

With a cry, Rong Yue was thrown to the floor, his back hitting the leg of the table. His face immediately turned pale from the pain.

Jinbao was startled and rushed over to help him, feeling a wave of regret wash over him. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to… I didn’t realize my strength, are you okay? Where did you hit yourself?”

Rong Yue’s large, dark eyes quickly filled with tears, big drops falling silently as he bit his lip, crying wordlessly, his eyes full of quiet reproach.

Seeing the bright, streaming tears, Jinbao’s head throbbed. Though he didn’t particularly like Rong Yue, the boy hadn’t committed any crime. He couldn’t take advantage of him just because of his own frustrations. The truth was, that forceful shove had been out of misplaced anger—he was upset about Que Siming’s past, but that was something the two of them should deal with. If anyone deserved to be yelled at or hit, it was Que Siming. At least he was tough enough to handle it. But taking his frustration out on a fragile, smaller boy? That was downright disgraceful.

Hurriedly, Jinbao helped Rong Yue up and sat him down in a chair, clumsily trying to offer comfort. “Hey, don’t cry. I was wrong, okay? I didn’t mean to, don’t cry, please.”

Rong Yue continued sobbing, choking out his words between tears. “Big Brother Jinbao, I have no friends. No one ever wants to talk to me. Everyone avoids me, even to say a single word. But you… you saved me on the street, and you brought me home. Please, don’t hate me.”

Jinbao nodded vigorously. “Yes, yes, I don’t hate you. Don’t cry. Oh man… if it makes you feel better, hit me.”

“I haven’t had a proper conversation with anyone in so long. I don’t even know what to say anymore. I didn’t mean to upset you… I just wanted to talk to you more… Waaa… Big Brother Jinbao, please don’t hate me.”

“I… I don’t hate you! Really, stop crying. It’s my fault, I didn’t mean it. Does it still hurt?”

The more Jinbao tried to comfort him, the harder Rong Yue cried, as if the tears would never stop.

Jinbao felt the world spinning around him, and deep down, he regretted ever getting involved. No, in fact, he regretted even leaving his house today.

Later, he wasn’t even sure how it happened—maybe out of guilt, or pity, or sheer confusion—but despite his inner reluctance, under the pressure of Rong Yue’s pitiful tears, Jinbao actually agreed to come visit him again.

Whenever he thought about going again, it felt like heading to an execution. He was overwhelmed with irritation, but he was always a man of his word. Since he’d promised, there was no backing out now. He decided that after this, he’d tell them he was returning to Jiangnan and wouldn’t be coming back. Who knows how long he’d be tied up in this if he didn’t? He had a nagging feeling that the whole situation was strange. How did he end up entangled with one of Que Siming’s former lovers? He was trying to avoid suspicion, not get caught up in it. What kind of ridiculous situation was this?

But he didn’t dare tell Que Siming. Last time, Que had made it crystal clear that he never wanted to see Rong Yue again. Jinbao didn’t want to fight with him over this, so he figured he’d handle it himself, quietly, without causing any drama, and never come back again.

When Jinbao returned to the medicine valley, he was completely drained, feeling more exhausted than if he’d fought for three hours straight. Now, he thought meeting Que Siming might’ve been a blessing. If he’d married a wife a couple of years ago, and she cried at him like this every now and then, he’d probably just bash his head in. Things between men were so much simpler—if something was bothering you, just say it. If that didn’t work, fight it out. Once the fight’s over, fall into bed, and the next day, go on as usual. Quick and easy. Comforting someone was way more tiring, and on top of that, there was the guilt. And after all that, he still had to agree to something he hated.

When he got back, Que Siming was waiting for him. He frowned at all the bags Jinbao was carrying. “What are you, a housewife? Why’d you buy so much useless stuff? We don’t lack for anything here.”

Jinbao sighed, “I’ve never strolled around here before, thought I’d check it out.”

“If you’re going for a walk, at least take me. I could show you the best spots.”

Jinbao collapsed onto the bed. “Weren’t you busy today? I couldn’t sit still. Let’s go together next time.”

Que Siming walked over and pressed down hard on top of him. “How many times do I have to tell you? You come back all dirty and just throw yourself onto the bed.”

“This is my room. I didn’t say you had to sleep here.”

“You could offer me, and I’d still refuse. You sleep in my bed.”

Jinbao wanted to argue but thought better of it. Que was always dead set on his ways, and Jinbao was way too tired to fight today. The physician leaned over, pinching Jinbao’s smooth skin. “What happened? You’re this tired just from walking through the market? Your stamina’s terrible.” He spoke suggestively, his hand tracing down to Jinbao’s waist, grinning mischievously.

Jinbao rolled his eyes. “There were too many people, you couldn’t even move, and it was hot.”

Que Siming smirked as he kissed Jinbao’s neck, grinding his lower half suggestively. “So hot. How about we go cool off in the back hills tonight?”

At that, Jinbao blushed. Recently, Que had developed a fondness for being out in nature, dragging Jinbao up into the hills at night, sometimes taking him right there in the grass. With the sky overhead, the breeze brushing against them, the scent of flowers in the air, the sound of nature, and Que’s otherworldly, captivating face in front of him—there was nothing else to think about, just the raw pleasure of rolling and moaning, giving into primal desires until it felt like they’d become one with the earth. It was an intoxicating experience.

When Que saw Jinbao’s red face, he felt a teasing itch in his heart and couldn’t keep his hands to himself. His fingers were already making their way into Jinbao’s pants.

“Hey, hey, didn’t you say tonight in the hills?”

Que grinned wickedly. “What, gotten too used to the wild stuff and can’t settle for something more ordinary?”

Jinbao glared. “It’s not that, but isn’t it broad daylight? Isn’t this a bit inappropriate?”

Que licked his ear, his hand already sliding down Jinbao’s firm thigh. “Who cares if it’s day or night? Are you tired or not?”

“Fuck off, you’re the one in heat.”

“Yeah, I’m in heat—for you.” Que was already tearing at Jinbao’s clothes like the fabric had done him some great wrong.

Jinbao, already flushed from the kisses, started helping him take his clothes off. Just when things were about to really heat up, a series of calm, steady knocks echoed through the room, like a bucket of cold water extinguishing the fire between them.

Que Siming scowled. “Who the hell is it?”

The servant outside paused, then nervously said, “The master has something urgent and requests Second Young Master’s presence.”

Frustrated, Que punched the bed. Being interrupted like this was maddening. He glanced at Jinbao with the hunger of a caged wolf eyeing fresh meat.

Jinbao quickly buttoned up his clothes. “You’d better hurry up and go.”

Que Siming pouted, looking at him with a pitiful expression. Jinbao couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hurry up and go, it’s not like… I can run away later.”

Que leaned in and gave him a hard kiss. “Wait for me. Tonight, begging for mercy won’t save you.”

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