This official is so weak

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Chapter 1

A wave of dizziness hit, and faint commotion echoed in his ears.

Ning Rushen’s memory was still stuck on the last second, when he stepped out of the classroom building and missed a step on the stairs. The next moment, he felt like someone was dragging him across the ground, as if he were a corpse.

After the blinding white light passed, what entered his sight was a scene of red walls and stone steps. Ahead, a group of people dressed in court robes was majestically passing through the noon gate, like something out of a historical drama.

And he was sitting on an empty patch of ground not far from the procession.

What first caught his eye was a crimson robe, with a pale, slender wrist sticking out.

Just as he was processing this, a man dressed in white hurried over from a distance. “Lord Ning!”

The imperial physician stopped in his tracks, “…”

A voice suddenly came from the side, “Did you hit your head or something?”

Ning Rushen turned his head and realized that another person was standing nearby. This young man, probably in his early twenties, wore a light crimson court robe and was grimacing as he rubbed his knee while glaring at him irritably.

Two young eunuchs smiled awkwardly, trying to smooth things over. “Lord Geng, Lord Ning did indeed hit his head pretty hard.”

Geng Yan glanced at Ning Rushen, “Nothing good ever happens when I run into you.”

Ning Rushen looked over at the people in front of him one by one.

The pain from his body was so real, and the environment around him so clear and detailed. His head buzzed for a few moments before he was finally forced to acknowledge one fact:

He wasn’t dead—he had time-traveled.

But he had no idea which dynasty this was, or who he even was.

Ning Rushen rubbed his head and decided to get some clarity first. “My head’s still a bit foggy. Where am I, and what happened?”

The atmosphere instantly froze.

The young eunuchs looked terrified. The imperial physician hurriedly grabbed his wrist, closed his eyes, and mumbled something under his breath. Ning Rushen barely made out the words: “It’s over, it’s over, it’s all over…”

Geng Yan opened and closed his mouth, scrutinized Ning Rushen for a long while, and finally couldn’t help limping closer to ask, “Did you really hit your head that hard?”

Ning Rushen stared back at him, pale as a ghost.

Geng Yan took a deep breath and said, “This is the emperor’s coronation ceremony. Do you remember? We were returning from the outskirts of the city, and as we reached the noon gate, you—blind and crippled—tripped and fell flat on your face, like a dog eating shit. Worse yet, you took me down with you, and now my leg’s messed up too. You forgot all that?”

Ning Rushen, “…”

In just sixty-two words, Geng Yan managed to pack in a mountain of personal feelings.

Unable to hold back, Ning Rushen asked, “We don’t get along very well, do we?”

Geng Yan nodded, “Not at all.”

Ning Rushen sighed. Unfortunately, he now had no memory of whatever grudges or grievances might have existed between them.

All he knew now was that he was some sort of official.

Although he wasn’t sure of the dynasty, judging by the crimson robe with cloud and wild goose embroidery and the silver inlaid belt, he was probably a fourth or fifth rank official.

While he was deep in thought, the imperial physician withdrew his hand and said:

“Your body is weak, my lord. This fall was no small injury. While your life isn’t in danger, there is internal bleeding in your brain, affecting your cognitive functions, especially memory and recognition…”

Ning Rushen waved his hand. “It’s not a big deal.”

He thanked the imperial physician, whose face screamed “How is this not a big deal?” before turning to the young eunuch. “If we go now, we should still make it to the coronation ceremony, right?”

The young eunuch replied, “Yes, my lord.”

Geng Yan, whose leg had also been treated, stood up and grumbled, “As long as you don’t trip and fall again.”

One hit his head, the other injured his leg.

Led by the eunuchs, they made their way, albeit disjointedly, through the long corridors toward the Hall of Golden Chimes.

Ning Rushen’s head ached, his feet throbbed—this body was indeed in terrible shape.

After walking for a while, the sound of ceremonial music finally drifted in from a distance.

Ahead, the mass of officials and the grand, towering steps of the palace came into view.

Just as they were nearing the end of the procession, a crucial question suddenly hit Ning Rushen.

He turned to Geng Yan, “By the way, my name is…”

Geng Yan replied, “Ning Chen.” Ning Chen? More like corrupt minister, you and your whole family!

Ning Rushen warned him, “Watch your words, or I’ll report you for slandering a court official.”

Geng Yan, incredulous, retorted, “Slandering? You wish!”


They stared at each other, eyes locked.

After a moment of this deadlock, Ning Rushen slowly closed his eyes, rubbed his chest, and felt his heart sink:

So… his name was really Ning Chen.

What a ridiculously provocative name!


After the third toll of the bell and drum.

Ning Rushen arrived just in time to enter the hall.

He stood in line with the other officials as they entered the hall and knelt to pay homage. He mouthed along a few times with “Long live His Majesty,” and as they rose, he sneakily glanced toward the throne.

A living emperor, right there.

He had to take a look.

Peering through the grand hall, he saw a young emperor with a jade crown on his head, no curtain obscuring his face. His features were cold, sharp, and distant. Though he looked barely past the age of majority, the air around him felt as though he was already in his thirties.

Like an ancient, yet lethal sword.

One glance sent a chill down Ning Rushen’s spine.

As he continued to size up the emperor, the sovereign on the throne suddenly turned his gaze in Ning Rushen’s direction.

His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly lowered his eyes!

Twenty years of survival instincts kicked in: never make eye contact with the teacher during class.

The voice of the Minister of Rites continued at a steady pace in the front. After a few moments, the emperor’s gaze seemed to shift away.

The new emperor took the throne and declared a general amnesty.

The ceremony ended with the rewarding of officials.

Grand Eunuch De Quan stood at the front, holding the imperial decree, his thin voice echoing through the hall.

Ning Rushen stood in the line, lost in his thoughts, when suddenly a familiar and provocative name pierced through the air: “Scholar Ning Chen—”

It took Ning Rushen two seconds to react: Who dares be so disrespectful?

Then he realized: Oh, right. It’s me.

“Ning Chen is both virtuous and talented, with exceptional literary skills. By the late emperor’s command, he is promoted to…” Suddenly, De Quan’s voice faltered, “Your… Your Majesty?”

Ning Rushen: ?

He looked up, only to see the emperor stand from his throne.

The hall instantly fell into dead silence.

Li Wuting, standing atop the grand hall, fixed his gaze on the figure at the front—Ning Chen.

Ning Chen, appointed by the late emperor to assist in governing, had eventually conspired with the empress’s family, embezzled funds, falsely accused loyal officials, and committed treason… The extent of his faction’s influence had left the Great Cheng Empire riddled with corruption and wounds.

The image of countless arrows flying before the Hall of Golden Chimes felt like it had happened just yesterday.

Li Wuting’s eyes darkened as he stepped forward.

On the solemn imperial court, the newly crowned emperor slowly descended the steps, stopping directly in front of Ning Rushen.

Their eyes met, and in the depths of the emperor’s cold, sharp gaze, a flash of murderous intent appeared.

Ning Rushen: …???? What the hell is going on?!

Before Ning Rushen could figure out the emperor’s sudden killing intent, a large hand from the opposite side abruptly raised—

His heart instantly sounded the alarm!

As the fierce palm strike was about to land on him, Ning Rushen suddenly collapsed to the ground with a thud, under the watchful eyes of all the ministers! His face turned pale as snow, the corners of his eyes reddened, resembling a fragile little white flower trembling in the wind.


The ministers snapped out of their stupor and gasped in shock, “Your Majesty, have mercy!”

“Your Majesty, why such a sudden outburst?”

“Ning Daren might get beaten to death—”

The last sentence came from someone deep in the court, drawing out the word “death” so long it almost cracked.

Li Wuting, who hadn’t even touched him: ?

Lowering his eyes, expressionless, he gazed at the person collapsed before him.

Ning Rushen raised his head slightly after his act, only to meet a pair of deep, piercing eyes.

“……” He wiped the corner of his eye again, steeling himself as he lowered his head once more, “This subject is… terribly fragile.” Sob.

Li Wuting: ………

Ning Rushen’s pale wrist peeked out from his wide sleeves, supporting his thin frame. His hair fell down, and the red mole on his ear lobe contrasted against his scarlet robe, making him look pitifully delicate.

He looked like someone who had been gravely mistreated.

Li Wuting’s hand trembled slightly in the air, but he burst out in laughter from sheer frustration:

Oh. What a cunning official.


Ning Rushen was still trembling slightly, head lowered, when a cold, mocking laugh fell faintly from above: Heh.

“……” He immediately began coughing violently, as if in agony.

The next moment, a large hand gripped his arm. A powerful force hoisted him from the ground—though “hoist” was too gentle a word; it felt more like a vice grip.

When Ning Rushen finally stood, he looked up, right into the extraordinarily handsome face of Li Wuting. His sharply defined features were like a masterpiece, betraying no emotion.

Li Wuting lowered his long lashes, one hand pressing firmly on Ning Rushen’s shoulder.

His thumb pressed down through the fabric against Ning Rushen’s bony shoulder, tapping meaningfully, “Ning Qing, you really are quite weak. A simple pat, and you crumble.”

Ning Rushen gave a weak smile, “……”

What the hell, man.

I nearly got sent to the afterlife with that “pat.”

The touch lasted only a second before Li Wuting withdrew his hand and, as if nothing had happened, turned and walked back to his throne. “De Quan, continue reading.”

De Quan quickly bowed, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

The tense atmosphere in the hall finally eased.

De Quan resumed reading, “By decree of the late emperor, Jinxue is promoted to the position of Grand Academician, thus decreed—”

Ning Rushen, “……This subject, thanks Your Majesty for your grace.”

The long enthronement ceremony finally came to an end.

The ministers left for their residences, awaiting the palace banquet later that evening.

As soon as Li Wuting disappeared behind the great hall, Ning Rushen found himself swarmed by his colleagues!

“Ning Daren is indeed favored by the emperor, receiving praise from both the late emperor and His Majesty.”

“His Majesty even personally patted your shoulder! A rare honor!”

Ning Rushen gave a weak smile: You can take this honor if you want.

As they exchanged formalities, Geng Yan came forward from the rear, pulling Ning Rushen aside, sneering, “Since when did you become so delicate after hitting your head? A simple pat, and you’re in that state.”

Ning Rushen thought Geng Yan was putting in way too much effort.

He even came over just to insult him.

Reflecting on the earlier events, Ning Rushen sighed, “I didn’t realize I was this well-liked.” So many people had pleaded for mercy on his behalf.

Geng Yan laughed at his naivety, “They’re just scared they’ll be next.”

Ning Rushen paused, closing his eyes in grief, “You people are really heartless.”

Geng Yan, “……”

Damn, this guy.

As the other ministers gradually dispersed, Ning Rushen turned and headed towards the exit.

Suddenly, Geng Yan caught up with him. “By the way, since you hit your head, what do you plan to do next?”

Hands folded into his sleeves, Ning Rushen gazed into the distance, “I’ll write a resignation letter when I return, retire to the countryside.”

“……” Geng Yan’s head nearly exploded, “What!?”


Inside the warm chamber.

Li Wuting had changed out of his heavy ceremonial robes into a more comfortable attire.

A dark outer robe draped across his broad shoulders, crossing neatly over his chest, exuding both an air of calm authority and self-restraint.

De Quan stood by with a basin of water, respectfully waiting.

After dressing, Li Wuting submerged his hands in the basin, the warm water covering his well-defined knuckles and the callouses on the base of his thumb. Amid the sound of water, the emperor’s cold voice rang out:

“Nothing unusual during the ceremony today?”

“Your Majesty, everything proceeded as normal.”

After a pause, De Quan hesitated before adding, “However… there was a small matter. I’m not sure if I should trouble Your Majesty with it…”


“Ning Daren had a fall at the Noon Gate…” The sound of water stopped abruptly.

Li Wuting raised his gaze and looked straight at De Quan, “Oh?”

De Quan cautiously continued, “And Geng Shilang. Ning Daren’s fall was more serious; he hit his head, while Geng Shilang only suffered a minor knee injury.”

“He hit his head?”

“Yes.” De Quan carefully gauged the emperor’s mood and added, “They say… it’s as if he’s a different person entirely now.”

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its a pleasure to be the first


story’s kinda interesting

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