This official is so weak

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Chapter 27

They had memorized the Four Books and Five Classics, and had studied political history and strategies, confidently arriving here.

Ning Rushen kindly explained, “The exam papers are on the desks. You have fifteen minutes to discuss among yourselves. During this time, everything you say or do, every frown or smile, will be part of my assessment.”

After saying this, he adjusted his clothes casually and added, “Oh, I almost forgot to mention, only the most outstanding performer will be selected in this assessment, and the rest will be eliminated.”

“Only one person will be selected!?” There was an instant uproar in the room.

Especially among the aristocratic families under the command of the Five City Garrison, they looked at each other, their expressions changing slightly, quickly avoiding eye contact.

Only selecting one meant either you die or I live.

Ning Rushen noticed the subtle change in the atmosphere in the examination room, sat back satisfied, leaned against the chair back, and nodded:

“The desks are arranged in a semicircle facing me. Let’s begin.”

Ning Rushen propped his chin and calmly said, “Begin.”

Rustling sounds filled the room as exam papers were taken out, and the candidates anxiously and blankly opened the exam paper and looked up:

“Your name is Xiaoshuai, a second-generation official from a wealthy family in the capital. Currently, you are a junior official in the Ministry of Works, with superiors but no subordinates.

One day, a sudden rainstorm causes the river bank to burst. The Ministry of Works is ordered to repair and rectify the river bank…”

They continued to read with ease:

“…but found that the treasury was empty. So, you applied to the Ministry of Revenue for a budget of five million taels. The Ministry of Revenue stated that the Ministry of Works still had a surplus of silver and did not approve.

You are now tasked with solving this problem.


  • Fifteen minutes to organize and articulate your views.
  • One person will be selected to report and present to the examiner.
  • If no conclusion is reached, all will be eliminated.”

The candidates were startled: …!

What kind of question was this, wasn’t this just a waste of time!? And what’s with that last small print…

They glanced at Ning Rushen, the chief examiner, but he was just leisurely propping his chin, showing no intention of speaking, completely leaving it to them.

However, his eyes were clear and full of scrutiny as they swept over, causing the candidates to tremble.

Finally, one of the aristocratic youths cleared his throat and spoke first, “In my opinion, we should first explain the pros and cons to the Ministry of Revenue…”

Ning Rushen sat comfortably, listening to the discussion.

With one person starting, others joined in.

However, due to the hasty preparation and lack of experience, several people often spoke at the same time, either not giving way to each other or causing awkward pauses.

Half of the time passed unknowingly, and the debate in the room continued unabated.

Yu Tiao hadn’t yet recovered from the shock before the exam, and was caught off guard by this cruel competitive mechanism, his mind in chaos.

He couldn’t get a word in several times, and finally, seizing a gap, he said impatiently, “I believe we should report to the Emperor and order the Ministry of Revenue to allocate funds!”

Before he could finish, someone else interjected:

“Brother Yu, you’re too reckless. The low-ranking officials in the Ministry of Works don’t even have the chance to attend court. Moreover, do you really want to completely offend the Ministry of Revenue?”

Ning Rushen looked at the speaker—

If I remember correctly, isn’t this one of the noble youths who allied with Yu Tiao?

Looks like they’re going to fight… Good fight.

Yu Tiao’s face indeed showed a look of wanting to tear someone apart.

The small hourglass on the table was about to run out of sand.

The scene was still at a stalemate, with no one standing out.

Just then, a voice suddenly came from the bewildered examination hall, with a resolve to gamble everything:

“I’m willing to have my father come and pay this money!”

The words were like a thunderclap.

All the examinees quieted down, staring in astonishment at the speaker.

Even Ning Rushen slightly opened his mouth:

What a filial son, risking everything to help the poor!

He sat up straight, admiringly looking around, “And what’s your name?”

“I’m Zhao Xin… no, Zhao Shuai.” Zhao Xin quickly scanned the question and replied nervously.

Ning Rushen smiled and nodded, “You’re good.”

Zhao Xin suddenly became excited, his cheeks flushed red.

The other examinees were greatly shaken! Everyone was having a serious discussion, yet this ‘fearless’ fool suddenly appeared, completely outshining them all?

For a moment, everyone followed suit:

“Very well said! My father is willing to pay double the money!”

“Alleviating the emperor’s worries is the duty of a subject. My whole family is willing to donate to help the people of the two provinces!”

One examinee, caught off guard, decided to go all out, “I… I’ll donate all my ancestors’ savings to water conservancy!”

Seeing these noble youths acting like bodhisattvas, Ning Rushen couldn’t help but want to applaud and praise:

Yes, that’s it, keep rolling them in!

The evil feudalism can only be defeated by the evil capitalism.

Finally, after two quarters of an hour, the interviews were over. A group of second-generation officials volunteered to donate their ancestral homes.

Ning Rushen leaned back in his chair, looking at the examinees in the field with anxious faces, as if waiting for a death sentence—especially the defeated Yu Tiao and his companions—and smiled kindly.

Then he said the cliché phrase, “Go back and wait for the news.”

“Yes, Master Ning…”

The examinees dispersed unsteadily, as if they had just escaped a great disaster.

Ning Rushen stretched lazily in his seat and stood up, walking towards the back of the examination room.

Behind the examination room was a room for the supervisors.

As soon as he lifted the curtain and entered, he was greeted by a group of people—

Palace maids and guards stood quietly on both sides. De Quan, carrying a dust brush, squinted and smiled at him, while seated in the supervisor’s position was the current emperor, Li Wuting.

The emperor had personally come to oversee the exam.

Ning Rushen was stunned and paused in his steps: ?

Li Wuting sat on the throne, his demeanor as steady as a mountain, with a faint smile on his cold and handsome face as he looked towards him.

“Ning Qing, come here,” Li Wuting said.


Ning Rushen hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly approached.

He stood in front of Li Wuting and bowed, “Your Majesty.”

Li Wuting raised his eyes and asked, “Ning Qing, where did you learn this method of interview?”

Ning Rushen honestly sighed, “It’s the wicked result of tens of thousands of exam candidates.”

Li Wuting chuckled lightly, “Indeed wicked.”

He paused and asked again, “What does ‘卷’ mean?”

“It means…” Ning Rushen thought for a moment, then succinctly explained, “The opposite of my diligent efforts.”

Li Wuting seemed to understand, “It means overly diligent.”

“…” Did that mean he was extremely lazy?

Ning Rushen’s eyes flickered with a hint of humor.

Li Wuting met his gaze, then suddenly pursed his lips and said, “I was joking.” He stood up, walked past him towards the door, and said, “As Ning Qing said earlier—like fish fighting for bait.”

Ning Rushen watched Li Wuting’s back and suddenly felt a kind of sobering feeling, as if he was being looked down upon.

Except for defaming his good character.

“Sir, sir…” De Quan bowed and followed, gesturing to him to keep up with the emperor’s entourage.

Ning Rushen graciously followed suit.

After leaving the examination room, the interviews in other examination rooms were not yet over.

Only Ning Rushen spent about two quarters of an hour dealing with a group of second-generation officials, while the rest of the examination rooms still had a long assessment time ahead.

Ning Rushen asked, “Does Your Majesty want to listen in?”

“No need,” Li Wuting said without looking at him, “It’s just a repetition of scriptures and essays.”

Ning Rushen glanced at him again.

So, you came specifically to watch my performance…

“What are you looking at?” Li Wuting glanced at him.

Ning Rushen expressed his gratitude, “Does that mean I handled it well?”

With a snort beside him, “All you did was mess around.”

Ning Rushen: Understood, it means I did a great job.

Within a few sentences, they had already left the Imperial College.

Both of their carriages were parked outside the gate.

Taking advantage of the last moment, Ning Rushen quickened his pace to get closer to Li Wuting’s side and whispered, “Which talent has caught His Majesty’s eye?”

Li Wuting was a bit taller than him.

When he looked down, he saw someone lifting their chin and inadvertently leaning against his shoulder.

The curve of the jawline was soft and inviting.

Li Wuting asked, “Curious?”

Ning Rushen nodded eagerly, “Yes.”

The Ning residence’s carriage was just a few steps away, and Yan Min by the carriage was looking over eagerly.

Li Wuting glanced sideways and then lifted the back collar of the person’s crimson robe with two fingers, lifting them towards his own carriage. “There are too many people outside. Let’s talk inside.”

“…” Ning Rushen: ?

Skillfully, the person was lifted into the carriage.

After Ning Rushen took his seat, he pulled back the curtain and pointed to Yan Min outside, indicating for him to follow back to the residence.

The carriage started to move lightly.

He withdrew back inside and looked at Li Wuting. “Your Majesty?”

Li Wuting asked, “Who do you think I’ve chosen?”

Ning Rushen guessed, “Zhao Shuai?”

“…” Li Wuting skipped this alias, “Yes.”

“He’s quite smart. But is his background with the aristocratic families stable?”

“These families are all the same to me. If I want to choose one to be a strong supporter, I’d rather pick someone a bit more awake and intelligent.”

Ning Rushen looked at Li Wuting’s calm profile.

It seemed that for him, all living things were no different, nothing special.

Ning Rushen was taken aback, “Then how were the Jin Yiwei selected?”

One didn’t interfere.

“Ning Qing.”

Ning Rushen wisely closed his mouth in time.

The carriage arrived at the Ning residence’s gate in no time.

Ning Rushen opened the curtain and was about to get off.

He saw Yuan Liu welcoming loudly towards the Ning residence’s carriage a few steps away, “Sir!”

Feeling somewhat embarrassed, he spoke up, “I’m here.”

“…” Yuan Liu turned his head, “You… over there?”

“Car-pooling.” Ning Rushen saw that Li Wuting had no intention of showing himself, so he jumped off the carriage.

He heard some commotion from the gate, “What’s going on?”

Yuan Liu said, “The little guard caught a pigeon!”

Ning Rushen took several seconds to realize who the “little guard” was, then reacted: Xiao Shizi.

He gave Yuan Liu a deep look: You’re quite good at picking up on things.

“In that case, let him…”

Mid-sentence, Shiyi came out holding a flapping pigeon. “Sir, I caught a plump pigeon.”

The words “plump pigeon” had already characterized the pigeon.

Ning Rushen couldn’t help but move his throat, playing in his mind:

The plump pigeon, plucked and hung for soup, even the Geng dog next door would cry in envy…

He ordered, “I like stewed dishes.”

As he spoke, the curtain of the carriage behind him suddenly lifted.

Li Wuting leaned out for a glance.

His gaze fell on the pigeon, ignoring the sudden silence in the surroundings. He furrowed his brows, got off the carriage, and disregarded the pigeon.

Ning Rushen glanced sideways. “What’s wrong?”

…Don’t you like stewed dishes?

A large hand suddenly reached out and picked up the pigeon from Shiyi’s hand. Li Wuting lowered his eyes and flicked through the dense feathers above the pigeon’s legs, then flicked out a small tube.

Ning Rushen was shocked: What is this? Is this still just a pigeon?

He hurriedly clarified, “Your Majesty, I’m not familiar with it—”

“I know.” Li Wuting emptied the tube, “I am.”

Ning Rushen: ?

A roll of thin paper fell into his palm. Li Wuting glanced down for two seconds, indicating for Ning Rushen to open it.

Ning Rushen took it with suspicion and unfolded the paper.

Only then did he realize that this thin as a cicada’s wing paper was actually a long article:

“Ning Lang (crossed out) Ning Daren, greetings in writing.

It’s been many, many days since we last parted, and I have missed you very much.

I heard from Jing Yu that since that day we parted, you have not been able to get up from your waist for many days, and you have not been able to attend the early court. I am far away in the south, still very worried.

Although the land in the south is rich in talents, it is far less inspiring than the capital city… I wonder if Ning Daren and Your Majesty are well lately? Every time I ask about Your Majesty, he remains silent and replies with ‘hehe,’ which makes me quite disappointed.

I specially wrote this letter to Ning Daren, hoping to hear about your recent situation.”

The corner of the letter also had a private seal “Ying Tang.”

But even without the signature, the identity of the sender was clear to him.

Ning Rushen: …

He glanced at Li Wuting next to him, who had hit the mark. The latter’s face was dark, and his gaze fell coldly on the letter.

Ning Rushen silently handed over the letter.

He thought to himself, Prince Xuan, don’t blame me. It’s your own fault for being so unlucky. The first time you sneakily tried something, you were caught by His Majesty?

Li Wuting took the letter, smirked after a moment:

“De Quan, fetch a pen.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” De Quan turned and fetched a pen from the carriage, dipped it in ink, and respectfully handed it over.

Li Wuting turned the letter over, and with a pen, he wrote two words: hehe

After writing, he rolled up the letter, put it back in the tube, and released the pigeon.

With a flutter, the fat pigeon escaped from the pot.

Ning Rushen looked in the direction where the pigeon flew for a long time. Li Wuting’s voice came from beside him, “What, reluctant?”

“No, I’m just lamenting… Prince Xuan probably didn’t expect that the letter sent to my mansion would be replied by His Majesty.”

Li Wuting suddenly fell silent.

The letter sent to the Ning Mansion was replied by him.

Thinking of Prince Xuan’s reaction after receiving the letter, Li Wuting pinched his temples, and his headache returned.

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